Exhibit List

Docket: 17-SPPE-01
Project Title: McLaren Backup Generating Facility
Generated On: 7/27/2024 5:52:49 AM

Exhibit NumberDocument Title and DescriptionDisposition
1TN # 222041-13
Application for Small Power Plant Exemption for McLaren Backup Generating Facility
This is the main application, absent appendices.
Offered by Applicant (Vantage Data Centers); Admitted on 8/30/2018.
2TN # 222041-1
Application for Small Power Plant Exemption for McLaren Backup Generating Facility - Appendix A
This document is Appendix A of the SPPE application, and provides specs for the diesel generators.
Offered by Applicant (Vantage Data Centers); Admitted on 8/30/2018.
3TN # 222057
Application for Small Power Plant Exemption for McLaren Backup Generating Facility - Appendix B Part 1
*** THIS DOCUMENT SUPERSEDES TN 222041-2 *** - This document is the City of Santa Clara’s Feb. 2017 IS/MND is docketed as TN 222041-2 through TN 222041-7.
Offered by Applicant (Vantage Data Centers); Admitted on 8/30/2018.
4TN # 222041-3
Application for Small Power Plant Exemption for McLaren Backup Generating Facility - Appendix B Part 2
- This document is the City of Santa Clara’s Feb. 2017 IS/MND is docketed as TN 222041-2 through TN 222041-7.
Offered by Applicant (Vantage Data Centers); Admitted on 8/30/2018.
5TN # 222041-4
Application for Small Power Plant Exemption for McLaren Backup Generating Facility - Appendix B Part 3
- This document is the City of Santa Clara’s Feb. 2017 IS/MND is docketed as TN 222041-2 through TN 222041-7.
Offered by Applicant (Vantage Data Centers); Admitted on 8/30/2018.
6TN # 222041-5
Application for Small Power Plant Exemption for McLaren Backup Generating Facility - Appendix B Part 4
- This document is the City of Santa Clara’s Feb. 2017 IS/MND is docketed as TN 222041-2 through TN 222041-7.
Offered by Applicant (Vantage Data Centers); Admitted on 8/30/2018.
7TN # 222041-6
Application for Small Power Plant Exemption for McLaren Backup Generating Facility - Appendix B Part 5
- This document is the City of Santa Clara’s Feb. 2017 IS/MND is docketed as TN 222041-2 through TN 222041-7.
Offered by Applicant (Vantage Data Centers); Admitted on 8/30/2018.
8TN # 222041-7
Application for Small Power Plant Exemption for McLaren Backup Generating Facility - Appendix B Part 6
- This document is the City of Santa Clara’s Feb. 2017 IS/MND is docketed as TN 222041-2 through TN 222041-7.
Offered by Applicant (Vantage Data Centers); Admitted on 8/30/2018.
9TN # 222041-8
Application for Small Power Plant Exemption for McLaren Backup Generating Facility - Appendix C Part 1
TN 222041-8 and 9 are Appendix C of the SPPE application, consisting of drawings of the proposed site plan.
Offered by Applicant (Vantage Data Centers); Admitted on 8/30/2018.
10TN # 222041-9
Application for Small Power Plant Exemption for McLaren Backup Generating Facility - Appendix C Part 2
TN 222041-8 and 9 are Appendix C of the SPPE application, consisting of drawings of the proposed site plan.
Offered by Applicant (Vantage Data Centers); Admitted on 8/30/2018.
11TN # 222041-10
Application for Small Power Plant Exemption for McLaren Backup Generating Facility - Appendix D
This document is Appendix D of the SPPE application, the Spill Control plan.
Offered by Applicant (Vantage Data Centers); Admitted on 8/30/2018.
12TN # 222041-11
Application for Small Power Plant Exemption for McLaren Backup Generating Facility - Appendix E
This document is Appendix E of the SPPE application, the backup documents for the Air Quality analysis associated with the updated project description.
Offered by Applicant (Vantage Data Centers); Admitted on 8/30/2018.
13TN # 222041-12
Application for Small Power Plant Exemption for McLaren Backup Generating Facility - Appendix F
This document is Appendix F of the SPPE application, the thermal plume technical report associated with the updated project description.
Offered by Applicant (Vantage Data Centers); Admitted on 8/30/2018.
14TN # 222096-1
Application for Small Power Plant Exemption for McLaren Backup Generating Facility - Appendix E-2_Part 1
Offered by Applicant (Vantage Data Centers); Admitted on 8/30/2018.
15TN # 222097
Application for Small Power Plant Exemption for McLaren Backup Generating Facility - Appendix E-2 Part 2
Offered by Applicant (Vantage Data Centers); Admitted on 8/30/2018.
16TN # 222104
Air Quality Technical Report Replacement for MBGF Application for SPPE - Appendix E-1
Offered by Applicant (Vantage Data Centers); Admitted on 8/30/2018.
17TN # 222447
Vantage Data Center's Response to CEC Staff DR Set No.1 (1-34)
Offered by Applicant (Vantage Data Centers); Admitted on 8/30/2018.
18TN # 222474
Vantage Data Center's Supplemental Response to CEC Staff DR2 and DR23
Offered by Applicant (Vantage Data Centers); Admitted on 8/30/2018.
19TN # 223021
Vantage Data Center's NWIC Records Search Results for MBGF
Offered by Applicant (Vantage Data Centers); Admitted on 8/30/2018.
20TN # 223483
Vantage Data Center's Revised SPPE Application for McLaren Backup Generating Facility
Offered by Applicant (Vantage Data Centers); Admitted on 8/30/2018.
21TN # 223484
Vantage Data Center's Revised SPPE Application for McLaren Backup Generaring Facility - Air Quality and Public Health
Offered by Applicant (Vantage Data Centers); Admitted on 8/30/2018.
22TN # 223744
Compilation of data clarification questions and responses for the McLaren Backup Generation Facility SPPE application review
Staff's review of the McLaren SPPE application
Offered by Applicant (Vantage Data Centers); Admitted on 8/30/2018.
23TN # 223769
Vantage Data Center's Revised N02 Modeling Report for McLaren Backup Generating Facility
McLaren Data Center: Air Dispersion Modeling Report for One-Hour N02 CAAQS and NAAQS
Offered by Applicant (Vantage Data Centers); Admitted on 8/30/2018.
24TN # 223773
Data Clarification Questions and Responses for the McLaren Backup Generation Facility SPPE Application Review
Offered by Applicant (Vantage Data Centers); Admitted on 8/30/2018.
25TN # 224170
Vantage Data Center's Comments on the ISMND and Response to Committee Memorandum Dated July 5, 2018
Offered by Applicant (Vantage Data Centers); Admitted on 8/30/2018.
26TN # 224411
Vantage Data Centers Opposition to Helping Hand Tools Motion to Dismiss
Offered by Applicant (Vantage Data Centers); Admitted on 8/30/2018.
27TN # 224627
Vantage Data Centers Response to Committee Questions 8-29-18
Offered by Applicant (Vantage Data Centers); Admitted on 8/30/2018.
28TN # 224475
VDC's Opening Testimony Package for the MBGF Application For SPPE
Offered by Applicant (Vantage Data Centers); Admitted on 8/30/2018.
29TN # 224530
VDC's Rebuttal Testimony Package for the MBGF SPPE Application
Offered by Applicant (Vantage Data Centers); Admitted on 8/30/2018.
30TN # 224884
Executive Director's Jurisdictional Determination Vantage
Offered by Applicant (Vantage Data Centers); Admitted on 10/10/2018.
31TN # 224896
VDC's Supplemental Project Description Testimony
Supplemental Project Description Testimony of Michael Stoner and Spencer Myers in Response to Committee Order Generating Capacity Question 3
Offered by Applicant (Vantage Data Centers); Admitted on 10/10/2018.
32TN # 224882
SVP Vantage Electricity Supply Agreement
Offered by Applicant (Vantage Data Centers); Admitted on 10/10/2018.
33TN # 224883
SVP Letter to Vantage 10-4-18
Offered by Applicant (Vantage Data Centers); Admitted on 10/10/2018.
34TN # 224895
VDC's Supplemental Air Quality Testimony
VDC's Supplemental Testimony of Dr. Shari Beth Libicki in Response to Committee Order Air Quality Question 1
Offered by Applicant (Vantage Data Centers); Admitted on 10/10/2018.
200TN # 223911
McLaren Data Center Project Initial Study and Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration
Initial Study
Offered by Commission Staff (Staff); Admitted on 8/30/2018.
201TN # 224450
Data Clarification Questions And Responses For The McLaren Backup Generation Facility SPPE Application Review
Response to Comments on Air Quality and Public Health Issues
Offered by Commission Staff (Staff); Admitted on 8/30/2018.
202TN # 224479
Staff's Response to Comments, Response to Motion to Dismiss, Response to Motion for New Schedule
See TN 224532 for Revised Response to Comment CC-2 with augmented map and corrected figure citations.
Offered by Commission Staff (Staff); Admitted on 8/30/2018.
203TN # 224532
Revised Response to Comment CC-2
See TN 224479 for Staff's Response to Comment CC-2
Offered by Commission Staff (Staff); Admitted on 8/30/2018.
204TN # 224554
Mclaren Evidentiary Hearing Declarations and Resumes of Energy Commission Staff
Offered by Commission Staff (Staff); Admitted on 8/30/2018.
205TN # 224637
Staff Response to Committee Questions
Offered by Commission Staff (Staff); Admitted on 8/30/2018.
300TN # 224536
Reply testimony
Offered by Intervenor (Helping Hands Tools); Admitted on 8/30/2018.
301TN # 224523
Revised Health Impact Assessment Review Document for Vantage Data Center Quincy, Washington
Sarvey Rebuttal Testimony Attachment 1 Revised Health Impact Assessment Review Document for Vantage Data Center Quincy, Washington
Offered by Intervenor (Helping Hands Tools); Admitted on 8/30/2018.
302TN # 224524
Sarvey Rebbutal testimony attachment 2 Microsoft data Center Enginerring Evfaluation Center
Engineering Evaluation Microsoft Data Center Santa Clara
Offered by Intervenor (Helping Hands Tools); Admitted on 8/30/2018.
303TN # 224525
Sarvey Reply Testimony Attachemnt 3 Technical Support Document for the Third Tier Petition for Microsoft Columbia Data Center Ex
Technical Support Document for the Third Tier Petition for Microsoft Columbia Data Center Expansion Project Quincy, Washington August 20, 2010
Offered by Intervenor (Helping Hands Tools); Admitted on 8/30/2018.
304TN # 224526
Santa Clara Data Center Energy Cosmmission Decision
CEC Final Decision Santa Clara Data Center
Offered by Intervenor (Helping Hands Tools); Admitted on 10/26/2018.
305TN # 224636
Helping Hand Tools Response to Committee questions
Offered by Intervenor (Helping Hands Tools); Admitted on 8/30/2018.
306TN # 224682
McLaren Data Center Request for Offical Notice Melissa Jones.pdf
Request for Official Notice of April 22, 2008 letter from Melissa Jones to W. Cantrell
Offered by Intervenor (Helping Hands Tools); Admitted on 10/10/2018.
307TN # 225014
Supplemental Testimony of Robert Sarvey for Helping Hand Tools (2HT)
Exhibit 307 McLaren staus conferenence additional testimony 10-16-18
Offered by Intervenor (Helping Hands Tools); Admitted on 10/26/2018.
308TN # 225007
Rosedine V5 PUE determination letter
McLaren Data Center Exhibit 308 Rosedine V5 PUE determination
Offered by Intervenor (Helping Hands Tools); Admitted on 10/26/2018.
309TN # 225008
McLaren Data Center Rosedine PUE determination v6 letter
McLaren Data Center Exhibit 309 Rosedine PUE determination V6
Offered by Intervenor (Helping Hands Tools); Admitted on 10/26/2018.