1001 | TN # 201497 Cover Letter Enclosing Air Modeling Files 2 Volumes of Discs Received. Too Large to Upload to e-filing. | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1002 | TN # 201503 Cover Letter and Application for Confidentiality
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1003 | TN # 201688 Completeness Response Letter to South Coast Air Quality Management District
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1004 | TN # 201725 CONFIDENTIAL_AEC_Appendix 5.3B_Cultural Inventory Report
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1005 | TN # 201729 CONFIDENTIAL_AEC_Appendix 5.3C - 4 Literature Search Result
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1006 | TN # 201730 CONFIDENTIAL_AEC_Appendix 5.3C - 5 Literature Search Result
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1007 | TN # 201731 CONFIDENTIAL_AEC_Appendix 5.3C - 6 Literature Search Results
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1008 | TN # 201732 CONFIDENTIAL_AEC_Appendix 5.3C - 7 Literature Search Results
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1009 | TN # 201733 CONFIDENTIAL_AEC_Appendix 5.3C - 8 Literature Search Results
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1010 | TN # 201734 CONFIDENTIAL_AEC_Appendix 5.3E_Full Results Maps
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1011 | TN # 201751 Data Adequacy Supplement
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1012 | TN # 201940 Alamitos Energy Center Data Response
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1013 | TN # 202163 Responses to CEC Staff Query 1– Transmission and Project Description
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1014 | TN # 202381 Data Responses Set 1A to CEC Staff Request Alamitos Energy Center Requests 1-8, 10-12, 16-17, 20-25, 38-44, 51-54, and 59-62. | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1015 | TN # 202416 Informal Staff Query 2 Responses to CEC Staff Requests | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1016 | TN # 202867 Data Responses, Set 2 Responses to Data Requests 64 to 68 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1017 | TN # 202897 AEC Air Dispersion Modeling Addendum
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1018 | TN # 202901 AEC Air Dispersion Modeling Addendum Modeling Files
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1019 | TN # 202908 AEC Data Response Set 1B
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1020 | TN # 202978 Alamitos Energy Center Data Request Set 3 Response
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1021 | TN # 203233 Data Response Set 1C Responses to CEC Staff Data Requests 17 and 18 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1022 | TN # 203253 Cover Letter re Data Response Set 1C Supplemental Air Quality Files Informational Only - Data not included with Cover Letter | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1025 | TN # 206432 Repeated Application for Confidentiality - Cultural Resources
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1026 | TN # 206433 Supplemental Application for Certification Air Dispersion Modeling Files and Appendix 5.14A - 2015 EMS Phase I ESA Report Project Manager, Christopher Meyer has the copies of DVDs for the air quality modeling files | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1027 | TN # 206505 SAFC Cultural Resources Figure 5.3-1 Figure 5.3-1 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1028 | TN # 206589 Appendix 5.3B Cultural Inventory Report
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1029 | TN # 206590 Appendix 5.3E Full Results Maps
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1030 | TN # 206591 Appendix 5.3C Literature Search Results Document is too large to upload. See docket staff for a CD. | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1031 | TN # 206920 Memorandum of Understanding between AES and City of Long Beach 11-16-15 Memorandum of Understanding between AES and city of Long Beach 11-16-15 addressing the future demolition of AGS | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1032 | TN # 207013 Data Response Set 6 Response to Data Requests 83 to 168 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1033 | TN # 207022 Data Request Number 6 Attachment DR144-2 - AGS Sampling and Analysis Plan, Wastewater Basin Closure Project, SCE, January 2013
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1034 | TN # 207265 Alamitos Energy Center SCAQMD Air Permit Application Completeness Response
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1035 | TN # 210229 Data Responses, Set 6A Revised Responses to Data Requests 160, 161, and 163 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1036 | TN # 210269 SCAQMD Correspondence Regarding AEC Questions Set No. 3 - Corrected and Set No. 4
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1037 | TN # 210354 AES Response to SCAQMD Email Data Request
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1038 | TN # 210528 Record of Conversation on Transmission System Engineering 02/16/16 ROC between CEC Staff and Applicant's Consultant on Transmission System Engineering | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1039 | TN # 210533 AES Alamitos Response to SCAQMD Data Request No. 6
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1040 | TN # 210604 Alamitos Energy Center Water Supply Assessment dated January 21, 2016
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1041 | TN # 210632 AEC Removal of Temporary Secondary Construction Access Road
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1042 | TN # 210766 AEC Data Responses, Set 8
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1043 | TN # 210780 AEC Data Response Set 6-R1, Data Responses 131-133 (Air Quality)
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1044 | TN # 210805 AES Alamitos, LLC's Supplemental Application for Certification Revisions
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1045 | TN # 210806 Alamitos Energy Center Data Response Set No. 7 Questions
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1046 | TN # 211006 AEC CAISO Section 25.1 Affidavit Application
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1047 | TN # 211013 AEC Supplemental Application for Certification Revised Air Quality, Biological Resources and Public Health Assessment Sections | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1048 | TN # 211169 Alamitos Energy Center Data Response Set 6-R2 (Revised and Updated Data Response to 133, Air Quality) | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1049 | TN # 211419 South Coast Air Quality Management District Correspondance 05-06-16
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1050 | TN # 211504 City of Long Beach Comment Letter
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1051 | TN # 211654 AEC Thermal Plume Information
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1052 | TN # 211759 2016-05-25 AEC Thermal Plume Letter Attachment AEC May 25, 2016 Thermal Plume Letter Attachment to TN# 211654 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1053 | TN # 211997 Email Regarding AES AEC Inversion Break-Up Modeling
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1054 | TN # 212030 Report of Conversation - Hazardous Materials/ Worker Safety
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1055 | TN # 212242 Alamitos Energy Center Supplement to Data Responses Set 8
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1056 | TN # 212487 Applicant's Initial Comments on Preliminary Staff Assessment
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1057 | TN # 212493 Verification of the Public Notice Distribution for the Alamitos Energy Center Project
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1058 | TN # 212724 AES's Comments on the SCAQMD Preliminary Determination of Compliance
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1059 | TN # 212771 Alamitos Energy Center Preliminary Staff Assessment Summary of PSA Workshop and Supplemental Comments
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1060 | TN # 212788 Record of Conversation - Air Quality & GHG
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1061 | TN # 212799 SCAQMD Public Records Request Data 8-15-16 Compilation of data obtained through SCAQMD's Public Records Request process since May 2016. | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1062 | TN # 212822 AEC Data Responses Set 6-R3, Data Responses to 131-133 (Air Quality)
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1063 | TN # 212885 AEC Data Responses Set 6-R4, Data Response to 133 (Air Quality)
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1064 | TN # 212917 AES Alamitos Energy Center Offsite Linear Rare Plant Survey
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1065 | TN # 212930 AES Alamitos Energy Center Cumulative Air Quality Modeling Files
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1066 | TN # 213734 Applicant's Response to Plains West Coast Terminals LLC's Comments
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1067 | TN # 213749 AES Alamitos Energy, LLC's Response to Committee's Questions Regarding Land Use Section of Preliminary Staff Assessment
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1068 | TN # 213941 AES Alamitos Repower Study Report
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1069 | TN # 214090 Alamitos Energy Center SOx Emission Reduction Credit Certificate
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1070 | TN # 214099 Applicant's Opening Testimony on AEC FSA Part 1
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1071 | TN # 214175 Preliminary Determination of Compliance Revisions Proposed PDOC revisions based on changes to the AGS retirement plan | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1072 | TN # 214199 Alamitos Energy Center - Applicant's Rebuttal Testimony
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1073 | TN # 214200 Lease Agreement between San Diego Unified Port District and Duke Energy South Bay LLC, dated 04-01-99
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1401 | TN # 201620-1 AEC AFC Cover Vol. 1 Previously TN: 201495-1 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1402 | TN # 201620-2 AEC AFC Cover Letter Previously TN# 201486 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1403 | TN # 201620-3 AEC AFC Title Page, Volume 1 Previously TN #201495-2 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted. |
1404 | TN # 201620-4 AEC AFC Table of Contents Previously TN# 201495-3 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1405 | TN # 201620-5 AEC AFC Acronyms List Previously TN# 201495-4 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1406 | TN # 201620-6 AEC AFC 1.0 Executive Summary Previously TN# 201495-5 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1407 | TN # 201620-7 AEC AFC 2.0 Project Description Previously TN# 201495-6 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1408 | TN # 201620-8 AEC AFC 3.0 Transmission System Engineering Previously TN# 201495-7 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1409 | TN # 201620-9 AEC AFC 4.0 Natural Gas Supply Previously TN# 201495-8 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1410 | TN # 201620-10 AEC AFC 5.0 Environmental Information Previously TN# 201495-9 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1411 | TN # 201620-11 AEC AFC 5.1 Air Quality Previously TN# 201495-10 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1412 | TN # 201620-12 AEC AFC 5.2 Biological Resources Previously TN# 201495-11 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1413 | TN # 201620-13 AEC AFC 5.3 Cultural Resources Previously TN# 201495-12 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1414 | TN # 201620-14 AEC AFC 5.4 Geological Hazards and Resources Previously TN# 201495-13 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1415 | TN # 201620-15 AEC AFC 5.5 Hazardous Materials Handling Previously TN# 201495-14 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1416 | TN # 201620-16 AEC AFC 5.6 Land Use Previously TN# 201495-15 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1417 | TN # 201620-17 AEC AFC 5.7 Noise Previously TN# 201495-16 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1418 | TN # 201620-18 AEC AFC 5.8 Paleontological Resources Previously TN# 201495-17 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1419 | TN # 201620-19 AEC AFC 5.9 Public Health Previously TN# 201495-18 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1420 | TN # 201620-20 AEC AFC 5.10 Socioeconomics Previously TN# 201495-19 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1421 | TN # 201620-21 AEC AFC 5.11 Soils Previously TN# 201495-20 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1422 | TN # 201620-22 AEC AFC 5.12 Traffic and Transportation Previously TN# 201495-21 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1423 | TN # 201620-23 AEC AFC 5.13 Visual Resources Previously TN# 2014796-1 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1424 | TN # 201620-24 AEC AFC 5.14 Waste Management Previously TN# 201496-2 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1425 | TN # 201620-25 AEC AFC 5.15 Water Resources Previously TN# 201496-3 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1426 | TN # 201620-26 AEC AFC 5.16 Worker Health and Safety Previously TN# 201496-4 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1427 | TN # 201620-27 AEC AFC 6.0 Alternatives Previously TN# 201496-5 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1428 | TN # 201620-28 AEC AFC Cover Volume 2 Previously TN# 201493-1 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1429 | TN # 201620-29 AEC AFC Title Page, Volume 2 Previously TN# 201493-2 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1430 | TN # 201620-30 AEC AFC Table of Contents, Volume 2 Previously TN# 201493-3 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1431 | TN # 201620-31 AEC AFC Appendix 1A Legal Description Previously TN# 201493-4 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1432 | TN # 201620-32 AEC AFC Appendix 1B Property Owners and Residents Previously TN# 201493-5 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1433 | TN # 201620-33 AEC AFC Appendix 1C Persons who Prepared the AFC Previously TN# 201493-6 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1434 | TN # 201620-34 AEC AFC Appendix 2A Heat Balance Cases Previously TN# 201493-7 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1435 | TN # 201620-35 AEC AFC Appendix 2B Equipment Requirements Previously TN# 201493-8 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1436 | TN # 201620-36 AEC AFC Appendix 2C Truck Trips Data Previously TN# 201493-9 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1437 | TN # 201620-37 AEC AFC Appendix 2d Engineering Design Criteria Previously TN# 201493-10 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1438 | TN # 201620-38 AEC AFC Appendix 2E Will Serve Letters Previously TN# 201493-11 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1439 | TN # 201620-39 AEC AFC Appendix 3A CAISO Study, Correspondence and Proof of Payment Previously TN# 201493-12 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1440 | TN # 201620-40 AEC AFC Appendix 3B Notice Criteria Tool Previously TN# 201493-13 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1441 | TN # 201620-41 AEC AFC Appendix 5.1A Construction Emission Calculations Previously TN# 201493-14 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1442 | TN # 201620-42 AEC AFC Appendix 5.1B Operational and Commissioning Emission Calculations Previously TN# 201493-15 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1443 | TN # 201620-43 AEC AFC Appendix 5.1C Dispersion Modeling Previously TN# 201493-16 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1444 | TN # 201620-44 AEC AFC Appendix 5.1D BACT Analysis Previously TN# 201493-17 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1445 | TN # 201620-45 AEC AFC Appendix 5.1E SCAQMD Forms Previously TN# 201493-18 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1446 | TN # 201620-46 AEC AFC Appendix 5.1F Dispersion Modeling Protocols Previously TN# 201493-19 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1447 | TN # 201620-47 AEC AFC Appendix 5.1G Visability Assessment Previously TN# 201493-20 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1448 | TN # 201620-48 AEC AFC Appendix 5.2A Special Status Species Previously TN# 201493-22 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1449 | TN # 201620-49 AEC AFC Appendix 5.2B CNDDB Rarefind Checklist Previously TN# 201493-23 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1450 | TN # 201620-50 AEC AFC Appendix 5.2C List of Observed Species Previously TN# 201493-24 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1451 | TN # 201620-51 AEC AFC Appendix 5.2D Representative Site Photos Previously TN# 201493-25
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1452 | TN # 201620-52 AEC AFC Appendix 5.2E Biological Resources Staff Resumes Previously TN# 201493-26 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1453 | TN # 201620-53 AEC AFC Appendix 5.2F Agency Consultation Biological Resources Previously TN# 201493-27 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1454 | TN # 201620-54 AEC AFC Appendix 5.3A Agency Consultation Cultural Resources Previously TN# 201493-28 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1455 | TN # 201620-55 AEC AFC Appendix 5.3B Cultural Inventory Report Previously TN# 201493-29 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1456 | TN # 201620-56 AEC AFC Appendix 5.3C Literature Search Results Previously TN# 201493-30 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1457 | TN # 201620-57 AEC AFC Appendix 5.3D Cultural Resources Resume Previously TN# 201493-31 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1458 | TN # 201620-58 AEC AFC Appendix 5.3E Results of Cultural Resources Assessment Previously TN# 201493-32 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1459 | TN # 201620-59 AEC AFC Appendix 5.4A Preliminary Geotechnical Report Previously TN# 201493-33 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1460 | TN # 201620-60 AEC AFC Appendix 5.7A Noise Monitoring Results Previously TN# 201493-34 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1461 | TN # 201620-61 AEC AFC Appendix 5.9A EDR Sensitive Receptor Report Previously TN# 201494-2 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1462 | TN # 201620-62 AEC AFC Appendix 5.9B Supplemental Sensitive Receptors within 6 Miles Previously TN# 201494-3 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1463 | TN # 201620-63 AEC AFC Appendix 5.9C Construction HRA Dispersion Modeling Previously TN# 201494-4 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1464 | TN # 201620-64 AEC AFC Appendix 5.10A Environmental Justice Previously TN# 201494-5 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1465 | TN # 201620-65 AEC AFC Appendix 5.10B Construction Workforce Previously TN# 201494-6 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1466 | TN # 201620-66 AEC AFC Appendix 5.10C Records of Conversation Previously TN# 201494-7 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1467 | TN # 201620-67 AEC AFC Appendix 5.11A Soil Loss Estimates Previously TN# 201494-1 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1468 | TN # 201620-68 AEC AFC Appendix 5.12A Heavy Haul Route Previously TN# 201525 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1469 | TN # 201620-69 AEC AFC Appendix 5.13A FHWA Ratings Sheets Previously TN# 201494-9 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1470 | TN # 201620-70 AEC AFC Appendix 5.14A Phase I Environmental Site Assessment *** DUE TO PDF ERROR ON THIS DOCUMENT, SEE Previously TN# 201494-10 *** | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); WITHDRAWN. |
1471 | TN # 201620-71 AEC AFC Appendix 5.15A Drainage Basins Previously TN# 201494-11 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1472 | TN # 201620-72 AEC AFC Appendix 5.5A Offsite Consequence Analysis Modeling Protocol Previously TN# 201493-21 | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1500 | TN # 206428-1 Alamitos Energy Center Supplemental AFC AES Supplemental Application for Certification for the Alamitos Energy Center | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1501 | TN # 206428-2 Alamitos Suppl.AFC Appendices 1A to 5.1F Alamitos Energy Center Supplemental AFC Appendices 1A to 5.1F | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1502 | TN # 206428-3 Alamitos Suppl. AFC Appendices 5.1G to 5.10B Alamitos Energy Center Supplemental AFC Appendices 5.1G to 5.10B | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1503 | TN # 206427-1 Alamitos Energy Center Supplemental AFC AES Supplemental Application for Certification for the Alamitos Energy Center | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1504 | TN # 206427-2 Alamitos Suppl.AFC Appendices 1A to 5.1F Alamitos Energy Center Supplemental AFC Appendices 1A to 5.1F | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1505 | TN # 206427-3 Alamitos Suppl. AFC Appendices 5.1G to 5.10B Alamitos Energy Center Supplemental AFC Appendices 5.1G to 5.10B | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1506 | TN # 206427-4 Alamitos Suppl.AFC Appendices 5.10C to 5.15A Alamitos Energy Center Supplemental AFC Appendices 5.10C to 5.15A | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1507 | TN # 206427-5 Alamitos Suppl. AFC Appendix 1-B 500' of Sewer Line Alamitos Suppl. AFC Appendix 1-B Property Owners and Residences within 500' of Sewer Line | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1508 | TN # 206427-6 Alamitos Suppl. AFC Appendix 1-B 1000' of AEC Alamitos Suppl. AFC Appendix 1-B Property Owners and Residences within 1000' of AEC | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
1600 | TN # 207315 South Coast Air Quality Management District AEC Air Permit Application Completeness Determination
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 12/20/2016. |
1601 | TN # 207317 South Coast Air Quality Management District AEC Email Correspondence January 14, 2016
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 12/20/2016. |
1602 | TN # 209909 SCAQMD Letters to EPA/FLMs Submitting the AEC Air Permit Application
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 12/20/2016. |
1603 | TN # 211009 SCAQMD Letters to EPA and Federal Land Managers Transmitting the Revised AEC Air Permit Application
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 12/20/2016. |
1604 | TN # 212045 Preliminary Determination of Compliance
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 12/20/2016. |
1605 | TN # 214373 Additional Determination of Compliance Revisions Proposed revisions based on voluntary reduction of CO emission rate for combined-cycle gas turbines | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 12/20/2016. |
1606 | TN # 214636 AES AEC Re-Issued PDOC Public Notice Distribution Verification
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 12/20/2016. |
1607 | TN # 214637 AES's Comments on the SCAQMD Final Determination of Compliance
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 12/20/2016. |
1608 | TN # 214527 Alamitos Energy Center (AEC) Final Determination of Compliance (FDOC) Package AEC - Final Determination of Compliance (FDOC) | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 12/20/2016. |
1609 | TN # 214528 Alamitos Energy Center (AEC) Draft Facility Permit for Final Determination of Compliance (FDOC) Package AEC -Draft Facility Permit for FDOC | Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 12/20/2016. |
1610 | TN # 214851 AES's Alamitos Energy Center Opening Testimony Part 2
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 12/20/2016. |
1611 | TN # 214906 AEC Rebuttal Testimony FSA Part 2
| Offered by Applicant (Alamitos Energy Center); Admitted on 12/20/2016. |
2000 | TN # 213768 Final Staff Assessment Part 1
| Offered by Commission Staff (Staff); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
2001 | TN # 213943 Visual Resources Final Staff Assessment Appendices This document includes Visual Resources Appendices VR-1 and VR-2. Appendix VR-1 provides Visual Resources terms, definitions and analysis method. Appendix VR-2 provides the Key Observation Point Evaluation Matrix and Visual Impact Determination Conclusions in a table format. These appendices were inadvertently omitted from the Final Staff Assessment for the Alamitos Energy Center Project When docketed on September 23, 2016. | Offered by Commission Staff (Staff); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
| Offered by Commission Staff (Staff); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
2003 | TN # 214089 Supplemental Traffic and Transportation Testimony of Lisa Worrall
| Offered by Commission Staff (Staff); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
2004 | TN # 214203 Rebuttal Testimony, dated October 26, 2016
| Offered by Commission Staff (Staff); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
2005 | TN # 214213 Rebuttal Testimony Cultural Resources Figures 1-12
| Offered by Commission Staff (Staff); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
2006 | TN # 213634 Email Regarding Alamitos 30413 (d), dated September 8, 2016 Between Keith Winstead, CEC and Tom Luster | Offered by Commission Staff (Staff); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
2007 | TN # 211015 Water Supply Assessment
| Offered by Commission Staff (Staff); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
2008 | TN # 212289 Request for Comments on the Preliminary Staff Assessment for the Proposed Alamitos Energy Center
| Offered by Commission Staff (Staff); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
2009 | TN # 213772 Notice of Availability for the FSA, Part 1 to Agencies, dated September 23, 2016 Agency Notice | Offered by Commission Staff (Staff); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
2010 | TN # 214349 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY Rebuttal Testimony of Garry Maurath, PG | Offered by Commission Staff (Staff); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
2011 | TN # 214356 Gabrielino Tongva Tribal Comments on FSA
| Offered by Commission Staff (Staff); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
2012 | TN # 214463 Supplemental Testimony for Cultural Resources and Worker Safety and Fire Protection Supplemental Testimony of Gabriel Roark for Cultural Resources and Supplemental Testimony of Brett Fooks, PE and Geoff Lesh, PE for Worker Safety and Fire Protection | Offered by Commission Staff (Staff); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
2013 | TN # 214487 Updated LORS Table - Bio, Cultural, Land Use, Traffic, Visual, and Socio
| Offered by Commission Staff (Staff); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
2014 | TN # 214704 Final Staff Assessment, Part 2, dated December 8, 2016
| Offered by Commission Staff (Staff); Admitted on 12/20/2016. |
2015 | TN # 215087 Exhibit 2015 - Errata to Air Quality Section
| Offered by Commission Staff (Staff); Admitted on 12/20/2016. |
3001 | TN # 214191 South Bay Adopted Findings
| Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
3002 | TN # 214190 South Bay Staff Report & Addendum
| Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
3003 | TN # 214189 PUC South Bay Substation Relocation Project FEIR
| Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
3004 | TN # 214188 Joe Geever Rebuttal of Applicant Testimony
| Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
3005 | TN # 214162 Revised Testimony of Joe Geever, J.D., (and Exhibit List) Alamitos Energy Center Final Staff Assessment *** This document Supersedes TN 214150 *** | Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
3006 | TN # 214152 Vintage Power Plants: Environmental Characterization, Decontamination, & Demolition haz mat lists, decontamination and demo guidance | Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
3007 | TN # 214151 Power Plant Demolition Video
| Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
3008 | TN # 214150 Testimony of Joe Geever, J.D., Alamitos Energy Center Final Staff Assessment *** THIS DOCUMENT IS REPLACED BY TN 214162 *** October 21, 2016 | Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
3009 | TN # 214149 Testimony of Bill Powers, P.E., Alamitos Energy Center Final Staff Assessment October 21, 2016 | Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
3010 | TN # 214148 East Kentucky Power Plant Demolition - Spurlock Unit No. 1 Backend Equipment example of truck trips for hazardous waste from demo | Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
3011 | TN # 214147 South Bay Substation Reolocation Project - D.4.Air Quality
| Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
3012 | TN # 214146 Jurisdiction over Demolition of Existing South Bay Power Plant California Energy Commission letter to John Halmer, Manager, Land Use Planning | Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
3013 | TN # 214145 Appendices A-D to Testimony of Southern California Edison on Results of its 2013 Local Capacity Requirements, et al. PUBLIC Appendices A-D to SCE-1 Testimony | Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
3014 | TN # 214144 About the AES Alamitos Modernization Project Fact Sheet 2015
| Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
3015 | TN # 214143 Alamitos Generating Station Battery Energy Storage System Project 01-oct-16 Alamitos 300 MW BESS mitigated negative declaration City of Long Beach | Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
3016 | TN # 214142 Testimony of Southern California Edison on Results of its 2013 Local Capacity Requirements Request for Offers A.14-11-012 - SCE-1 PUBLIC Testimony of SCE on LCR RFO in LA Basin | Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
3017 | TN # 214141 Final Staff Assessment - La Paloma Generating Project - Application for Certification April 7, 1999 | Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
3018 | TN # 214140 Answer to the California Independent System Operator Corporation to Complaint July 7, 2016 Answer La Paloma Complaint EL16-88 | Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
3019 | TN # 214139 Complaint of La Paloma Generating Company, LLC Requesting Fast Track Processing, Shortened Time Period, and Waivers June 2016 La Paloma FERC complaint | Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
3020 | TN # 214138 Decision Authorizing Long-Term Procurement for Local Capacity Requirements Due to Permanent Retirement, et al. Decision Authorizing Long-Term Procurement for Local Capacity Requirements to Permanent Retirement of the San Onofre Nuclear Generations Stations - March 14, 2014, D14-03-004 LTPP Track 4 final decision | Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
3021 | TN # 214137 Revised Scoping Ruling and Memo of the Assigned Commissioner and Administrative Law Judge, May 22, 2012 LTPP Track 4 Scoping Memo | Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
3022 | TN # 214136 FERC Order Approving Stipulation and Consent Agrement, December 14, 2012, Docket No. IN13-4-000
| Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
3023 | TN # 214135 Bill Powers, P.E. Resume
| Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
3024 | TN # 214014 Notice of Prehearing Conference and Evidentiary Hearing, Part 1 This document Notices the 11/9/16 Prehearing Conference and the 11/15/16 Evidentiary Hearing on the subject areas covered in the Final Staff Assessment, Part 1. The Notice also contains a new schedule which supersedes all prior schedules. | Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
3027 | TN # 213929-1 Memo on Upcoming October10th Status Conference
| Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
3028 | TN # 213929-2 Attachment - City Staff Report Memorandum of Understanding City of Long Beach Staff Report MOU | Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
3029 | TN # 213870 Email From Intervenor Requesting an Evidentiary Hearing Extension Email from Elizabeth Lambe of the Los Cerritos Wetlands Land Trust to Hearing Officer Kenneth Celli and Staff Project Manager Keith Winstead Requesting a postponement of the evidentiary hearing. | Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
3030 | TN # 213875 Alamitos Energy Center Response to Los Cerritos Wetlands Land Trust Email Request for Evidentiary Hearing Extension
| Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
3032 | TN # 213733 Applicant Response in Support of Staff's Motion for Summary Adjudication
| Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
3033 | TN # 213732-1 Los Cerritos Wetlands Reply to Staff Motion
| Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
3034 | TN # 213732-2 Attachment 1-Memorandum of Understanding between AES and city of Long Beach.
| Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
3035 | TN # 213680 Alamitos Energy Center Status Report #22 Status Report | Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
3036 | TN # 213656 Final Status Report 22 Status Report 22 | Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
3038 | TN # 213588 Committee Order Setting Deadline for Replies to Staff's Motion for Summary Adjudication Order | Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
3039 | TN # 213403 Revised Committee Scheduling Order
| Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
3040 | TN # 213217 Staff's Motion for Summary Adjudication
| Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
3041 | TN # 213524 Transcript of 08/24/16 Committee Status Conference
| Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
3042 | TN # 214323 Transcript of 10/10/16 Status Conference
| Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
3043 | TN # 212764-1 Los Cerritos Wetlands Land Trust Comments on Alamitos Energy Center PSA
| Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
3044 | TN # 212764-2 Attachment 1 - PUC final decision 2015
| Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
3045 | TN # 212764-3 Attachment 2 - AES Battery Storage Project
| Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
3046 | TN # 212764-4 Attachment 3 - Tidal Influence Final Memo Re - AES PSA Aug 2016
| Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
3047 | TN # 212284 Preliminary Staff Assessment
| Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
3048 | TN # 214345 Los Cerritos Wetlands Land Trust's Motion to Stay Proceedings
| Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 11/15/2016. |
3049 | TN # 214968 Redacted Version of Attachment - A1411012 Powers Egr Reply Brief w Attachment A 07-15-01 Attachment to Intervenor Los Cerritos Wetlands Land Trust Part 2 Opening Testimony, TN 214861 | Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 12/20/2016. |
3052 | TN # 214856 Attachment - Gas Turbine World 550 MW El Segundo combined cycle provides 300 MW in 10 minutes-1 - 10-13-01 Attachment to Intervenor Los Cerritos Wetlands Land Trust Part 2 Opening Testimony, TN 214853 | Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 12/20/2016. |
3054 | TN # 214862 Attachment - CEC Thermal Efficiency Gas Fired Units CEC-200-2016-002 03-16-01 Attachment to Intervenor Los Cerritos Wetlands Land Trust Part 2 Opening Testimony, TN 214853 | Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 12/20/2016. |
3055 | TN # 214859 Attachment - CPUC energy storage decision D1310040 Table 2 SDG&E energy storage targets 10-17-13 Attachment to Intervenor Los Cerritos Wetlands Land Trust Part 2 Opening Testimony, TN 214853 | Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 12/20/2016. |
3056 | TN # 214857 Attachment - CPUC revised 2014 LTPP planning assumptions Table 3 transmission-connected ES 100% reliable - 05-14-14 Attachment to Intervenor Los Cerritos Wetlands Land Trust Part 2 Opening Testimony, TN 214853 | Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); EXCLUDED on 12/20/2016. |
3058 | TN # 214854 Attachment - TN214732 Final Staff Assessment Part 2 and Supplemental Testimony Attachment to Intervenor Los Cerritos Wetlands Land Trust Part 2 Opening Testimony, TN 214853 | Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); EXCLUDED on 12/20/2016. |
3059 | TN # 214738 Applicant's Reply Brief Reply Brief on EH, Part 1 | Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 12/20/2016. |
3060 | TN # 214860 Attachment - SEASP DEIR Bio Attachment to Intervenor Los Cerritos Wetlands Land Trust Part 2 Opening Testimony, TN 214853 | Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 12/20/2016. |
3061 | TN # 214529 Transcript of 11/15/16 Evidentiary Hearing
| Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 12/20/2016. |
3064 | TN # 214864 Attachment - SEASP DEIR Traffic Attachment to Intervenor Los Cerritos Wetlands Land Trust Part 2 Opening Testimony, TN 214853 | Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 12/20/2016. |
3065 | TN # 214739 Review of Draft Program Environmental Impact Record For the Southeast Area Specific Plan in the City of Long Beach - Transportation and Traffic Comments | Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 12/20/2016. |
3069 | TN # 214629-1 Intervenor Los Cerritos Wetlands Land Trust Brief on Part One of Final Staff Assessment
| Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 12/20/2016. |
3070 | TN # 214629-2 Before the CPUC - Decision Authorizing Long-Term Procurement for Local Capacity Decision Authorizing Long-Term Procurement for Local Capacity Requirements Due to Permanent Retirement of the San Onofre Nuclear Generations Stations | Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 12/20/2016. |
3071 | TN # 214629-3 Before the CPUC - Decision Approving, In Part, Results of Southern California Edison Company Local Capacity Requirements Before the CPUC - Decision Approving, In Part, Results of Southern California Edison Company Local Capacity Requirements Request for Offers for the Western La Basin Pursuant to Decisions 13-02-015 and 14-03-004 | Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 12/20/2016. |
3072 | TN # 214556 Intervenor Comments on Schedule November 23, 2016 email from Elizabeth Lambe (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust) to Hearing Officer Ken Celli | Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 12/20/2016. |
3073 | TN # 214730 Los Cerritos Wetlands Land Trust's Motion to Postpone Opening Testimony, Rebuttal, and Pre-Hearing Conference Statement
| Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 12/20/2016. |
3076 | TN # 214882 Intervenor Part 2 opening testimony (revised final redlined version) Opening Testimony Part 2 REVISED (to replace TN 214853) | Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 12/20/2016. |
3077 | TN # 214883 Declaration of witness Bill Powers, P.E. - AQ testimony Attachment to Opening Testimony Part 2 REVISED redlined version (to replace TN 214853) | Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 12/20/2016. |
3078 | TN # 214884 Declaration of witness Joe Geever - AEC testimony Attachment to Opening Testimony Part 2 REVISED redlined version (to replace TN 214853) | Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 12/20/2016. |
3079 | TN # 214888-1 Revised Intervenor Los Cerritos Wetlands Land Trust, Part 2, Bill Powers Rebuttal Testimony *** THIS DOCUMENT SUPERSEDES TN 214886 - Note: TN 214885 is an attachment for rebuttal and is cited in this revised rebuttal testimony *** | Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 12/20/2016. |
3080 | TN # 214885 SCE LA Basin application decision on denial of rehearing, May 26, 2016 *** Attachment to Intervenor Los Cerritos Wetlands Land Trust, Part 2, Bill Powers Rebuttal Testimony TN 214886 *** | Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 12/20/2016. |
3081 | TN # 214888-2 Attachment - CAISO Final 2017 Local Capacity Technical Report Attachment to Revised Intervenor Los Cerritos Wetlands Land Trust, Part 2, Bill Powers Rebuttal Testimony | Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 12/20/2016. |
3082 | TN # 214908-1 Los Cerritos Wetlands Land Trust Part 2 Pre-Hearing Conference Statement Final
| Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 12/20/2016. |
3083 | TN # 214908-2 Los Cerritos Wetlands Land Trust Part 2 Exhibit List Final Sheet1
| Offered by Intervenor (Los Cerritos Wetlands Trust); Admitted on 12/20/2016. |