1001 | TN # 66003 Application for Certification Volume I & II *** DOCUMENT IS TOO LARGE TO DOCKET. CONTACT THE DOCKET UNIT OR THE SITING UNIT *** - Found at: http://www.energy.ca.gov/sitingcases/huntington_beach_energy/documents/applicant/AFC/ | Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1002 | TN # 66006 Applicant's Air Quality Air Dispersion Modeling Data (CD) and Air Quality Appendices 5.1A (HC)
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1003 | TN # 66057 Application for Confidential Designation - Cultural Resources
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1004 | TN # 66490 Applicant's Data Adequacy Supplement
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1005 | TN # 66491 Applicant's Dispersion Modeling Files - Data Adequacy Response 24
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1006 | TN # 66492 Applicant's Preliminary Geotechnical Report
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1007 | TN # 66493 Repeated Application for Confidential Designation - Cultural Resources
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1008 | TN # 66506 Applicant's Biological Resources 5.2-2CR to be included with the Applicant's Data Adequacy Supplement Dated August 7, 2012
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1009 | TN # 66913 Applicant's Letter Enclosing Correspondence to California Coastal Commission Regarding Proposed Project
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1010 | TN # 67020 Applicant's Comments on CEC Staff Issues Identification Report
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1011 | TN # 67110 Applicant’s Site Visit & Informational Hearing Materials
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1012 | TN # 67316 AES's Application for Greenhouse Gas PSD Pre-Construction Permit
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1013 | TN # 67317 AES Response to South Coast Air Quality Management District's Air Application
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1014 | TN # 67902 Applicant's Request for Extension to Submit Data Responses, Set One 1-72
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1015 | TN # 68070 AES Response to SCAQMD Regarding Emission Rates and Modeling Results
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1016 | TN # 68208 Applicant Huntington Beach Energy Project's Emission Rates and Modeling Results
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1017 | TN # 68366 Applicant's Response to Staff's Data Request, Set 1A - no. 1-72
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1018 | TN # 68384 Applicant’s Air Quality Modeling Files Related to CEC Staff's Data Request Two
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1019 | TN # 68416 Applicant's Correspondence to the USEPA Regarding to Greenhouse Gas Prevention of Significant Deterioration Pre-Construction Permit Found at: http://www.energy.ca.gov/sitingcases/huntington_beach_energy/documents/applicant/2012-11-07_Applicant_Correspondence_to_US-EPA_TN-68416.pdf | Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1020 | TN # 68743 Applicant's Request for Additional Extension of Time to Submit Responses to Staff's Data Requests, Set 1A (AQ-11, BIO-23, BIO-24, BIO-25, BIO-26)
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1021 | TN # 68796 Applicant's Objections to Certain Data Requests Contained In Set One (#1-16) from Intervenor Pyle
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1022 | TN # 68847 Applicant's Responses to Supplemental Data Responses No.36 (Cultural Resources)
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1023 | TN # 68848 Applicant's Correspondence Related to Air Quality
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1024 | TN # 68849 Applicant's Supplemental Data Response to Data Request Number 68 - Visual
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1025 | TN # 68850 Applicant's Response to SCAQMD's October 26, 2012 Email Request re Start/Stop Emissions and GHG Performance
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1026 | TN # 68867 CH2M Hill's Jerry Salamy Email to AES Southland's Stephen O'Kane and SCAQMD's Chris Perri re Start/Stop Emissions and GHG Performance
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1027 | TN # 68876 Applicant's Responses to Intervenor Jason Pyle's Data Requests, Set 1 no.1-16
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1028 | TN # 68934 Huntington Beach Energy Project Email to SCAQMD Regarding GHG Calculations and Heat Rates
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1029 | TN # 69017 Applicant’s Submittal of Email Correspondence Related to Air Quality
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1030 | TN # 69020 Applicant’s Supplemental Response to Data Request Number 27 (Biological Resources)
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1031 | TN # 69074 Applicant's Request for Extension to Submit Certain Data Responses Contained in CEC Staff's Data Responses Set Two (Numbers 73-98) and Objections
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1032 | TN # 69098 U.S. EPA's Letter to AES Transferring PSD Permit to SCAQMD
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1033 | TN # 69179 Applicant's Air Quality Modeling Files Related to Applicant's Response to Staff's Data Request AQ-11
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1034 | TN # 69180 Applicant's Response to Jason Pyle's Data Request, Set One (Numbers 1 through 16)
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1035 | TN # 69182 Applicant's Responses to CEC Staff's Data Requests, Set One AQ-11, BIO-23 through BIO-26
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1036 | TN # 69206 Applicant's Status Report
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1037 | TN # 69208 Applicant's Responses to Staff's Data Requests, Set 2 (Numbers 73 through 98)
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1038 | TN # 69214 Applicant's Supplemental Files in Response to Staff's Visual Resources Data Request 97
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1039 | TN # 69243 CH2MHILL Jerry Salamy Email Regarding Commissioning Emissions
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1040 | TN # 69373 Applicant's Supplemental Files in Response to Staff's Informal Request Related to Visual Resources - KOP 1 through KOP 5
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1041 | TN # 69415 Applicant's Correspondence Related to Socioeconomics
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1042 | TN # 69422 Applicant's Correspondence Related to Air Quality - Ammonia Emissions
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1043 | TN # 69446 Applicant's Request for Extension to Submit Responses to CEC Staff's Data Requests 74-77
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted. |
1044 | TN # 69514 Applicant's Email Regarding Existing and Proposed Workforce Staff at the Huntington Beach Generating Station
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1045 | TN # 69545 Applicant's Responses to Data Requests, Set 3 Numbers 99-103
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1046 | TN # 69564 Applicant's Supplemental Responses to Data Requests, Set Two (Water Resources No. 80 through 83 and Traffic and Transportation No. 92 through 94)
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1047 | TN # 69631 Applicant's Responses to Data Requests, Set 2A - Public Health #74-77
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1048 | TN # 69632 Applicant's Correspondence to Air Quality Modeling Files Related to Applicant's Responses to Staff's Data Requests, Set 2A
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1049 | TN # 69687 South Coast Air Quality Management District's Request for Additional Clarifying Information
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1050 | TN # 69700 Applicant's Correspondence Related to Air Quality January - February 2013
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1051 | TN # 69878 Applicant's Response to E-Mail Request from CEC Staff on Use and Number of Stories for Specific HBEP Building
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1052 | TN # 69888 Applicant's Supplemental Response to DR #31 (Biological Resources)
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1053 | TN # 69918 Applicant’s Responses to Staff's Workshop Queries and Related AQ Modeling Files
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1054 | TN # 69919 Applicant’s Email Correspondence to Staff’s Informal Inquiry Regarding the Existing HBGS Fuel Oil Tanks
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1055 | TN # 69920 Applicant's Correspondence re Costa Mesa Meta Data and Related Air Quality Files
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1056 | TN # 69921 Applicant AES Southland Development, LLC's Email Correspondence dated March 12, 2013 from Applicant to CEC Staff Regarding Plot Plans for the Existing HBGS
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1057 | TN # 69947 Applicant's Submittal of AutoCAD Files Related to Preliminary Grading and Drainage Plans (Water Resources)
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1058 | TN # 69948 Applicant's March 9, 2013 Correspondence
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1059 | TN # 69961 Applicant’s Revision to Construction and Demolition Schedule
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1060 | TN # 69967 Applicant's Submittal of Additional Construction and Demolition Information
| Offered by Applicant Representative (Melissa A. Foster); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1061 | TN # 69969 Applicant’s Submittal of Information Regarding Construction Risk Value (Public Health)
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1062 | TN # 70167 Applicant's Corresponence, HARP Modeling Files and Historic Emission Estimates Dated March 25, 2013 to the SCAQMD
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1063 | TN # 70291 Applicant's Status Report
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1064 | TN # 70403 Applicant's Geologic Resources - Final Site Investigation Report for Soil and Groundwater
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1065 | TN # 70762 Applicant’s Correspondence Related to Air Quality
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1066 | TN # 70865 Applicant's Responses to Data Requests, Set Five 107-109 (Public Health)
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1067 | TN # 70870 Applicant's Responses to Data Requests, Set Four, 104-106 (Air Quality)
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1068 | TN # 70957 Applicant's Status Report Number Three
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1069 | TN # 71338 Applicant's Responses to Staff's Informal Requests for Visual Resources
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1070 | TN # 71513 Applicant’s Correspondence Related to Air Quality
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1071 | TN # 71529 Applicant's Status Report Four
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1072 | TN # 71601 Applicant's Correspondence with CEC's F. Miller Regarding Cheng Cycle Technology Information
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1073 | TN # 200042 AES response to SCAQMD Request for Information
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1074 | TN # 200050 Applicant's Request for Scheduling Conference and or Scheduling Order
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1075 | TN # 200362 AES Huntington Beach Response to SCAQMD's June 7, 2013 Data Request
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1076 | TN # 200363 Applicants Offsite Consequence Analysis (Hazardous Materials Handling)
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1077 | TN # 200375 Correspondence re Air Quality relating to the AFC of the Huntington Beach Energy Project
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1078 | TN # 200380 Applicant's Status Report (Sept. 1, 2013) Status Report | Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1079 | TN # 200424 Applicant's Response to Staff's Status Report and Request for Status Conference
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1080 | TN # 200631 CAISO Phase I Interconnection Study Report for HBEP
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1081 | TN # 200675 Applicant's Responses to Staff's Informal Data Requests Applicant's Responses to Data Request (Alternatives/Water Resources) | Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1082 | TN # 200698 Applicant's Status Report (October 1, 2013)
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1083 | TN # 200949 AES HBEP 1-Hour N02 Competing Source Inventory 10-18-13
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1084 | TN # 201096 Applicant's Status Report (November 1, 2013) Applicant's Status Report - November 1, 2013 | Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1085 | TN # 201106 Applicant's Resubmission of Data Responses, Set 1B, 4 and 5 Resubmission of Data Responses, Set 1B, 4, and 5 (Updated Responses to Data Requests 23 to 26 [BR], 104 to 106 [AQ], and 107 to 109 [PH] | Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1086 | TN # 201109 Letter to F. Miller dated 11-4-13 re AQ Modeling Files Submitted with Revised Responses to Data Request Sets 1B, 4, and 5 Letter | Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1087 | TN # 201142 Applicant's Comments on PSA, Part A
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1088 | TN # 201229 Air Quality Correspondence HBEP Air Quality Correspondence | Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1089 | TN # 201352 Applicant's Status Report (December 2013)
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1090 | TN # 201437 Applicant's Follow-up to PSA Part A Workshop
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1091 | TN # 201471 Applicant's Receipt of Preliminary Staff Assessment - Part A, Supplemental Focused Analysis dated 12-23-13 Filed in replacement of TN #201468 | Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1092 | TN # 201469 Huntington Beach Energy Project CAISO Cluster 5 Phase II Interconnection Study (App. A, Att. #4 submitted separately)
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1093 | TN # 201501 Applicant's Status Report (January 2014)
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1094 | TN # 201570 HBEP Resubmission of Data Response, Set 4 (Updated Response to DR #104; Air Quality)
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1095 | TN # 201572 Enclosure Letter Submitting Air Quality Modeling Files Related to Applicant's Resubmittal of Response to DR Set 4 (#104; AQ) 4 discs received. To large to upload. If you want to view please contact the Dockets Unit. | Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1096 | TN # 201582 Comments on Staff's Supplemental Focused Analysis, PSA Part A
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1097 | TN # 201632 Applicant's Status Report (February 2014) Status Report | Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1098 | TN # 201820 Applicant's Status Report (March 2014)
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1099 | TN # 201840 Applicant's Comments on SCAQMD's Preliminary Determination of Compliance
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1100 | TN # 201938 Applicant's Status Report (April 2014)
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1101 | TN # 201969 Applicant's Comments on Preliminary Staff Assessment, Part B (April 7, 2014)
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1102 | TN # 201970 Applicant's Status Conference Statement, dated April 7, 2014
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1103 | TN # 202003 South Coast Air Quality Management District's Preliminary Determination of Compliance South Coast Air Quality Management District's Preliminary Determination of Compliance, dated April 1, 2014 | Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1104 | TN # 202095 Applicant's Revised TSE Figure 3.1-1R, dated April 17, 2014 Applicant's Revised TSE Figure 3.1-1R, dated April 17, 2014 and related cover letter | Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1105 | TN # 202108 Applicant's Letter to Felicia Miller re Follow-Up to PSA Part B Workshop Applicant's Letter to Felicia Miller re Follow-Up to PSA Part B Workshop, dated April 18, 2014 | Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1106 | TN # 202186 Revised Data Responses 104 dated 4/22/14
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1107 | TN # 202281 Applicant's May 2014 Status Report
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1108 | TN # 202292 Applicant's Comments Dated 5-5-2014 re SCAQMD PDOC Comments
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1109 | TN # 202414 Applicant’s June 2014 Status Report
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1110 | TN # 202479 City of Huntington Beach Urban Water Management Plan
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1111 | TN # 202535 Applicant's Submittal of Historical HBGS Photographs circa 1959
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1112 | TN # 202598 Declaration of Lisa Valdez in Support of Applicant's Opening Testimony.pdf Declaration | Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1113 | TN # 202599 Declaration of Mark Bastasch in Support of Applicant’s Opening Testimony Declaration | Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1114 | TN # 202600 Declaration of Jennifer Krenz-Ruark in Support of Applicant’s Opening Testimony Declaration | Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1115 | TN # 202601 Declaration of Horacio Larios in Support of Applicants Opening Testimony Declaration | Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1116 | TN # 202602 Declaration of Geoffrey Spaulding in Support of Applicants Opening Testimony Declaration | Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1117 | TN # 202603 Declaration of Fatuma Yusuf, Ph.D. in Support of Applicant’s Opening Testimony Declaration | Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1118 | TN # 202604 Applicant’s Correspondence to SCAQMD re Class II Visibility Correspondence | Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1119 | TN # 202605 Applicant’s Correspondence to SCAQMD re Verification of PDOC Public Notice Distribution Correspondence | Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1120 | TN # 202606 Declaration of Thomas Lae in Support of Applicants Opening Testimony.pdf Declaration | Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1121 | TN # 202607 Declaration of Robert Mason in Support of Applicant’s Opening Testimony Declaration | Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1122 | TN # 202608 Declaration of Sarah Madams in Support of Applicant’s Opening Testimony Declaration | Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1123 | TN # 202609 Declaration of Melissa Fowler in Support of Applicant’s Opening Testimony Declaration | Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1124 | TN # 202610 Declaration of Matthew Franck in Support of Applicants Opening Testimony.pdf Declaration | Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1125 | TN # 202611 Declaration of Thomas J. Priestley, Ph.D. in Support of Applicant’s Opening Testimony Declaration | Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1126 | TN # 202613 Declaration of Robert Sims in Support of Applicant’s Opening Testimony Declaration of Robert Sims in Support of Applicant’s Opening Testimony re TSE and TSLN | Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1127 | TN # 202614 Declaration of Robert J. Dooling in Support of Applicant's Opening Testimony Declaration | Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1128 | TN # 202615 Declaration of Clint Helton in Support of Applicant's Opening Testimony Declaration | Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1129 | TN # 202616 Declaration of Jerry Salamy in Support of Applicant's Opening Testimony.pdf Declaration of Jerry Salamy in Support of Applicant's Opening Testimony in Support of Air Quality, Public Health, and Alternatives | Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1130 | TN # 202626 Declaration of Stephen O'Kane in Support of Applicant's Opening Testimony
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1131 | TN # 202632 Applicant's Submittal of Correspondence re Air Quality
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1132 | TN # 202635 Applicant’s Opening Testimony re HBEP; FSA Comments Applicant’s Opening Testimony re HBEP; FSA Comments, dated June 30, 2014 | Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1133 | TN # 202669 Applicant's Prehearing Conference Statement, dated July 7, 2014
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1134 | TN # 202084 Resolution from the City of HB Supporting Proposed Architectural Improvements for the HBEP
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1135 | TN # 202677 Supplemental Declaration of Jerry Salamy Declaration Jerry Salamy
7-10-14 | Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1136 | TN # 202678 Supplemental Declaration of Stephen O'Kane Declaration Stephen O'Kane 7-10-14 | Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1137 | TN # 202680 Applicant's Rebuttal Testimony in Support of the Huntington Beach Energy Project, dated July 11, 2014
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1138 | TN # 202710 Applicant's Email to Parties re HBEP Land Use LORS, dated July 14, 2014
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1139 | TN # 202774 Final Determination of Compliance for the Huntington Beach Energy Project Final Determination of Compliance for the Huntington Beach Energy Project (issued by the SCAQMD) | Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1140 | TN # 202788 Applicant's Visual Resources Presentation, dated July 21, 2014
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1141 | TN # 202787 Applicant's Cultural Resources Presentation, dated July 21, 2014
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
1142 | TN # 202855 Applicant's Prehearing Statement, dated July 31, 2014
| Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted. |
1143 | TN # 202862 Applicant's Responses to Questions in the Order After Prehearing Conference document | Offered by Applicant (AES Southland Development LLC); Admitted. |
2000 | TN # 202405 Final Staff Assessment
| Offered by Commission Staff (sarvey); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
2003 | TN # 202882 CEC Staff Proposed Conditions of Certiciation (Revised)
| Offered by Commission Staff (sarvey); Admitted on 8/6/2014. |
4000 | TN # 202640 The Effect of Air Pollution on Lung Development from 10 to 18 Years of Age Article from the New England Journal of Medicine | Offered by Intervenor (Monica Rudman); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
4001 | TN # 202666 SCAQMD Response Letter to Public Comment
| Offered by Intervenor (Monica Rudman); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
4002 | TN # 202657 HBGS Viewed from Neighborhood
| Offered by Intervenor (Monica Rudman); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
4003 | TN # 202658 HBGS Plume on a June Day 2013
| Offered by Intervenor (Monica Rudman); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
4004 | TN # 202656 HBGS as Seen from Edison High Parking lot on a Overcast Day
| Offered by Intervenor (Monica Rudman); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
4006 | TN # 202797 HBGS Viewed from Newport Pier This is a photograph that was embedded in Rudman's opening testimony that shows how the powerplant dominates sensitive views. | Offered by Intervenor (Monica Rudman); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
4007 | TN # 202639 Beach Attendance and Bathing Rates for Southern California Beaches
| Offered by Intervenor (Monica Rudman); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
4009 | TN # 202655 FERC Petition for Declaratory Order
| Offered by Intervenor (Monica Rudman); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
4010 | TN # 202637 Unleashing Local Energy
| Offered by Intervenor (Monica Rudman); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
4011 | TN # 202638 Teaching the Duck to Fly
| Offered by Intervenor (Monica Rudman); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
4012 | TN # 202659 Family at Beach in 1999
| Offered by Intervenor (Monica Rudman); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
4013 | TN # 202631 Opening Testimony of Monica Rudman on the Huntington Beach Energy Project
| Offered by Intervenor (Monica Rudman); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
4014 | TN # 202647 Potential Impacts of Increased Coastal Flooding in California due to Sea Level Rise p5-6
| Offered by Intervenor (Monica Rudman); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
4015 | TN # 202648 Potential Impacts of Increased Coastal Flooding in California due to Sea Level Rise p7-8
| Offered by Intervenor (Monica Rudman); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
4016 | TN # 202649 Potential Impacts of Increased Coastal Flooding in California due to Sea Level Rise P8-9
| Offered by Intervenor (Monica Rudman); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
4017 | TN # 202650 Potential Impacts of Increased Coastal Flooding in California due to Sea Level Rise p12-13
| Offered by Intervenor (Monica Rudman); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
4018 | TN # 202651 Potential Impacts of Increased Coastal Flooding in California due to Sea Level Rise p14-15
| Offered by Intervenor (Monica Rudman); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
4019 | TN # 202652 Potential Impacts of Increased Coastal Flooding in California due to Sea Level Rise
| Offered by Intervenor (Monica Rudman); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
4020 | TN # 202653 Potential Impacts of Increased Coastal Flooding in California due to Sea Level Rise p3-4
| Offered by Intervenor (Monica Rudman); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
4021 | TN # 202684 Safeguarding California California's Adaptation Policy Draft Update | Offered by Intervenor (Monica Rudman); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
4022 | TN # 202686 Estimating Risks to California Energy Infrastructure from Projected Climate Change Intervenor Rudman's evidence on site hazards
(Actual Docket Date: 7/14/14) | Offered by Intervenor (Monica Rudman); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
4023 | TN # 202687 The Impact of Sea Level Rise on the California Coast PIER Research Report which finds that the powerplant in Huntington Beach is vulnerable to sea level rise
(Actual Docket Date: 7/14/14) | Offered by Intervenor (Monica Rudman); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
4024 | TN # 202688 Briefing on Offshore Fracking and Other Well Stimulation Treatments Ca Coastal Commission Briefing and Intervenor Rudman's evidence on Geological Disturbances | Offered by Intervenor (Monica Rudman); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
4025 | TN # 202689 Examination of possibly Induced Seismicity for Hydraulic Fracturing in the Eola Field, Garvin County Oklahoma Intervenor Rudman"s Evidence | Offered by Intervenor (Monica Rudman); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
4026 | TN # 202701 Letter Re: Coastal Commission's 30413(d) Report for the Proposed AES Southland, LLC HBEP AFC, dated July 14, 2014 From California Coastal Commission | Offered by Intervenor (Monica Rudman); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
4027 | TN # 202690 Dispersion Meteorology for the Fall 2000 and Winter 2001 California Regional PM10/PM2.5 Air Quality Study Episodes Intervenor Rudman's Air Quality evidence | Offered by Intervenor (Monica Rudman); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
4028 | TN # 202702 Dilution and Dispersion of Inhalable Particulate Matter Intervenor Rudman supplemental evidence | Offered by Intervenor (Monica Rudman); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
4029 | TN # 202693 Climate Zones by City Evidence that Huntington Beach and Santa Ana have different climates, | Offered by Intervenor (Monica Rudman); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
4030 | TN # 202685 What is June Gloom Wikipedia document describing Huntington Beach's weather pattern consisting of frequent inversions
(Actual Docket Date: 7/14/14) | Offered by Intervenor (Monica Rudman); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
4031 | TN # 202691 Decision Adopting Local Procurement and Flexible Capacity Obligation for 2015 and Further Refining Resource Adequacy Program Intervenor Rudman's Evidence that the need for HBEP to integrate renewables has not been established | Offered by Intervenor (Monica Rudman); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
4032 | TN # 202706 Analysis Prepared By ORA for Tarck 2 of the LTPP Proceeding ORA Track 2 Analysis | Offered by Intervenor (Monica Rudman); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
4033 | TN # 202720 Monica Rudman's DeclarationHuntington Beach Energy Project
| Offered by Intervenor (Monica Rudman); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
4034 | TN # 202291 Monica Rudman Comments: Comments on SCAQMD Revised Preliminary Determination of Compliance
| Offered by Intervenor (Monica Rudman); Admitted on 7/21/2014. |
4035 | TN # 202850 Orange County Sanitation District Budget OCSD Budget which has a map of the service area and treatment plants and which says that determining parameters and opportunities for recycling treated effluent from plant number 2 is an upcoming focus area. | Offered by Intervenor (Monica Rudman); Admitted on 8/6/2014. |