71278 | 6/12/2013 |
Notice of Decision
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | CEC/ C. Hoffman |
61425 | 5/13/2011 |
Intervener Rajesh Dighe Additional Comments to the PMPD
6 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Intervener/ R. Dighe |
61413 | 5/17/2011 |
Intervener Rob Simpson's Comments on Errata to the Presiding Members Proposed Decision
4 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Intervener/ Rob Simpson |
61359 | 7/13/2011 |
Order Denying Petitions for Reconsideration of Adoption of Commission Order No. 11-0518-6
7 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ R. Weisenmiller |
61350 | 7/11/2011 |
Proposed Order Denying Petition for Reconsideration of Adoption of Commission Order number 11-0518-16
9 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ Commisioners |
61301 | 7/6/2011 |
Applicant’s Comments to the Petitions for Reconsideration by Intervenor Rob Simpson and Intervenor Robert Sarvey
16 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets Unit | Ellison, Schneider & Harris LLP/K.Mitchell |
61211 | 6/17/2011 |
Intervenor Rob Simpson Petitions for Reconsideration
13 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets Unit | Intervenor Rob Simpson |
61206 | 6/24/2011 |
Notice and Order regarding Petitions for Reconsideration
6 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ R. Weisenmiller |
61188 | 6/17/2011 |
Intervenor R. Sarvey Petition for Reconsideration
14 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Intervenor/ R. Sarvey |
60758 | 5/23/2011 |
MEP Final Commission Decision
599 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets Unit | CEC/M.Read |
60757 | 5/23/2011 |
Notice of Availability of the Final Commission Decision on the MEP
3 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets Unit | CEC/Maggie Read |
60688 | 5/19/2011 |
United States Dept of Interior Biological Opinion
66 page(s)
| | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers | United States Dept of Interior |
60668 | 5/18/2011 |
Notice of Decision in Compliance
5 page(s)
| | California Resources Agency | CEC/ M. Jones |
60628 | 5/13/2011 |
Mountain House Community D.Jess, Mr.&Mrs.D.Little Public Comments Regarding PMEP
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets Unit | D.Jess, Mr.&Mrs.D.Little |
60627 | 5/13/2011 |
Mountain House Community D.Kuhn, J.Peterson & J.Uznay Public Comments Regarding PMEP
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets Unit | Mountain House Community/ D.Kuhn, J.Peterson & J.Uznay |
60626 | 5/13/2011 |
Intervenor Robert Sarvey's PMPD Comments
6 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets Unit | Intervenor Robert Sarvey |
60623 | 5/13/2011 |
Applicant's Supplemental Comments on the Presiding Members Proposed Decision
7 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Ellison Shneider & Harris L.L.P. |
60621 | 5/11/2011 |
Newly Revised Proof of Service
2 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ M. Read |
60561 | 5/9/2011 |
Kishor Bhatt Mountain Hous Residents Comments regarding MEP
2 page(s)
| | CEC/ C. Hoffman | Comcast/ K. Bhatt |
60535 | 5/5/2011 |
Applicant's Motion to Correct Evidentiary Hearing Transcripts
7 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket UNit | Elison Shneider & Harris LLP/ G. Wheatland |
60534 | 5/5/2011 |
Applicant's Response to Comments Submitted on the PMPD
7 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Elison Shneider & Harris LLP |
60519 | 5/5/2011 |
Comments from Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association
2 page(s)
| | Contra Costa Airport Land Use Commission | AOPA/ R. Schmidt |
60518 | 5/5/2011 |
Public Comments form Linda Zhou
1 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Public/ Linda Zhoyu |
60516 | 5/3/2011 |
Draft Errata to the Presiding Member's Proposed Decision
31 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ K. Douglas |
60498 | 5/3/2011 |
Mountain House Community Resident Comments Regarding MEP
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets Unit | Public/ Klemm Real Estate Inc/E.Kan |
60497 | 4/29/2011 |
Declaration of Intervenor Rob Simpson
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets Unit | Attorney for Intervernor Rob Simpson |
60496 | 4/28/2011 |
Intervener Rajesh Dighe PMPD Comments
10 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets Unit | Intervenor/ R.Dighe |
60495 | 4/28/2011 |
Intervenor Robert Sarvey's PMPD Comments
26 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets Unit | Intervenor Robert Sarvey |
60494 | 4/28/2011 |
Intervenor's Comments on Presiding Member's Proposed Decision
4 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets Unit | Attorney for Rob Simpson/A.Sommer |
60468 | 5/2/2011 |
Public Comments from Tony Zhou re Committee Conference
2 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Public/ Tony Zhou |
60456 | 4/27/2011 |
CEC Staff's Comments on the Presiding Mmeber's Proposed Decision
22 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ R. Moyer |
60446 | 5/1/2011 |
Mountain House Community Residents Comments Regarding MEP
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets Unit | Public |
60443 | 5/1/2011 |
Mountain House Community Resident Samat Family Comments Regarding MEP
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets Unit | Public/Samat |
60440 | 4/29/2011 |
Mountain House Resident Hui Chen Comments Regarding MEP
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets Unit | Public/H.Chen |
60439 | 4/29/2011 |
Mountain House Community Resident Wentao Li Comments Regarding MEP
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets Unit | Public/ W.Li |
60431 | 4/28/2011 |
Applicant's Comments on the Presiding Member's Proposed Decision for the Mariposa Energy Project
11 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets Unit | Ellison,Schneider & Harris LLP/ G.Wheatland |
60421 | 4/27/2011 |
Public Comments from Simon Wu on PMPD
1 page(s)
| | CEC/ C. Hoffman | Public/ Simon Wu |
60376 | 4/26/2011 |
Public Coments from Justin Denison regarding MEP PMPD
1 page(s)
| | CEC/ C. Hofman | Public/ J. Denison |
60375 | 4/26/2011 |
Public Comments from Amber Ziegler regarding MEP PMPD
1 page(s)
| | CEC/ C. Hoffman | Public/ A. Ziegler |
60374 | 4/26/2011 |
Public Comments from Prashanth Srivastava regarding MEP PMPD
1 page(s)
| | CEC/ C. Hoffman | Public/ P. Srivastava |
60373 | 4/26/2011 |
Public Commetns from Sarah and Mark regarding MEP PMPD
1 page(s)
| | CEC/ C. Hoffman | Public/ Sara and Mark (Members of Mountain House) |
60372 | 4/26/2011 |
Public Comments from Aaron Basilius regarding MEP PMPD
1 page(s)
| | CEC/ C. Hoffman | Public/ A. Basilius |
60270 | 4/15/2011 |
Applicant’s Opposition to Petition for Reconsideration by Intervenor Rob Simpson
14 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets Unit | Ellison,Schneider & Harris LLP/G.Wheatland, J.Harris, S.Pottenger |
60261 | 4/14/2011 |
Notice of Availability of PMPD Committee Conference and Notice of Full Commission Hearing
8 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets Unit | CEC/K.Douglas |
60259 | 4/8/2011 |
Intervener Rob Simpson's Notice of Substitution of Council
2 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Intervenor Rob Simpson |
60258 | 4/8/2011 |
Intervener Rob Simpson's Petition for Reconsideration of CEC's Committee Order
12 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Intervener Rob Simpson |
60256 | 4/6/2011 |
CALPILOTS Rebuttal Brief
10 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Intervenor/ CALPILOTS |
60255 | 4/6/2011 |
Intervenor Robert Sarvey's Reply Brief
21 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Intervenor/ Robert Sarvey |
60254 | 4/6/2011 |
Intervenor Rob Simpson's Reply Brief
3 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Intervenor/ Rob Simpson |
60253 | 4/13/2011 |
Presiding Member's Proposed Decision
586 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ Commissioners |
60229 | 4/6/2011 |
Reply Brief of Sierra Club California
10 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Intervenor/ Sierra Club California |
60224 | 4/6/2011 |
CEC Staff's Reply Brief
22 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ K. Willis |
60219 | 4/6/2011 |
Applicant's Reply Brief of Mariposa Energy Project
27 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets Unit | Ellison,Schneider & Harris LLP/G.Wheatland, K.Mitchell |
60215 | 3/30/2011 |
Intervenor Jass Singh Opening Brief
30 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Intervenor/ Jass Singh |
60214 | 3/30/2011 |
Intervenor Rob Simpson Opening Brief
13 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets Unit | Intervenor/ Rob Simpson |
60213 | 3/25/2011 |
Intervenor Robert Sarvey's Opening Brief
22 page(s)
| | CEC/ Dokcet Unit | Intervenor/ Robert Sarvey |
60204 | 3/24/2011 |
Intervenor Mountain House Community Service District Openign Brief
21 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Intervenor/ Mountain House |
60195 | 3/28/2011 |
Rajesh Dighe Opening Brief
48 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Intervenor/ R. Dighe |
60188 | 3/25/2011 |
Opening Brief of Sierra Club California
23 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Intervenor/Sierra Club |
60187 | 3/30/2011 |
CALPILOTS Opening Evidentiary Brief
10 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Intervenor/ CALPILOTS |
60170 | 3/30/2011 |
Applicant's Opening Brief of Mariposa Energy Project
28 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Applicant |
60164 | 3/30/2011 |
CEC Staff's Opening Brief
11 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ K. Willis |
60154 | 3/29/2011 |
Ruling of Motion to Subpoena PG&E
7 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ K. Douglas |
60085 | 3/22/2011 |
Letter Regarding Applicant’s Exhibit 69 Along with a Certified Copy of the Exhibit
10 page(s)
| | CEC/K.Celli | Ellison,Schneider& Harris LLP/ G.Wheatland |
60040 | 3/18/2011 |
All Parties Letter regarding Newly Revised Proof of Service List
4 page(s)
| | All Parties | CEC/ M. Read |
59966 | 3/10/2011 |
Intervener Robert SQarvey's Exhibit 406 BAAQMD Study
108 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Intervener/ Robert Sarvey |
59961 | 3/8/2011 |
FAA Determination of No Hazard Extensions, Exhibit 73
63 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CH2MHILL/ C. Hoffman |
59920 | 2/23/2011 |
Motion Rajesh Dighe Comentson February 16th Workshop Effects of MEP Air Pollutants on Open Water
5 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Intervenor R. Dighe |
59918 | 2/23/2011 |
Motion Rajesh Dighe Comentson February 16th Workshop Environmental Justice
3 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Intervenor/ R. Dighe |
59911 | 3/4/2011 |
MEP Letter from Alameda County Fire Department
2 page(s)
| | CEC/ C. Hoffman | Alameda County Fire Department |
59891 | 3/7/2011 |
Email from K. Celli to Nolan Baker
1 page(s)
| | K. Celli | N. Baker |
59889 | 3/4/2011 |
Intervenor R Dighe Motion to Conduct Social Economics Hearig in Mountain House
3 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Intervenor / R. Dighe |
59888 | 3/1/2011 |
Intervenor R. Dighe Motion Joint Motion to have Socioeconomics Evidentiary Hearing on Mountain House CA
7 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Intervenor/ R. Dighe |
59857 | 2/28/2011 |
Public Comments fromR. Scmidt regarding Construction of MEP
3 page(s)
| | CEC/ Public Advisor | Public/ R. Schmidt |
59856 | 2/28/2011 |
Public Comments from C. Bennie regarding Construction of MEP
1 page(s)
| | CEC/ Public Adviosr | Public/ C. Bennie |
59855 | 2/28/2011 |
Public Comments from W. Ernst regarding Construction of MEP
1 page(s)
| | CEC/ Public Advisor | Public. W. Ernst |
59854 | 2/28/2011 |
Public Comments from C. Alexander regarding Construction of MEP
1 page(s)
| | CEC/ Public Advisor | Public/ C. Alexander |
59836 | 2/28/2011 |
Alamdea County Statement regarding Compatibility with LORS
4 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ M. Read |
59774 | 2/9/2011 |
Intervenor Rob Simpson's Response to the Applicant's January 25th Motion to Strike
4 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Intervenor/Rob Simpson |
59773 | 2/10/2011 |
Intervenor Rob Simpson's Motion to Change Venue and Adopt Sustainable Practices in Siting Proceedings
2 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Intervenor/ Rob Simpson |
59772 | 2/14/2011 |
Intervenor Robert Sarvey's Rebuttal Testimony to David Vidaver Alternatives Exhibit 415
11 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Intervenor/ R. Sarvey |
59771 | 2/24/2011 |
Intervenor Robert Sarvey's Brief on CEC Jurisdiction over Line 002
8 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Intervenor/ R. Sarvey |
59749 | 2/17/2011 |
Office of Gray Davis Planning and Research Environmental Justice in California State Government
79 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ K. Ford |
59747 | 2/18/2011 |
Applicant's Brief on Natural Gas Pipeline Jurisdiction
14 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Ellison Shneider & Harris LLP/ G. Wheatland |
59744 | 2/18/2011 |
Notice of Evidentiary Hearings and Evidentiary Hearing Order
35 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ M. Read |
59731 | 2/18/2011 |
Staff's Response to Committee's Request for More Information on PG&E Gas Pipeline, Staff Workshop
20 page(s)
| | CEC/ Dockets Unit | CEC/ K.Willis |
59723 | 2/17/2011 |
Committee Order Responding to Intervenor Dighe's Motion to Have Alameda County Representative at Evidentiary Hearing
4 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | CEC/K.Douglas |
59705 | 2/9/2011 |
Response to the Applicants January 25th Motion to Strike
13 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Sarvey's Shoes/R.Sarvey |
59699 | 2/14/2011 |
Applicant's Rebuttal Testimony on Aviation and Hazardous Materials Handling
29 page(s)
| | CEC/ C.Hoffman | CH2M Hill/ D.Urry |
59669 | 2/11/2011 |
Email from C. Hoffman to A. Wilson MEP HAZ 8 Gas Blow Prohibition
2 page(s)
| | A. Wilson | CEC/ C. Hoffman |
59668 | 2/11/2011 |
Intervenor Rajesh Dighe Motion to have Alameda County Represntative During Evidentiary Hearing
6 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Intervenor/ Rajesh Dighe |
59665 | 2/8/2011 |
Sierra Club's Response to the Applicants January 25th Motion to Strike
5 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Intervenor/ Sierra Club California |
59653 | 2/2/2011 |
Intervener Robert Sarvey's Response to Applicant's January 25th Motion to Strike
14 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Intervener/ R. Sarvey |
59650 | 2/7/2011 |
Mountain House Community Service District Audit Report
58 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket unit | Intervenor/ Mountain House Community Service District |
59648 | 2/10/2011 |
Workshop Notice
6 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ C. Hoffman |
59640 | 2/8/2011 |
Order Authorizing Shortened Notice of Staff Workshop
3 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ K. Douglas |
59635 | 2/8/2011 |
Pre Chart for Mariposa Hearings
3 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ M. Read |
59627 | 2/8/2011 |
Mariposa Needs Discussion
5 page(s)
| | CEC/ Dokcet Unit | CEC/ C. Hoffman |
59576 | 1/25/2011 |
Mountain House Communitys Services District Pre-Hearing Conference Statement
4 page(s)
| | CEC/ Dokcet Unit | Intervenor/ Mountain House |
59569 | 1/25/2011 |
Applicant's Pre hearing Conference Statement
60 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Applicant |
59568 | 1/25/2011 |
Jass Singh's Pre Hearing Conference Statement
10 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Intervenor/ Jass Singh |
59567 | 1/25/2011 |
Rob Simpson's Prehearing Conference Statement
3 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Intervenor/ R. Simpson |
59566 | 1/21/2011 |
Intervener Robert Sarvey's Exhibit 404 Alameda County MEP Cooperation Agreement
18 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Intervenor/ R. Sarvey |
59565 | 1/21/2011 |
Robert Sarvey's Exhibit 410 Compensation award in A. 09-09-021
17 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Intervenor/ Robert Sarvey |
59564 | 1/21/2011 |
Robert Sarvey's Exhibit 414 East County Area Plan
137 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket unit | Intervenor/ R. Sarvey |
59563 | 1/21/2011 |
Jass Singh's Rebuttal Testimony Environmental Justice for Racial Minorities
5 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Intervenor/ J. Singh |
59561 | 1/21/2011 |
Rob Simpson Rebuttal Testimony Exhibit 1000
3 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Intervenor/ Rob Simpson |
59560 | 1/21/2011 |
Robert Sarvey's Exhibit 411 Mulqeeney Ranch Pump Storage FERC Application
25 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket unit | Intervenor/ R. Sarvey |
59559 | 1/21/2011 |
Robert Sarvey's Exhbit 412 PSD Increment Consumption analysis
7 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Intervenor/ R. Sarvey |
59558 | 1/21/2011 |
Intervener Robert Sarvey Rebuttal Hazardous Material Exhibit 413
4 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Intervenor/ R. Sarvey |
59557 | 1/21/2011 |
Intervener Robert Sarvey Rebuttal Testimony Alternatives Exhibit 408
5 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket unit | Intervenor/ R. Sarvey |
59556 | 1/21/2011 |
Intervener Robert Sarvey Rebuttal Testimony Air Quality Exhibit 403
9 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Intervener Robert Sarvey |
59555 | 1/21/2011 |
Intervener Robert Sarvey's Rebuttal Testimony Worker Safety and Fire Protection Exhibit 407
12 page(s)
| | CEC/ Dokcet Unit | Intervener/ R. Sarvey |
59554 | 1/21/2011 |
Intervener Robert Sarvey's Rebuttal Testimony Hazardous Materials Exhibit 405
5 page(s)
| | CEC/ Dokcet unit | Intervener/ R. Sarvey |
59553 | 1/28/2011 |
Revised Notice of Prehearing Conference and Evidentiary Hearing and Order
10 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ J. Boyd |
59545 | 1/25/2011 |
Sierra Club California's Prehearing Conference Statement
5 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Intervenor CALPILOTS/ A. Carlton |
59543 | 1/25/2011 |
Prehearing Conference Statement from Intervenor R. Dighe
43 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Intervenor/ R. Dighe |
59541 | 1/25/2011 |
CALPILOTS Prehearing Conference Statement
10 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Intervenor CALPILOTS/ A. Wilson III |
59539 | 1/21/2011 |
A. Wilson for CALPILOTS Rebuttal Testimony
9 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Intervenor CALPILOTS/ A. Wilson III |
59523 | 1/25/2011 |
Staff's Prehearing Conference Statement
8 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ K. Willis |
59518 | 1/21/2011 |
Applicant’s Rebuttal Testimony
32 page(s)
| | CEC/ C. Hoffman | Ellison Shneider & Harris LLP |
59513 | 1/21/2011 |
Intervener Edward Mainland's Rebuttal Testimony on Need for Project, Non Project Alternative Exhibit 900
12 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Intervenor/ Edward Mainland |
59512 | 1/21/2011 |
Exhibit 901 Rebuttal Testimony of Dick Shneider
3 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Intervenor/ Sierra Club California |
59511 | 1/20/2011 |
Amended Declaration of Alan Carlton
3 page(s)
| | CEC/ Dockets Unit | Intervenor/ Alan Carlton |
59506 | 1/20/2011 |
Committee Order Granting Petition to Interven and Further Order
4 page(s)
| | CEC/ Dokcet Unit | CEC/ J. Byron |
59499 | 1/20/2011 |
Status Report #14
4 page(s)
| | CEC/ J. Byron | CEC/ C. Hoffman |
59479 | 1/13/2011 |
Email Addressing Mr. Sing's Document Request
6 page(s)
| | CEC/ C. Hoffman | J. Harris |
59464 | 1/7/2011 |
Petition for Intervention of the Sierra Club California
3 page(s)
| | CEC/ Dokcet Unit | Intervenor/ Sierra Club |
59453 | 1/7/2011 |
Petition for Intervention of Rob Simpson
2 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Intervener/ Rob Simpson |
59451 | 1/7/2011 |
CALPILOTS Opening Testimony Traffic and Transportation-Aviation
20 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Intervenor/ CALPILOTS |
59450 | 1/7/2011 |
Rajesh Dighe Opening Testimony
10 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Intervenor/ Rajesh Dighe |
59449 | 1/7/2011 |
Robert Sarvey's Opening Testimony Socioeconomics
9 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Intervenor/ Robert Sarvey |
59448 | 1/7/2011 |
Dick Shneider's Opening Testimony Land Use Sponsored by Robert Sarvey
13 page(s)
| | CEC/ Dokcet Unit | Intervenor/ Robert Sarvey/ Dick Shneider |
59446 | 1/6/2011 |
Mariposa Energy Project Questions from Sasha Gundimeda
2 page(s)
| | Sashi Gundimeda | Intervenor/ Rajesh Dighe |
59437 | 12/21/2010 |
Mountain House Community Service District Comments on Staff Assessment and Supplemental Staff Assessment
5 page(s)
| | CEC/ Dokcet Unit | Intervenor/ Mountain House M. Groover |
59435 | 1/7/2011 |
Mountain House email regarding Home Price Bust and Difficult Recovery Path Predicted till year 2030- Jan 6 2011 CBS 13 Eye Witness VIdeo
3 page(s)
| | CEC/ C. Hoffman | Intervenor/ R. Dighe |
59422 | 1/5/2011 |
Public Works san Joaquin County Comments on the Supplemental Staff Assessment
1 page(s)
| | CEC/R. Johnson | Public Works San Joaquin County |
59360 | 12/28/2010 |
Status Report #3
3 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ C. Hoffman |
59355 | 12/27/2010 |
Notice of Prehearing Conference and Evidentiary Hearing and Order.
11 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | CEC/M. Read |
59354 | 12/27/2010 |
Committee Order Granting Pettition to Intervene and Further Order
4 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | CEC/M. Read |
59353 | 12/27/2010 |
Order Granting Intervenors CalPilots and Rajesh Dighe's Petition for Minor Modifications to Project Schedule
4 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | CEC/M. Read |
59326 | 12/21/2010 |
Applicant's Response to the Motion of Rajesh Dighe to Revise the Committee Schedule
6 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Ellison Shneider & Harris LLP |
59313 | 12/20/2010 |
Applicant's Testimony
321 page(s)
| | CEC/ C/ Hoffman | CH2MHILL/ D. Davy |
59299 | 12/20/2010 |
Motion to Revise Committee Schedule Dated October 29, 2010
3 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Intervenor/ CALPILOTS/ A. Wilson |
59298 | 12/20/2010 |
Applicant's Responce to the Motion of CALPILOTS to Revise the Committee Schedule
6 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Applicant |
59297 | 12/20/2010 |
Petition to Intervene by Jass Singh
2 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Intervenor/ Jass Singh |
59285 | 12/20/2010 |
Staff's Response to Calpilots Motion to Revise Committee Schedule
3 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | ERCDC |
59273 | 12/17/2010 |
Committee Order Denying Motion for Staff to Conduct a Second Workshop for Mountain House
3 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ J. Byron |
59269 | 12/17/2010 |
Notice of Availability
7 page(s)
| | Members of the Public | CEC/ R. Johnson |
59268 | 12/17/2010 |
Agency Letter
5 page(s)
| | Agency Distribution List | CEC/ R. Johnson |
59267 | 12/17/2010 |
Library Letter
7 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ R. Johnson |
59256 | 12/16/2010 |
Supplemental Staff Assessment
695 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ C. Hoffman |
59239 | 12/15/2010 |
Updated MEP Biological Assessment Project Description and Conservation Measures and California Tiger Salamander and California Red Legged Frog
36 page(s)
| | FWS/ K. Squires | CH2MHILL/ Doug Urry |
59223 | 12/9/2010 |
Comments from CALPILOTS regarding Comments to Staff Assessmrnt November, 2010
16 page(s)
| | CEC/ C. Hoffman | Intervenor/CALPILOTS/ A. Wilson |
59222 | 12/7/2010 |
Responses to Staff Assessment Workshop Request for Data
13 page(s)
| | CEC/ C. Hoffman | CH2MHILL |
59214 | 12/13/2010 |
Motion Committee Request fro Staff to Conduct 2nd Public Workshop for Mountain Power House by Rajesh Dighe
3 page(s)
| | CEC/ C. Hoffman | Intervenor/ Rajesh Dighe |
59213 | 12/9/2010 |
Intervenor Robert Sarvey Comments on the Staff Assessment
11 page(s)
| | CEC/ Commissioners | Intervenor/ Robert Sarvey |
59210 | 12/8/2010 |
Douglas and Sylvia Little Comments on Mariposa Staff Assessment
2 page(s)
| | CEC/ C. Hoffman | Public/ Douglas and Sylvia Little |
59206 | 12/9/2010 |
Response Letter from Chris Bazzar regarding the East County Area Plan
2 page(s)
| | CEC/ C. Hoffman | Public/ Robert Anderson |
59205 | 12/9/2010 |
Jass Singh Comments on Mariposa Staff Assessment
22 page(s)
| | CEC/ C. Hoffman | Public/J. Singh |
59204 | 12/8/2010 |
Joan Jess Comments on Marposa Staff Assessment
2 page(s)
| | CEC/C. Hoffman | Public/ Joan Jess |
59200 | 12/13/2010 |
Committee Order Denying Motion to Adopt the Committees October 2010 Schedule
4 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | CEC/J.Byron |
59195 | 12/13/2010 |
MEP Comment from Dolores Kohn
1 page(s)
| | CEC/C. Hoffman | PUBLIC/D. Kuhn |
59187 | 12/7/2010 |
2009 Mountain House Community Survey Analytic Summary
16 page(s)
| | CEC/ Dokcet Unit | Mountain House Community Services District/ P. Sensibaugh |
59184 | 12/7/2010 |
Bruce Jensen email about Mitigation and Wetlands
3 page(s)
| | CEC/ S. Keeler | CDA/ B. Jensen |
59183 | 12/7/2010 |
K. Hinojosa Comments about Biological Mitigation
2 page(s)
| | CEC/ S. Keeler | Contra Costa County Dept of Conservation and Development/ K. Hinojosa |
59181 | 12/7/2010 |
J. Coltrane email regarding Bird Attraction to Thermal Planes in Alaska
1 page(s)
| | CEC/ S. Keeler | J. Coltrane |
59180 | 12/7/2010 |
Email from Heather Beeler regarding Golden Eagle Nests
2 page(s)
| | CEC/ S. Keeler | U Fish and Wildlife Service/ Heather Beeley |
59179 | 12/7/2010 |
Report of Conversation Between Marcia Grefsrud and S. Keeler
1 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ C. Hofman |
59178 | 12/7/2010 |
Public Comments from Kishor Bhatt regarding MEP Staff Assessment
2 page(s)
| | CEC/ C. Hoffman | Public/ K.Bhatt |
59177 | 12/7/2010 |
Report of Conversation between Marcia Grefsrud and Sara Keeler regarding Costs for Land Acquisition, enhancement and a lon term management endowment
1 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ C. Hoffman |
59176 | 12/7/2010 |
Report of Conversation between Martia Grefsrud and Sara Keelerregarding Applicability of the ECCCHCP/ NCCP for Mitigation
1 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ C. Hoffman |
59175 | 12/7/2010 |
Marcia Grefsrud email on 1602 Application for burrowing owls
3 page(s)
| | CEC/S. Keeler | Marcia Grefsrud |
59174 | 12/6/2010 |
Public Comments from Jon Rubin on the Mariposa Staff Assessment
1 page(s)
| | CEC /C. Hoffman | Public/ Jon Rubin |
59166 | 12/3/2010 |
Robert Sarvey Status Report #2
4 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Intervener/ Robert Sarvey |
59156 | 12/6/2010 |
Darlene Roehl Comments regarding Mariposa Energy Project
1 page(s)
| | CEC/ C.Hoffman | Public/ D. Roehl |
59144 | 12/6/2010 |
Status Report #12
4 page(s)
| | CEC/ J. Byron | CEC/ C. Hoffman |
59131 | 12/3/2010 |
Mariposa Energy Project Corporate Guarantee Example BIO-16
3 page(s)
| | CEC/ C. Hoffman | CH2MHILL/ D. Urry |
59130 | 12/6/2010 |
Comments by Rajesh Dighe on the Mariposa Energy Staff Assessment
6 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Intervenor/ Rajesh Dighe |
59119 | 12/2/2010 |
Project Description Update for Proposed Water Supply & Natural Gas Pipeline
2 page(s)
| | CEC/ C. Hoffman | CH2MHILL/ D. Urry |
59116 | 12/2/2010 |
Applicants Response to the Joint Motion or Robert Savey, Rajesh Dighe and Calpilots
10 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Ellison, Schneider & Harris/ K. Mitchell |
59114 | 12/2/2010 |
Status Report #5
4 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | APPLICANT/ K.Mitchell |
59108 | 12/1/2010 |
Robert Sarvey Status Report #2
4 page(s)
| | CEC/J. Byron | Intervenor/ R.Sarvey |
59096 | 11/30/2010 |
Additional Cumulative Air Quality Impact Assessment Dispersion Modeling Files
2 page(s)
| | CEC/ C. Hoffman | CH2MHILL/ D. Urry |
59093 | 11/30/2010 |
Golden Eagle Discussion with Fish and Wildlife Service and Survey Exhibit
4 page(s)
| | CEC | CH2MHILL/ D. Urry |
59088 | 11/24/2010 |
MEP Burrowing Owl Survey Report
30 page(s)
| | Department of Fish and Game/ M. Grefsrud | CH2MHILL |
59083 | 11/24/2010 |
Applicant's Comments on the CEC Staff Assessment
26 page(s)
| | CEC/ C. Hoffman | CH2MHILL/ D. Urry |
59081 | 11/30/2010 |
Bay Area Air Quality Management District Final Determination of Compliance
259 page(s)
| | CEC/ C. Hoffman | Bay Area Air Quality Management District |
59077 | 11/29/2010 |
BBID Comments of MEP Soils and Water Resources Staff Assessment Section
27 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ C. Hoffman |
59076 | 11/30/2010 |
Status Report #11
4 page(s)
| | CEC/J. Byron | CEC/ C. Hoffman |
59070 | 11/22/2010 |
Motion to adopt the Siting Committee’s October 12, 2010 schedule for the Mariposa Power Project
4 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Interveners/ B. Sarvey/ R. Dighe/ CALPILOTS |
59069 | 11/28/2010 |
Byron Bethany Irrigation District's Comments on Mariposa Staff Assessment
2 page(s)
| | CEC/ C. Hoffman | Byron Bethany Irrigation District |
59058 | 11/24/2010 |
NOA Staff Assessment Executive Summary
14 page(s)
| | CEC / Docket Unit | CEC / T. O'Brien |
59044 | 11/22/2010 |
Social Economic Effects of Mariposa Power Plant on Mountain House Community by Rajesh Dighe
7 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Intervenor/ Rajesh Dighe |
59013 | 1/16/2010 |
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Preliminary Determination
3 page(s)
| | US Army/ Diamond Generating Corporation | California Delta Branch |
58988 | 11/10/2010 |
Report of Copnversation wioth Andrea Koch and Bruce Jensen
1 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ C. Hoffman |
58986 | 11/8/2010 |
Applicant's Response to Public Comments Received on Mariposa PDC
8 page(s)
| | Bay Area Quality Engineer/B. Cabral | CH2M/J. Salamy |
58983 | 11/10/2010 |
Notice of Availability & Notice of Public Workshop
9 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ T. O'Brien |
58982 | 11/10/2010 |
Library Letter
9 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ T. O'Brien |
58981 | 11/10/2010 |
Agency Letter
7 page(s)
| | Agency Distribution List | CEC/ T. O'Brien |
58976 | 11/8/2010 |
Staff Assessment
802 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ C. Hoffman |
58974 | 11/4/2010 |
Committee Order Adopting Filing & Electronic Documents Directives
4 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | CEC/M. Read |
58925 | 11/1/2010 |
Robert Sarvey Status Report
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Intervenor/R. Sarvey |
58924 | 11/1/2010 |
Mariposa Energy Project Status Report #4
4 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Ellison, Schneider & Harris LLP/G. Wheatland |
58920 | 11/1/2010 |
Transition Cluster Phase II Interconnection Study Report - Greater Bay Area
455 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Cal ISO |
58910 | 11/1/2010 |
Status Report #10
3 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ C. Hoffman |
58909 | 10/29/2010 |
REVISED Committee Scheduling Order
7 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | CEC/M. Read |
58876 | 10/27/2010 |
Letter Regarding Stand on Mariposa Power Plant
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Candidate, CA Assembly District 15/A. Wilson |
58850 | 10/25/2010 |
Applicant's Response to Public Comments Received on Preliminary Determination of Compliance
19 page(s)
| | Bay Area Air Quality Mgmt. District/B. Cabral | CH2M Hill/J. Salamy |
58818 | 10/20/2010 |
Committee Order Granting Petition to Intervene
4 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ J. Byron |
58796 | 10/14/2010 |
Amendment to Petition to Intervene dated October 4, 2010 wit Ed Rosiak Declaration
5 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | The Airport Defenders |
58790 | 10/15/2010 |
Contra Costa County ALUC Letter Regarding the Mariposa Project with Minutes & Supporting Information
32 page(s)
| | CEC/C. Hoffman | Contra Costa County/ D. Durant |
58762 | 10/13/2010 |
Mariposa Support Letter from Assembly Member Joan Buchanan
1 page(s)
| | CEC/J. Byron | CA Legislature/J. Buchanan |
58761 | 10/13/2010 |
Committee Scheduling Order
6 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | CEC/M. Read |
58754 | 10/12/2010 |
Contra Costa County Comment Letter on Proposed Mariposa Energy Plant
2 page(s)
| | CEC/C. Hoffman | Contra Costa County/J. Gioia |
58736 | 10/7/2010 |
Energy Supply and Demand Outlook from Robert Sarvey
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | CEC/C. Hoffman |
58732 | 10/7/2010 |
The Effect of Power Plants on Local Housing Values & Rents
32 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | CEC/C. Hoffman |
58731 | 10/7/2010 |
Mariposa Follow-Up Comments from Contra Costa County
2 page(s)
| | CEC/C. Hoffman | Contra Costa County/J. Gioia |
58722 | 10/4/2010 |
CA Pilots Association Petition to Intervene
4 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Pilots Association/A. Wilson |
58718 | 10/6/2010 |
Letter Regarding Clarification of Water Supply with BBID
2 page(s)
| | CEC/C. Hoffman | Byron Bethany Irrigation District/R. Gilmore |
58674 | 9/28/2010 |
Applicant's Preliminary Determination of Compliance
7 page(s)
| | Bay Area AQMD/ B. Cabral | CH2M Hill/ M. Finn |
58668 | 9/29/2010 |
Comment Letter REgarding the Preliminary Determination of Compliance
4 page(s)
| | BAAQMD/ B. Cabral | CEC/ M. Layton |
58638 | 9/28/2010 |
Potential Bird Avoidance or Attraction to Exhaust Stacks and Thermal Plumes
7 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CH2MHILL |
58632 | 9/23/2010 |
Applicant's Issues Statement
16 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Ellison, Schneider & Harris LLP/G. Wheatland |
58615 | 9/27/2010 |
Public Hearing Request in Mountain House
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Public/C. Li |
58607 | 9/23/2010 |
Notice of Public Site Visit
5 page(s)
| | CEc/Docket Unit | CEC/R. Avalos |
58599 | 9/3/2010 |
Robert Sarvey Issue Statement
5 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Intervenor/R. Sarvey |
58582 | 9/22/2010 |
Alameda County Letter - MEP Consistency with Alameda County General Plan
3 page(s)
| | CEC/C. Hoffman | Alameda County Community Development Agency/C. Bazar |
58578 | 9/22/2010 |
Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certification Application
513 page(s)
| | Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board/G. Vaughn | CH2M Hill/D. Urry |
58577 | 9/22/2010 |
Responses to Information Requests for Formal Consultation
25 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CH2MHILL/ D. Urry |
58576 | 9/22/2010 |
Email Regarding MEP Noise Levels - Distance to 60 dBA
1 page(s)
| | CEC/C. Hoffman | CH2M Hill/D. Urry |
58547 | 9/20/2010 |
Wetland Clarifications from Doug Urry
2 page(s)
| | CEC/C. Hoffman | CH2M Hill/D. Urry |
58446 | 9/14/2010 |
Biological Resources Mitigation Supplemental Information
58 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CH2MHILL/ D. Urry |
58442 | 9/13/2010 |
Notice of Mandatory Status Conference & Order
7 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | CEC/R. Avalos |
58410 | 9/13/2010 |
Record of Conversation between J. Leyva and R. Dighe
1 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | J. Leyva/ R. Dighe/ Mountain House |
58304 | 9/7/2010 |
Transition Cluster Phase 2 Interconnection Study Report
454 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CAISO |
58287 | 9/7/2010 |
Status Report #9
3 page(s)
| | CEC/ J. Byron/ R. Weisenmiller | CEC/ C. Hoffman |
58272 | 9/2/2010 |
Status Report #3 and Request for Scheduling Conference
4 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | ERCDC/ G. Wheatland |
58259 | 8/30/2010 |
Email from Tina Thao on PDOC Public Hearing
1 page(s)
| | BAAQMD/B. Cabral | Public/T. Thao |
58254 | 9/1/2010 |
Water Supply Pump House Footprint
1 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit/ L. Worrall | CH2M/ D. Urry |
58231 | 8/30/2010 |
Public Hearing Request from Mountain House Resident
1 page(s)
| | BAAQMD/B. Cabral | Public/K. Havener |
58204 | 8/25/2010 |
Email from S. Unnikrishnan regarding PDOC
1 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | S. Unnikrishnan |
58199 | 8/25/2010 |
Email from H. Dara regarding the Mariposa PDOC
1 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | H. Dara |
58129 | 8/23/2010 |
BBID Recycled Water Feasibility Study - Draft Dated July 2001
23 page(s)
| | CEC/Dcoket Unit | CEC/C. Hoffman |
58128 | 8/23/2010 |
BBID Recycled Water Policy - October 2001
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | CEC/C. Hoffman |
58077 | 8/18/2010 |
Preliminary Determination of Compliance
146 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | BAAQMD/ B. Cabral |
58022 | 8/12/2010 |
Report of Coversation with A. Koch and A. Young, Alameda County.
1 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Alameda County Planning Department/ A. Koch |
58012 | 8/11/2010 |
Record of Conversation Between Vince Geronimo & Robyn Navarra with Alameda Country Zone 7 Water Agency
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | CEC/C. Hoffman |
58011 | 8/11/2010 |
Record of Conversation Between Vince Geronimo & Chris Dundon, Contra Costa Water District
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | CEC/C. Hoffman |
57970 | 8/9/2010 |
Staff Queries Set 2 Responses to A. Koch E mail
54 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ S. Moore |
57944 | 8/10/2010 |
Aviation Issues from the CA Pilots Association
84 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | C. Ford |
57844 | 8/2/2010 |
Satus Report #8
3 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ C. Hoffman |
57789 | 7/26/2010 |
Reports of Danger of Plumes
7 page(s)
| | CEC/C. Hoffman | Cal Pilots Association/C. Ford |
57735 | 7/26/2010 |
Comments from C. Ford with CA Pilots Association on thermal plumes and safety issues.
7 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CA Pilots Assoc/ C. Ford |
57624 | 7/19/2010 |
ROC with A. Koch & A. Haya. MHCSD
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | CEC/C. Hoffman |
57544 | 7/12/2010 |
Questions from Andrea Koch on table 5.12.7 of the Mariposa AFC.
3 page(s)
| | CEC/ C. Hoffman | A. Kosh |
57464 | 7/6/2010 |
Alameda Co. 2002 Letter RE Tesla Power Plan Consistency with Alameda Co. General Plan & Williamson Act Contracts
5 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | CEC/L. Worrall |
57420 | 7/1/2010 |
Mariposa June 30, 2010 Data Response Workshop Agenda & Participant List
3 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | CEC/C. Hoffman |
57413 | 7/1/2010 |
Satus Report # 7
3 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ C. Hoffman |
57389 | 6/30/2010 |
Letter from R. Pietrorazio about the Airport Obstruction Standards Committee- Exhaust Plumes Initiative.
6 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Public/ R. Pietrorazio |
57353 | 6/25/2010 |
Applcant's Preliminary Opposition to Robert Sarvey's Appeal of the Committee's Denail oh his Late Filed Petition to Intervene
20 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Winston & Straup/ L. Cottle |
57301 | 6/24/2010 |
Report of Conversation with K. Denison Dept. of Conservation and Development regarding Clarification of Contra Costa County Zoning Side Yard Setback Requirements
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | CEC/ Lisa Worrall |
57300 | 6/24/2010 |
Report of Conversation with P. Roche Dept. of Conservation and Development regarding Clarification of Contra Costa County Zoning Setback Requirements
1 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ Lisa Worrall |
57282 | 6/22/2010 |
Alameda County 2002 Letter RE East Altamont Energy Center Consistency with Alameda County General Plan
6 page(s)
| | CEC/ B. Haussler | Alameda County Community Development Agency/A. Martinelli |
57232 | 6/18/2010 |
Applicant's Staff Queries Set 1
239 page(s)
| | CEC/C. Hoffman | CH2M Hill/D. Urry |
57216 | 6/18/2010 |
Clarification from B. Jensen on Maximum Building Intensity in the LPA Land Use Designation
2 page(s)
| | CEC/L. Worrall | Alameda County Planning Dept./B. Jensen |
57174 | 6/17/2010 |
Data Response Workshop Notice
6 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ T. O'Brien |
56998 | 6/7/2010 |
Record of Conversation with Andrea Koch and Doug Urry
2 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ C. Hoffman |
56888 | 5/28/2010 |
Status Report #6
3 page(s)
| | CEC/ J. Byron | CEC/ C. Hoffman |
56879 | 5/27/2010 |
Clarification from B. Jensen on potential agriculture mitigation.
3 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Public/ B. Jensen |
56876 | 5/27/2010 |
e-mail to B. Jensen on Land Use Clarification
1 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ L. Worrall |
56771 | 5/21/2010 |
Consistency with Alameda County General Plan and Williason Act Contracts.
4 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | ACCD/ Director/ C. Bazar |
56678 | 5/14/2010 |
Email from R. Sarvey to CEC
1 page(s)
| | CEC/K. Celli | Intervenor/R. Sarvey |
56677 | 5/13/2010 |
Mariposa Letter to Mountain House Community Services District
8 page(s)
| | CEC/C. Hoffman | Mariposa Energy/B. Buchynsky |
56639 | 5/12/2010 |
CH2M Hill's R. Sarvey Data Response Set 2, Response to 9-37 & 39-44
38 page(s)
| | CEC/C. Hoffman | CH2M Hill/D. Urry |
56588 | 5/7/2010 |
Response to Robert Sarvey's April 8, 2010
5 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | ES&HLLP/ G. Wheatland |
56578 | 5/4/2010 |
Motion to Compel Data Responses by Intervenor R. Sarvey
5 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Intervenor/B. Sarvey |
56561 | 5/3/2010 |
Status Report Number 2
4 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | CH2M Hill/D. Urry |
56543 | 5/4/2010 |
Applicant's R. Dighe Data Response Set 2, Responses to Dighe Data Requests 5 to 14
67 page(s)
| | CEC/C. Hoffman | CH2MHILL/D. Urry |
56506 | 4/30/2010 |
Tracy Chamber of Commerce's Stand on Mariposa Project
3 page(s)
| | Souza Realty/J. Gwerder | Tracy Chamber of Commerce/C. Wood |
56496 | 4/30/2010 |
Mariposa, Eileen Allen Notice
1 page(s)
| | CEC/C. Hoffman | ES Lawfirm/G. Wheatland |
56491 | 4/30/2010 |
Email from Greggory Wheatland to Rajesh Dighe Data Request Set 2 (5-14)
3 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Eslawfirm/ G. Wheatland |
56489 | 4/30/2010 |
Email from R. Dighe to B. Buchynsky re Data Request Set 2
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Rajesh Dighe |
56472 | 4/29/2010 |
ROC Between B. Jensen of Alameda County Planning Dept. & L. Worral re Projects Proposed in MEP Site Vicinity
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | CEC/L. Worral |
56454 | 4/29/2010 |
Status Report #5
3 page(s)
| | CEC/ J. Byron/ R. Weisenmiller | CEC/ C. Hoffman |
56441 | 4/28/2010 |
Letter from Contra Costa Planning Commission
4 page(s)
| | Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors/J. Gioia | Contra Costa County Planning Commisson/D, Snyder |
56415 | 4/27/2010 |
Biological Assessment Transmittal to USFWS from CH2M Hill
2 page(s)
| | US Fish & Wildlife Services/K. Squires | CH2M Hill/D. Urry |
56408 | 4/20/2010 |
Letter to US Fish & Wildlife Services re an Initiate Consultation
4 page(s)
| | US Fish & Wildlife Service/K. Squires | Dept. of the Army/M. Fugler |
56400 | 4/26/2010 |
Letter from Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors
2 page(s)
| | CEC/J. Byron | Contra Costa County/J. Gioia |
56322 | 4/20/2010 |
Notice of Opportunity to File Statements of Concern re Eileen Allen
7 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | CEC/M. Read |
56300 | 4/19/2010 |
Native American Consultation Letter, R. Cambra
1 page(s)
| | Muwekma Ohlone Indian Tribe of SF Bay Area/R. Cambra | CEC/E. Knight |
56299 | 4/19/2010 |
Native American Consultation Letter, Erolinda-Perez
1 page(s)
| | North Valley Yokuts-Perez/K. Erolinda-Perez | CEC/E. Knight |
56298 | 4/19/2010 |
Native American Consultation Letter, Feyling
1 page(s)
| | Amah/Mutsun Tribal Band/J. Feyling | CEC/E. Knight |
56297 | 4/19/2010 |
Native American Consultation Letter, Kehl
1 page(s)
| | Native American Heritage Commission/J. Kehl | CEC/E. Knight |
56296 | 4/19/2010 |
Native American Consultation Letter, Zwierlein
1 page(s)
| | Amah/Mutsun Tribal Ban/ I. Zwierlein | CEC/E. Knight |
56295 | 4/19/2010 |
Native American Consultation Letter, Sayers
1 page(s)
| | Indian Canyon Mutsun Band of Costanoan/A. M. Sayers | CEC/E. Knight |
56294 | 4/19/2010 |
Native American Consultation Letter, Galvan
1 page(s)
| | The Ohlone Indian Tribe/A. Galvan | CEC/E. Knight |
56293 | 4/19/2010 |
Native American Consultation Letter, Garibay
1 page(s)
| | Representative/R. Garibay | CEC/E. Knight |
56233 | 4/9/2010 |
Mariposa Energy, LLC Letter to CEC re MHCSD Resolution R-MMX-4 Opposing the Project
9 page(s)
| | CEC/J. Byron | Mariposa Energy. LLC/B. Buchynsky |
56213 | 4/12/2010 |
Applicant's Data Response Set 2A, Responses to CEC Staff, Data Requests 1 to 4
77 page(s)
| | CEC/C. Hoffman | CH2M/D. Urry |
56175 | 4/8/2010 |
Email from Bob Sarvey to Morgan Groover
1 page(s)
| | Morgan Groover | Bob Sarvey |
56174 | 4/8/2010 |
Mountain House Community Services District Resolution in Opposition
5 page(s)
| | CEC/C. Hoffman | Mountain House/M. Groover |
56125 | 3/31/2010 |
Applicant's Data Response Set 1D, Rsponses to CEC Staff & Data Request 56
157 page(s)
| | CEC/C. Hoffman | CH2M Hill/D. Urry |
56114 | 4/5/2010 |
Applicant's Objections to Robert Sarvey Data Request Set 2
5 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Ellison, Schneider & Harris/J. Harris |
56068 | 3/30/2010 |
Project Status # 4
4 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ C. Hoffman |
56066 | 3/30/2010 |
Cultural Resources - Geoarchaeological Assessment
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | CEC/S.Allred |
56009 | 3/22/2010 |
Additional Modeling Files Submitted to the BAQMD for Comparison
5 page(s)
| | CEC/C. Hoffman | CH2M Hill/D. Urry |
55980 | 3/18/2010 |
Email from R. Pietrorazio - Industrial Plume Effect on Avaiation
6 page(s)
| | CEC/ C. Hoffman | Public/ R. Pietrorazio |
55975 | 3/18/2010 |
Report of Conversation Regarding the Mariposa Energy Project and Compliance w/Contra Costa County
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | CEC/L.Worrall |
55960 | 3/17/2010 |
Intevenor's Request for Information in Data Request Set 2
10 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Intervenor/Robert Sarvey |
55885 | 3/11/2010 |
BAAQMD Letter to C. Hoffman with Update on Permit Application
1 page(s)
| | CEC/C. Hoffman | Bay Area Air Quality Management District/B. Young |
55798 | 3/8/2010 |
Rajesh Dighe Data Responses, Set 1, Responses to Data Requests 1 to 4
15 page(s)
| | CEC/C. Hoffman | CH2M Hill/D. Urry |
55797 | 3/8/2010 |
Applicant's Supplement B Additional Laydown Area Analysis
41 page(s)
| | CEC/C. Hoffman | CH2M Hill/D. Urry |
55780 | 3/8/2010 |
Email Questions for Byron Bethany Irrigation District
5 page(s)
| | Byron Bethany Irrigation District/R. Gilmore | CEC/L. Worrall |
55738 | 3/4/2010 |
CEC Data Request Set 2A
4 page(s)
| | Diamond Generation Corp/ B. Buchynsky | CEC/ C. Hoffman |
55737 | 3/4/2010 |
CEC Status Report #3
4 page(s)
| | CEC/ J. Byron | CEC/ C. Hoffman |
55729 | 3/2/2010 |
Letter from R. Dighe Requesting Information for Project's Data Request Set 2, Numbers 5 to 14
6 page(s)
| | Diamond Generating Corp./B. Buchynsky | Rajesh Dighe |
55701 | 3/1/2010 |
R. Dighe Comments on Byron Municipal Advisory Letter
1 page(s)
| | CEC/C. Hoffman | Rajesh Dighe |
55696 | 2/19/2010 |
Email from R. Dighe Regarding Objection to Data Request
3 page(s)
| | Public/R. Dighe | CEC/C. Hoffman |
55693 | 2/25/2010 |
Comments from Byron Municipal Advisory Council regarding Proposed Power Plant
3 page(s)
| | Contra Costa County | Byron Municipal Advisory Council |
55614 | 2/23/2010 |
Alameda Country Agricultural Riles and Procedures
12 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ C. Hoffman |
55607 | 2/23/2010 |
Report of Conversation Between L. Worrall and B. Leahy with the DOC
1 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ L. Worrall |
55522 | 2/22/2010 |
Robert Sarvey Data Response Set 1, Data Requests 1 Through 8
57 page(s)
| | CEC/C. Hoffman | CH2MHill/D. Urry |
55518 | 2/22/2010 |
Objection to Data Request 4 of Robert Sarvey
6 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Ellison,Schneider & Harris/J. Harris |
55420 | 2/16/2010 |
Comments Regarding United States Army Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Amendment
3 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Chevron/ L. Higgins |
55375 | 2/12/2010 |
Applicants Data Response Set 1C, Responses to CEC Staff, Data Requests 2, 5, 81 9, 48, 56, 59, 61 & 65
129 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | CH2M Hill/D. Urry |
55318 | 2/11/2010 |
Status Report Number 1
5 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | CH2M Hill/D. Urry |
55317 | 2/11/2010 |
Data Request SET 1 (Nos. 1-8)
3 page(s)
| | Public/ R. Sarvey | Diamind Generating Coperation/ B. Buchynsky |
55298 | 2/10/2010 |
Letter from Rajesh Dighe seeking information specified in Data Requests 1-4
5 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | intervenor/ Rajesh Dighe |
55246 | 2/8/2010 |
Committee OrderGranting Petition to Intervene for Rajesh Dighe
3 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ J. Byron |
55175 | 9/21/2010 |
Issues Identification Report
11 page(s)
| | CEC/J. Levin/J. Byron | CEC/C. Hoffman |
55142 | 2/2/2010 |
Potition to Intervene By R. Dighe
3 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Public/ R. Dighe |
55117 | 2/2/2010 |
CEC Status Report 2
2 page(s)
| | CEC/J. Byron | CEC/C. Hoffman |
55104 | 2/1/2010 |
Newly Revised POS List
4 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | CEC/ M. Read |
54953 | 1/15/2010 |
Report of Conversation(ROC) - Cultural Resources Survey of CEC 50-Foot Buffer Area
1 page(s)
| | CEC/ S. Allred | CH2M Hill/ C. Helton |
54923 | 1/15/2010 |
Report of Conversation(ROC) - Cultural Resources Survey of CEC 50-Foot Buffer Area
1 page(s)
| | CEC/ S. Allred | CH2M Hill/ C. Helton |
54838 | 1/14/2010 |
Letter Regarding Proposed New Power Plant Notheastern Alameda County
1 page(s)
| | CA Native American Heritage Commission/ D. Singleton | CEC/ C. Hoffman |
54617 | 12/7/2009 |
Petition to Intervene
3 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Morgan K. Groover |
54603 | 12/1/2009 |
Declaration for Service and Petition to Intervene from Morgan Groover
4 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Mountain House CSD/ Morgan Groover |
54521 | 12/21/2009 |
E-mail from Keith Freitas RE Overflights
2 page(s)
| | CEC/ C. Hoffman | Buchanan Field & Byron Airports/ K. Freitas |
54516 | 12/21/2009 |
Status Report 1
4 page(s)
| | CEC/ J. Levin | CEC/ C. Hoffman |
54437 | 12/15/2009 |
Follow Up Letter to C. Hoffman from Hal Yeager
6 page(s)
| | CEC/ C. Hoffman | Hal Yeager |
54380 | 12/3/2009 |
USACE Wetland Delineation Amendment
24 page(s)
| | CEC/ C. Hoffman | CH2M Hill/ D. Urry |
54359 | 12/7/2009 |
Committee Order Granting Petition to Intervene
4 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ J. Levin |
54319 | 11/30/2009 |
Notice of Staff Workshop of Clarification of Data Request, Data Responces, Issues Resolution and Project Schedule.
6 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ T.O Brien |
54288 | 11/30/2009 |
Letter from Contra Costa Airport Land Use Commission
7 page(s)
| | CEC/ C. Hoffman | Contra Costa Airport Land Use Commission/ D. Durant |
54287 | 11/30/2009 |
Data Response Set 1A & 1B, Responses to CEC Staff Data Requests 1 through 68
599 page(s)
| | CEC/ C. Hoffman | CH2MHILL/ D. Urry |
54252 | 11/24/2009 |
Letter from Byron Bethany Irrigation District RE Background Information on the District
6 page(s)
| | CEC/ J. Levin | Byron Bethany Irrigation District/ R. Gilmore |
54080 | 11/12/2009 |
Notice of Need for Additional Time to Answer Staff Data Requests
4 page(s)
| | CEC/ J. Levin | Ellison, Schneider, & Harris/ G. Wheatland |
54037 | 11/10/2009 |
Data Request 56 Response
7 page(s)
| | CEC/ C. Hoffman | Ellison, Schneider & Harris LLP/ G. Wheatland |
53894 | 10/30/2009 |
Committee Scheduling Order
6 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ J. Levin & J. Byron |
53874 | 10/30/2009 |
Eighteen Month Schedule
5 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ C. Hoffman |
53862 | 10/29/2009 |
Committee Order Granting Petition to Intervene and Denying Petition
4 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ J. Levin |
53842 | 10/28/2009 |
Data Request Set 1B (Nos. 58-68)
8 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ C. Hoffman |
53760 | 10/21/2009 |
R. Sarvery Petition for Intervention
2 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Intervenor/ R. Sarvey |
53746 | 10/23/2009 |
Data Request 1 (Nos. 1-57)
7 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ C. Hoffman |
53640 | 10/15/2009 |
Letter from Department of Transportation Division of Aeronautics
2 page(s)
| | Airport Land Use Commission/ L. Cross | Dept of Transportation/ G. Cathey |
53570 | 9/28/2009 |
Supplemental Notice of Receipt Letter
3 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ E. Allen |
53569 | 9/28/2009 |
Supplemental Agency Letter
3 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ E. Allen |
53567 | 9/28/2009 |
Supplemental Library Letter
4 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ E. Allen |
53543 | 10/5/2009 |
Applicant Presentation Regarding CEC Informational Hearing
30 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Mariposa Energy/ B. Buchynsky |
53541 | 10/5/2009 |
PowerPoint Presentation Regarding Informational Hearing & Site Visit
17 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ C. Hoffman |
53456 | 9/29/2009 |
Request for Waters of the U.S. Jurisdictional Determination
104 page(s)
| | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District/ M. Fugler | CH2MHILL/ T. Ellwood |
53439 | 9/28/2009 |
K. Freitas e-mail Concerns for Contra Costa County Airports
2 page(s)
| | CEC/ C. Hoffman | Buchanan Field & Byron Airports/ K. Freitas |
53412 | 9/25/2009 |
Letter to Supervisor Bestolardies
1 page(s)
| | CEC/ The Honorable S. Bestolardies | CEC/ M. Jones |
53410 | 9/25/2009 |
Letter to Assembly Member Buchanan
1 page(s)
| | CEC/ The Honorable J. Buchanan | CEC/ M. Jones |
53408 | 9/25/2009 |
Letter to Senator Cogdill
1 page(s)
| | CEC/ The Honorable D. Cogdill | CEC/ M. Jones |
53407 | 9/25/2009 |
Letter to Senator DeSanlnier
1 page(s)
| | CEC/ The Honorable M. DeSaulnier | CEC/ M. Jones |
53405 | 9/25/2009 |
Letter to Senator Haggerty
1 page(s)
| | CEC/ The Honorable S. Haggerty | CEC/ M. Jones |
53403 | 9/25/2009 |
Letter to Senator Hancock
1 page(s)
| | CEC/ The Honorable Loni Hancock | CEC/ M. Jones |
53402 | 9/25/2009 |
Letter to Mayor Ives
1 page(s)
| | CEC/ The Honorable B. Ives, Mayor | CEC/ M. Jones |
53401 | 9/25/2009 |
Letter to Supervisor Ornellas
1 page(s)
| | CEC/ The Honorable L. Ornellas | CEC/ M. Jones |
53399 | 9/25/2009 |
Letter to Supervisor Piepho
1 page(s)
| | CEC/ The Honorable M. Piepho | CEC/ M. Jones |
53351 | 9/23/2009 |
Report of Conversation Army Corps of Engineers
1 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ C. Hoffman |
53180 | 9/9/2009 |
Transition Cluster Phase I Interconnection Study
50 page(s)
| | CEC/ C. Hoffman | CH2MHILL/ D. Urry |
53173 | 9/9/2009 |
CEC Response to Application for Confidentiality - Emission Reduction Credits
3 page(s)
| | Ellison. Schneider & Harris/ A. Brown | CEC/ M. Jones |
53172 | 9/8/2009 |
CEC Response to Application for Confidentiality - Cultural Resources
2 page(s)
| | Ellison, Schneider & Harris/ A. Brown | CEC/ M. Jones |
53033 | 8/28/2009 |
Memo Regarding Hearing Officer Assignment
1 page(s)
| | Commissioners | CEC/ K. Douglas |
53022 | 8/27/2009 |
Commission Appointment of Committee
1 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ K. Douglas |
53011 | 8/26/2009 |
E-mail Notifying Change of Project Manager
1 page(s)
| | All Parties | CEC/ C. Hoffman |
53008 | 8/26/2009 |
Notice of Public Site Visit & Information Hearing
8 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ J. Levin |
52907 | 8/19/2009 |
Revised Data Adequacy Recommendation
50 page(s)
| | CEC/ All Commissioners | CEC/ M. Jones |
52866 | 8/13/2009 |
Letter to A. Soloman Completion of Preliminary Review of Determination of Compliance/ Authority to Construct
1 page(s)
| | CEC/ A. Soloman | Bay Area Air Quality Management District/ B. Young |
52723 | 8/3/2009 |
Application for Confidential Designation - Figure DA 5.3-1AR - Cultural Resources
5 page(s)
| | CEC/M. Jones | Ellison, Schneider & Harris/A. Brown |
52720 | 8/3/2009 |
Application for Confidential Designation - Emission Reduction Credits
6 page(s)
| | CEC/M. Jones | Ellison, Schneider & Harris/A. Brown |
52651 | 7/31/2009 |
Supplement A-Data Adequacy Responses
213 page(s)
| | CEC/ A. Solomon | CH2MHILL/ D. Urry |
52510 | 7/22/2009 |
CEC Response for Application for Confidential - Paleontological
2 page(s)
| | Ellison, Schenider & Harris, LLP/ J. Harris | CEC/ M. Jones |
52484 | 7/21/2009 |
CEC Response to Application for Confidential - Cultural Resources
2 page(s)
| | Ellison, Schneider & Harris/ J. Harris | CEC/ M. Jones |
52434 | 7/15/2009 |
Letters from the California Department of Conservation to Mariposa Energy, LLC, Discussing the Williamson Act
8 page(s)
| | Mariposa Energy, LLC/ B. Buchynsky | Alameda County Community Develpment Agency/ B. Leahy |
52347 | 7/9/2009 |
Data Adequacy Recommendation
115 page(s)
| | CEC/ K. Douglas | CEC/ M. Jones |
52269 | 7/2/2009 |
Public Participation in the Review of the Mariposa Energy Project, Distribution of AFC
2 page(s)
| | Members of the Public | CEC/ E. Knight |
52268 | 7/2/2009 |
Document Handling for the Mariposa Energy Project
1 page(s)
| | Libraries | CEC/ E. Knight |
52267 | 7/2/2009 |
Request for Agency Participation in the Review of the Mariposa Energy Project
3 page(s)
| | Agency Distribution Lsit | CEC/ E. Knight |
52263 | 7/2/2009 |
Notice of reciept.
3 page(s)
| | CEC/ A. Solamon | CEC/ E. Knight |
52019 | 6/15/2009 |
Application for Confidential Designation - Paleontological Resources
5 page(s)
| | CEC/M. Jones | Ellison, Schneider & Harris/J. Harris |
52017 | 6/15/2009 |
Application for Confidential Designation - Cultural Resources
350 page(s)
| | CEC/M. Jones | Ellison, Schneider & Harris/J. Harris |
51998 | 6/15/2009 |
Public health Modeling Files
1 page(s)
| | CEC/M. Jones | CH2MHIl /Doug Urry/SAC |
51995 | 6/15/2009 |
Air Quality Modeling
1 page(s)
| | CEC/M. Jones | CH2MHILL Doug Urry/SAC |
51974 | 6/15/2009 |
Application For Certification
400 page(s)
| | CEC/M. Jones | Mariposa Energy Project/B. Buchynsky |
2719-0 | 5/16/2011 |
Committee Conference
191 page(s)
| | | CEC |
2702-0 | 3/15/2011 |
Evidentiary Hearing
499 page(s)
| | | CEC |
2699-0 | 3/10/2011 |
Evidentiary Hearing
1 page(s)
| | | CEC |
2694-0 | 2/17/2011 |
Preahearing Conference
234 page(s)
| | | CEC |
2655-0 | 10/13/2010 |
Mandatory Status Conference
105 page(s)
| | | CEC |
2500-0 | 10/20/2009 |
Informational Hearing Transcript
137 page(s)
| | | CEC |