216589 | 3/16/2017 |
Memo to Close Docket
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
215127-1 | 12/29/2016 |
Fact Sheet - SB350 Barriers Study (English) *** THIS DOCUMENT SUPERSEDES TN 212688-1 *** 2 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
215127-2 | 12/29/2016 |
Fact Sheet - SB350 Barriers Study (Spanish) *** THIS DOCUMENT SUPERSEDES TN 212688-2 *** 2 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
215127-3 | 12/29/2016 |
Fact Sheet - SB350 Barriers Study (Chinese) *** THIS DOCUMENT SUPERSEDES TN 212688-3 *** 2 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
215127-4 | 12/29/2016 |
Fact Sheet - SB350 Barriers Study (Vietnamese) *** THIS DOCUMENT SUPERSEDES TN 212688-4 *** 2 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
215127-5 | 12/29/2016 |
Fact Sheet - SB350 Barriers Study (Korean) *** THIS DOCUMENT SUPERSEDES TN 212688-5 *** 2 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
215127-6 | 12/29/2016 |
Fact Sheet - SB350 Barriers Study (Hmong) *** THIS DOCUMENT SUPERSEDES TN 212688-6 *** 2 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
215127-7 | 12/29/2016 |
Fact Sheet - SB350 Barriers Study (Tagalog) *** THIS DOCUMENT SUPERSEDES TN 212688-7 *** 2 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
214896 | 12/19/2016 |
Resolution No: 16-1214-08 Resolution adopting the Low-Income Barriers Study, Part A 2 page(s)
| | | California Energy Commission |
214892 | 12/19/2016 |
Presentation - SB 350 Low-Income Barriers Study Business Meeting - 12-14-16 SB 350 Low-Income Barriers Study presentation provided at the December 14, 2016 Business Meeting (Agenda Item # 8) 13 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
214830 | 12/16/2016 |
SB 350 Low-Income Barriers Study, Part A - Commission Final Report Commission Final Report for the SB 350 Low-Income Barriers Study, Part A: Overcoming Barriers to Energy Efficiency and Renewables for Low-Income Customers and Small Business Contracting Opportunities in Disadvantaged Communities. This report was adopted by the Energy Commission at the December 14, 2016 Business Meeting. 150 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
214782 | 12/13/2016 |
Proposed Errata - SB 350 Low-Income Barriers Study, Part A Proposed Errata to the SB 350 Low-Income Barriers Study, Part A with final changes to be considered along with TN214605 at the December 14, 2016 Energy Commission Business Meeting 10 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
214717 | 12/8/2016 |
Clean Energy Works Comments: On Revised Draft of the SB350 Barriers Study
5 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Clean Energy Works/Holmes Hummel |
214715 | 12/8/2016 |
California Municipal Utilities Association Comments: on Low-Income Barriers Study
SB 350 Public Comments 3 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Municipal Utilities Association |
214714 | 12/8/2016 |
Rising Sun Energy Center Comments: On Revised SB 350 Barriers Report
SB 350 Public Comments 3 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Rising Sun Energy Center |
214711 | 12/8/2016 |
APEN and CEJA SB 350 Barriers Study Revised Staff Draft Report Comments
4 page(s)
| | CEC/Commissioners | Asian Pacific Environmental Network (APEN) and California Environmental Justice Alliance (CEJA) |
214708 | 12/8/2016 |
SolarCity Comments - Revised Staff Draft SB 350 Low Income Barriers Study
SB 350 Public Comments
| | | Solar City |
214707 | 12/8/2016 |
GREEN-EEFA Coalition comments, including CHPC, NRDC and Greenlining Institute
SB 350 Public Comments
| | | GREEN-EEFA Coalition |
214706 | 12/8/2016 |
Joint Comments on SB 350 Barriers Report (Part A) 20161208
| | | Blue Green Alliance and Others |
214705 | 12/8/2016 |
SCE Comments on SB 350 Recommendations
SB 350 Public Comments 4 page(s)
| | | Southern California Edison |
214703 | 12/8/2016 |
CRPE Comments: Environmental Justice Support for Adopting Barrier's Study and Directing Programs to Disadvantaged Communties
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Center on Race, Poverty & the Environment |
214702 | 12/8/2016 |
California Solar Energy Industries Association Comments on the Revised Staff Draft Report for SB 350 Barriers Study, Part A
SB 350 Public Comments 5 page(s)
| | CEC/Commissioners | California Solar Energy Industries Association |
214606 | 12/1/2016 |
Notice of Proposed Adoption - SB 350 Low-Income Barriers Study Notice to Consider Adoption of Low-Income Barriers Study, Part A: Overcoming Barriers to Energy Efficiency and Renewables for Low-Income Customers and Small Business Contracting Opportunities in Disadvantaged Communities - December 14, 2016 - 10:00 a.m. 3 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
214605 | 12/1/2016 |
Revised Staff Report - SB 350 Low-Income Barriers Study, Part A Revised Staff Draft Report - Low-Income Barriers Study, Part A: Overcoming Barriers to Energy Efficiency and Renewables for Low-Income Customers and Small Business Contracting Opportunities in Disadvantaged Communities 157 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
214296 | 10/31/2016 |
*FINAL* Rising Sun Energy Center Comments: SB 350 Staff Draft Barriers Study Recommendations *** THIS DOCUMENT SUPERSEDES TN 214247 *** SB 350 Public Comments 3 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Rising Sun Energy Center |
214254 | 10/28/2016 |
Comments of the GREEN-EEFA Coalition Comments from the California Housing Partnership, the Natural Resources Defense Council, Association for Energy Affordability, Greenlining Institute and Build It Green SB 350 Public Comments 17 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Green-Energy Efficiency for All Coalition |
214252 | 10/28/2016 |
San Diego Gas & Electric and Souther California Gas Company Low-Income Barriers Study Draft Recommendations Comments
SB 350 Public Comments 7 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | SoCalGas and SDGE |
214248 | 10/28/2016 |
California Municipal Utilities Association Comments: On SB 350 Low-Income Barriers Study Draft Recommendations
SB 350 Public Comments 7 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Municipal Utilities Association |
214247 | 10/28/2016 |
Rising Sun Energy Center Comments: SB 350 Staff Draft Barriers Study Recommendations - Rising Sun Comments SB 350 Public Comments 3 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Rising Sun Energy Center/Julia Hatton |
214246 | 10/28/2016 |
Greenlining Institute Comments on CEC SB 350 Barriers Study Recommendations
SB 350 Public Comments 8 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Greenlining Institute/Stephanie Chen |
214244 | 10/28/2016 |
Comment on Draft Recommendations for SB350 Barriers Study Comment on Draft Recommendations for SB350 Barriers Study prepared by Clean Energy Works 23 page(s)
| | Clean Energy Works/Dr. Holmes Hummel and CEC/Docket Unit | Clean Energy Works |
214243 | 10/28/2016 |
Southern California Edision Comments: CEC Draft Recommendations on DER Barriers
3 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Southern California Edision |
214242 | 10/28/2016 |
Leadership Counsel for Justice and Accountability Comment Letter
4 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Leadership Counsel for Justice and Accountability |
214241 | 10/28/2016 |
APEN and CEJA's comments
7 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | APEN and CEJA |
214239 | 10/28/2016 |
Joint Comments on SB 350 Barriers Recommendations 20161028 Comments from: BlueGreen Alliance, California Statewide LMCC, Strategic Concepts in Organizing & Policy Education, Sierra Club California, California State Pipe Trades Council, San Mateo County Union Community Alliance, Sheet Metal Workers Local 104 4 page(s)
| | CEC/Alana Mathews | Ross Nakasone |
214238 | 10/28/2016 |
Comments of the California Solar Energy Industries Association on the Staff Draft Recommendations for SB 350 Barriers Study
SB 350 Public Comments 6 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Solar Energy Industries Association/Kelly Knutsen |
214237 | 10/28/2016 |
Comments of the Sacramento Municipal Utility District on SB 350 Barriers Report Draft Recommendations
5 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | SMUD/Lourdes Jimenez-Price |
214234 | 10/28/2016 |
Pacific Gas & Electric Comments on SB 350 Barriers Study Draft Recommendations
5 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Pacific Gas & Electric |
214233 | 10/28/2016 |
Vote Solar Comments on Staff Draft Barriers Study Recommendations
SB 350 Public Comments 6 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Vote Solar/Susannah Churchill |
214231 | 10/28/2016 |
Association of California Community and Energy Services Public Comment on SB 350 Draft Recommendations
SB 350 Public Comments 3 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Association of California Community and Energy Services |
214224 | 10/28/2016 |
Enervee comments on Low-Income Barriers Study Draft Staff Recommendations
Efficiency, SB 350 Public Comments 3 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Enervee/Anne Arquit Niederberger |
214217 | 10/28/2016 |
Comments of Environmental Defense Fund on SB 350 Low Income Barriers Staff Draft Recommendations
Efficiency, Greenhouse Gases, Renewable Energy 3 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Environmental Defense Fund |
214215 | 10/27/2016 |
Brightline Defense Project Comments on Staff Draft Recommendations
5 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Brightline Defense/Ivan Jimenez |
214134 | 10/21/2016 |
SB 350 Low-Income Barriers Study Draft Recommendations Staff Draft Recommendations for the Energy Commission's SB 350 Low-Income Barriers Study. These draft recommendations supplement the information included in the 2016 Energy Commission report "A Study of Barriers and Solutions to Energy Efficiency, Renewables and Contracting Opportunities Among Low-Income Customers and Disadvantaged Communities (Staff Draft)." 5 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
214133 | 10/21/2016 |
Notice and Request for Comments - SB 350 Low-Income Barriers Study Draft Recommendations Notice of Availability and Request for Comments on the Energy Commission's SB 350 Low-Income Barriers Study Draft Recommendations 3 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
213866 | 9/30/2016 |
Workshop Regarding Barriers of Low-Income and Disadvantaged Communities to Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
127 page(s)
| | | California Energy Commission |
213863 | 9/30/2016 |
Edward Lee Moreno Comments: Docket Number 16-OIR-02
4 page(s)
| | | Sierra Club California |
213855 | 9/29/2016 |
Brightline Defense Project Comments: On SB 350 Barriers Study Draft Report
11 page(s)
| | | Brightline Defense Project |
213853 | 9/29/2016 |
BlueGreen Alliance Comments: Job Quality and Access Comments to the SB 350 Barriers Report Draft
3 page(s)
| | CEC/Alana Mathews | BlueGreen Alliance |
213852 | 9/29/2016 |
SolarCity Comments - Draft SB 350 Barriers Study
SB 350 Public Comments 5 page(s)
| | | SolarCity |
213851 | 9/29/2016 |
Leadership Counsel for Justice & Accountability - Comments on SB 350 Draft Barrier Study
5 page(s)
| | | Leadership Counsel for Justice & Accountability |
213850 | 9/29/2016 |
CA IBEW NECA LMCC comments on draft SB 350 Barriers Report
SB 350 Public Comments 6 page(s)
| | | LMCC |
213848 | 9/29/2016 |
Renew Financial’s Comments: Innovative Financing Pilot
Greenhouse Gases, Renewable Energy, Efficiency, Soil and Water 38 page(s)
| | | Renew Financial |
213847 | 9/29/2016 |
SB350 Barriers Study: The Need to Focus on Job Quality and Access
2 page(s)
| | | UC Berkeley Labor Center |
213845 | 9/29/2016 |
Comments of Environmental Defense Fund on Study of Barriers and Solutions to Energy Efficiency, Renewables and Contracting Oppor
7 page(s)
| | | Environmental Defense Fund |
213844 | 9/29/2016 |
Pacific Gas & Electric Comments on the draft SB 350 Barriers Study This document supersedes TN 213838. 12 page(s)
| | | Pacific Gas & Electric |
213843 | 9/29/2016 |
Comments of the GREEN-Energy Efficiency for All Coalition, including NRDC, CHPC, AEA, Greenlining Institute, and Build It Gree
SB 350 Public Comments 23 page(s)
| | | GREEN-Energy Efficiency for All Coalition |
213842 | 9/29/2016 |
Johns Manville & Nest Comments on Draft SB 350 Report
Efficiency, Greenhouse Gases, SB 350 Public Comments 7 page(s)
| | | Johns Manville & Nest |
213841 | 9/29/2016 |
Comments on Draft Report for SB350 Barriers Study
12 page(s)
| | | Clean Energy Works |
213839 | 9/29/2016 |
Greenlining Institute Comments - SB 350 Barriers Study
SB 350 Public Comments
| | | Greenlining Institute |
213838 | 9/29/2016 |
Pacific Gas & Electric Comments on the Draft SB 350 Barriers Study This document is superseded by TN 213844. 12 page(s)
| | | Pacific Gas & Electric |
213837 | 9/29/2016 |
APEN and CEJA Comment Letter on SB 350 Draft Barriers Study
| | | The Asian Pacific Environmental Network |
213836 | 9/29/2016 |
Southern California Edison Comments on SB 350 Barriers Draft Report
SB 350 Public Comments 4 page(s)
| | | Southern California Edison |
213835 | 9/29/2016 |
Sierra CAMP Comment Letter on SB 350 Barriers Study
3 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Sierra Camp |
213831 | 9/29/2016 |
California Association of Realtors Comments: On SB 350 Barriers Study Draft Report
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Robert Oglesby | California Association of Realtors |
213830 | 9/29/2016 |
Vote Solar's Comments on the Draft SB 350 Barriers Report
SB 350 Public Comments 9 page(s)
| | CEC/Commissioners | Vote Solar/Melanie Santiago-Mosier |
213829 | 9/28/2016 |
Center for Sustainable Energy Comments on 350 Barriers & Solutions Report
SB 350 Public Comments 9 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Center for Sustainable Energy/Stephanie Wang |
213826 | 9/28/2016 |
IREC Comments re Draft Staff Report
| | | the Interstate Renewable Energy Council, Inc. |
213822 | 9/28/2016 |
Comments to CEC's SB 350 Barriers Study Report
SB 350 Public Comments
| | | El Dorado County Water Agency (EDCWA) |
213819 | 9/28/2016 |
Marti Frank Comments: The Shift Model - a new program design for efficient products
Efficiency, Socioeconomics, SB 350 Public Comments 4 page(s)
| | | Marti Frank |
213817 | 9/27/2016 |
BayREN Comments to SB 350 Draft Market Barriers Report
SB 350 Public Comments 8 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | BayREN |
213761 | 9/22/2016 |
Enervee Comments on Low-Income Barriers Study
Efficiency, SB 350 Public Comments 6 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Enervee/Anne Arquit Niederberger |
213698 | 9/16/2016 |
Rising Sun Energy Center Comments: SB 350 Barriers Study Draft Report
SB 350 Public Comments 5 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Rising Sun Energy Center/Julia Hatton |
213648 | 9/14/2016 |
Staff Presentation - SB 350 Low Income Barriers Study Draft Report Workshop Energy Commission Staff Presentation from the September 13, 2016 SB 350 Low Income Barriers Study Draft Report Workshop 38 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
213636 | 9/14/2016 |
Robert Castaneda Comments: Interagency collaboration
SB 350 2016-06-03 Workshop, SB 350 Public Comments 1 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Robert Castaneda |
213615 | 9/12/2016 |
Rick Brown, PhD Comments: Reach Through Schools
SB 350 Public Comments 1 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Rick Brown, PhD |
213599 | 9/9/2016 |
SB 350 Barriers Study Draft Report Draft Report - A Study of Barriers and Solutions to Energy Efficiency, Renewables and Contracting Opportunities Among Low-Income Customer and Disadvantaged Communities 142 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
213561 | 9/9/2016 |
Schedule for SB 350 Barriers Study Draft Workshop on September 13, 2016 *** This document supersedes TN 213557 *** Schedule for September 13, 2016 Workshop for Draft Report on Barriers of
Low-Income and Disadvantaged Communities to Renewable Energy and
Energy Efficiency 1 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
213557 | 9/9/2016 |
Schedule for SB 350 Barriers Study Draft Workshop on September 13, 2016 *** This document is replaced by TN 213561 *** Schedule for September 13, 2016 Workshop for Draft Report on Barriers of Low-Income and Disadvantaged Communities to Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency 2 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
213515 | 9/7/2016 |
SB 350 Barriers Report Draft Workshop Notice 09/13/16 (Chinese Version) Notice of September 13, 2016 Energy Commission Workshop Regarding Barriers of Low-Income and Disadvantaged Communities to Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (Chinese Translation) 5 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
213508 | 9/6/2016 |
SB 350 Barriers Report Draft Workshop Notice 09/13/16 (Spanish Version) Notice of September 13, 2016 Energy Commission Workshop Regarding Barriers of Low-Income and Disadvantaged Communities to Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (Spanish Translation) 5 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
213471 | 9/1/2016 |
Barriers Workshop Notice 09/13/16
5 page(s)
| | | California Energy Commission |
213024 | 8/30/2016 |
Transcript of 08/12/16 Workshop Energy Commission Workshop Regarding Barriers of Low-Income and Disadvantaged Communities to Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy 314 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
212963 | 8/26/2016 |
Johns Manville and Nest Comments: On August 12, 2016 Workshop
6 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Johns Manville and Nest |
212959 | 8/25/2016 |
Sekita Grant Comments: 350 Recommendations for Jobs, Workforce Training, and Small Business Opportunities
SB 350 Public Comments 25 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Sekita Grant |
212958 | 8/25/2016 |
Clean Energy Works Comments: On SB350 Barriers Study
12 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Clean Energy Works/Holmes Hummel |
212956 | 8/25/2016 |
Comments on 350 Barriers Report Comments from The Natural Resources Defense Council, California Housing Partnership, Association for Energy Affordability and Greenlining Institute SB 350 Public Comments 12 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | The Natural Resources Defense Council, California Housing Partnership, Assoc. for Energy Affordability & Greenlining Institute |
212955 | 8/25/2016 |
Ross Nakasone Comments: Comments on SB 350 Barriers Report Workshops - 16-OIR-02
3 page(s)
| | CEC/Alana Mathews | Ross Nakasone |
212954 | 8/25/2016 |
MCE Clean Energy Comments: On Workshop to Identify Barriers to Access to Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
Efficiency, Renewable Energy 6 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | MCE Clean Energy/Michael Callahan-Dudley |
212952 | 8/25/2016 |
Johns Manville - Nest Labs, Inc. Comments: Comments of Johns Manville and Nest on SB 350 Barriers Workshop; 8-12-2016
| | | Nest Labs, Inc. |
212949 | 8/25/2016 |
IREC's Comments on Barriers of Low-Income and Disadvantaged Communities to Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Letter re Interstate Renewable Energy Council, Inc.’s Comments on Barriers of Low-Income and Disadvantaged Communities to Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy – Docket 16-OIR-02 SB 350 Public Comments 95 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets Unit | Shute, Mihaly & Weinberger |
212935 | 8/24/2016 |
Kent Kernahan Comments: Enabling Sustainable Energy for Low Income Households: Economic Sustainability
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Kent Kernahan |
212934 | 8/24/2016 |
BayREN Comments - SB 350 Barriers Study and Inclusive Financing for Distributed Energy Solutions *** This Document Supersedes TN 212933 *** 4 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | BayREN/Jennifer Berg |
212933 | 8/24/2016 |
BayREN Comments - SB 350 Barriers Study and Inclusive Financing for Distributed Energy Solutions *** This document is replaced by TN 212934 *** 2 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | BayREN/Jennifer Berg |
212906 | 8/22/2016 |
Schedule for the SB 350 Barriers Study Workshop on August 12, 2016 *** This document supersedes TN 212687 *** Barriers of Low-Income and Disadvantaged Communities to Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency 3 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
212859 | 8/18/2016 |
I.B.E.W./Johnny Simpson Comments: On 8/12/16 Workshop on Barriers of Low-Income and Disadvantaged Communities
4 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | I.B.E.W./Johnny Simpson |
212858 | 8/18/2016 |
Proteus, Inc. Comments: On 8/12/16 Workshop on Barriers of Low-Income and Disadvantaged Communities
3 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Proteus, Inc. |
212857 | 8/18/2016 |
California Conservation Corps - Energy Corps Comments: On 8/12/16 Workshop on Barriers of Low-Income and Disadvantaged Communities Presentation 15 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Conservation Corps - Energy Corps |
212856 | 8/18/2016 |
Energy Conservation Options (ECO) Comments: On 8/12/16 Workshop on Barriers of Low-Income and Disadvantaged Communities
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Energy Conservation Options (ECO) |
212855 | 8/18/2016 |
Communities for a Better Environment Comments: On 8/12/16 Workshop on Barriers of Low-Income and Disadvantaged Communities
5 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Communities for a Better Environment |
212854 | 8/18/2016 |
Pacific Energy Center/StopWaste/Bay Area Regional Energy Network Comments: On 8/12/16 Workshop on Barriers of Low-Income and Disadvantaged Communities Presentation 12 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Pacific Energy Center/StopWaste/Bay Area Regional Energy Network |
212853 | 8/18/2016 |
StopWaste Comments: On 8/12/16 Workshop on Barriers of Low-Income and Disadvantaged Communities Presentation 13 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | StopWaste |
212852 | 8/18/2016 |
StopWaste Comments: On 8/12/16 Workshop on Barriers of Low-Income and Disadvantaged Communities
5 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | StopWaste |
212851 | 8/18/2016 |
AEA Comments: On 8/12/16 Workshop on Barriers of Low-Income and Disadvantaged Communities
3 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | AEA |
212850 | 8/18/2016 |
Yolo County Housing Comments: On 8/12/16 Workshop on Barriers of Low-Income and Disadvantaged Communities
4 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Yolo County Housing |
212849 | 8/18/2016 |
Energy Efficiency For All Comments: On 8/12/16 Workshop on Barriers of Low-Income and Disadvantaged Communities
3 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Energy Efficiency For All |
212848 | 8/18/2016 |
Natural Resources Defense Council Comments: On 8/12/16 Workshop on Barriers of Low-Income and Disadvantaged Communities
5 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Natural Resources Defense Council |
212847 | 8/18/2016 |
MCE Clean Energy Comments: On 8/12/16 Workshop on Barriers of Low-Income and Disadvantaged Communities
3 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | MCE Clean Energy |
212846 | 8/18/2016 |
Los Angeles Department of Water & Power Comments: On 8/12/16 Workshop on Barriers of Low-Income and Disadvantaged Communities
3 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Los Angeles Department of Water & Power |
212845 | 8/18/2016 |
California Public Utilities Commission Comments: On 8/12/16 Workshop on Barriers of Low-Income and Disadvantaged Communities
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Public Utilities Commission |
212844 | 8/18/2016 |
California Public Utilities Commission Comments: On 8/12/16 Workshop on Barriers of Low-Income and Disadvantaged Communities
3 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Public Utilities Commission |
212843 | 8/18/2016 |
California Public Utilities Commission Comments: On 8/12/16 Workshop on Barriers of Low-Income and Disadvantaged Communities
3 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Public Utilities Commission |
212842 | 8/18/2016 |
California Department of Community Services & Development Comments: On 8/12/16 Workshop on Barriers of Low-Income and Disadvantaged Communities
3 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Department of Community Services & Development |
212841 | 8/18/2016 |
California Department of Community Services & Development Comments: On 8/12/16 Workshop on Barriers of Low-Income and Disadvantaged Communities Fact Sheet 2 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Department of Community Services & Development |
212840 | 8/18/2016 |
Community Housing Opportunities Corporation Comments: On 8/12/16 Workshop on Barriers of Low-Income and Disadvantaged Communities
6 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Community Housing Opportunities Corporation |
212780 | 8/12/2016 |
Kent Kernahan Comments: Response to securitization / financeability question
Renewable Energy 1 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Kent Kernahan |
212688-1 | 8/9/2016 |
Fact Sheet - SB350 Barriers Study (English) *** THIS DOCUMENT IS REPLACED BY TN 215127-1 *** 2 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
212688-2 | 8/9/2016 |
Fact Sheet - SB350 Barriers Study (Spanish) *** THIS DOCUMENT IS REPLACED BY TN 215127-2 *** 2 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
212688-3 | 8/9/2016 |
Fact Sheet - SB350 Barriers Study (Chinese) *** THIS DOCUMENT IS REPLACED BY TN 215127-3 *** 2 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
212688-4 | 8/9/2016 |
Fact Sheet - SB350 Barriers Study (Vietnamese) *** THIS DOCUMENT IS REPLACED BY TN 215127-4 *** 2 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
212688-5 | 8/9/2016 |
Fact Sheet - SB350 Barriers Study (Korean) *** THIS DOCUMENT IS REPLACED BY TN 215127-5 *** 2 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
212688-6 | 8/9/2016 |
Fact Sheet - SB350 Barriers Study (Hmong) *** THIS DOCUMENT IS REPLACED BY TN 215127-6 *** 2 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
212688-7 | 8/9/2016 |
Fact Sheet - SB350 Barriers Study (Tagalog) *** THIS DOCUMENT IS REPLACED BY TN 215127-7 *** 2 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
212687 | 8/9/2016 |
Schedule for the SB 350 Barriers Study Workshop on August 12, 2016 *** This document is replaced by TN 212906 *** Barriers of Low-Income and Disadvantaged Communities to Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency 3 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
212543 | 8/2/2016 |
Notice of Energy Commission Workshop Regarding Barriers of Low-Income (Spanish version) *** This document supersedes TN 212539 due to system error. ** Notice of Energy Commission Workshop Regarding Barriers of Low-Income and Disadvantaged Communities to Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy 5 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
212541 | 8/1/2016 |
Notice of Energy Commission Workshop Regarding Barriers of Low-Income (Chinese version) *** This document supersedes TN 212538 due to system error. *** Notice of Energy Commission Workshop Regarding Barriers of Low-Income and Disadvantaged Communities to Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy 5 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
212539 | 8/1/2016 |
Notice of Energy Commission Workshop Regarding Barriers of Low-Income (Spanish version) *** This document is replaced by TN 212543 due to system error. *** Notice of Energy Commission Workshop Regarding Barriers of Low-Income and Disadvantaged Communities to Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy 5 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
212538 | 8/1/2016 |
Notice of Energy Commission Workshop Regarding Barriers of Low-Income (Chinese version) *** This document is replaced by TN 212541 due to system error. *** Notice of Energy Commission Workshop Regarding Barriers of Low-Income and Disadvantaged Communities to Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy 5 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
212537 | 8/1/2016 |
Notice of Energy Commission Workshop Regarding Barriers of Low-Income and Disadvantaged Communities Notice of Energy Commission Workshop Regarding Barriers of Low-Income and Disadvantaged Communities to Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy 5 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
212381 | 7/21/2016 |
Notice of IEPR Commissioner Workshop on Draft Environmental Performance Report August 4, 2016 IEPR Workshop Notice on the DRAFT Environmental Performance Report (EPR) 5 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets Unit | California Energy Commission |
212360 | 7/20/2016 |
Transcript of the 06/03/2016 Workshop RE: Senate Bill 350 Barriers Study
90 page(s)
| | | California Energy Commission |
212329 | 7/18/2016 |
Stephanie Wang Comments: Report on June 20, 2016 Stakeholder Solutions Meeting
SB 350 Public Comments
| | | Stephanie Wang |
211915 | 6/21/2016 |
California Municipal Utilities Association Comments: on Workshop on SB 350 Barriers Study
SB 350 2016-06-03 Workshop, SB 350 Public Comments
| | | California Municipal Utilities Association |
211909 | 6/20/2016 |
Brightline Defense Comments on Propsed Scope of SB 350 Barriers Report
SB 350 2016-06-03 Workshop 4 page(s)
| | CEC/Alana Mathews | Brightline Defense/Dilini Lankachandra |
211734 | 6/7/2016 |
Who's Participating and Who's Not: The Unintended Consequences of Untargeted Programs From the abstract: This paper reports findings from a recently completed meta-study of 66 California program evaluations and market studies. This study is the first of its kind: it reviews all
published data from California residential investor owned utility programs for an entire program cycle (2010-2012) and uses these data to compare the demographic characteristics of program participants and non-participants.
The study demonstrates how “untargeted” energy efficiency programs, those offered to
everyone and designed for no group in particular, resulted in a participant population that was not representative of the general population. The study identifies underserved demographic segments for each program type by comparing participants to the general population.
Efficiency 12 page(s)
| | CEC | California Energy Commission |
211726 | 6/6/2016 |
Presentation - Sentate Bill 350 Barriers Study Staff Workshop June 3, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. 23 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
211719 | 6/3/2016 |
Susannah Churchill Comments: CPUC Proceeding Addresses Solar for Disadvantaged Communities
Renewable Energy
| | | Vote Solar |
211708 | 6/2/2016 |
Natalie Garnica Comments: Policy Options for the Split Incentive: Increasing Energy Efficiency for Low-Income Renters SB 350 2016-06-03 Workshop 9 page(s)
| | | Natalie Garnica |
211707 | 6/2/2016 |
Natalie Garnica Comments: Myths of Low-Income Energy Efficiency Programs: Implications for Outreach SB 350 2016-06-03 Workshop 13 page(s)
| | | Natalie Garnica |
211706 | 6/2/2016 |
Natalie Garnica Comments: State Policies for Helping Low-Income Working Families Build Clean Energy Careers SB 350 2016-06-03 Workshop 17 page(s)
| | | Natalie Garnica |
211705 | 6/2/2016 |
Natalie Garnica Comments: Low-Income Workers and Their Employers SB 350 2016-06-03 Workshop 19 page(s)
| | | Natalie Garnica |
211686 | 5/31/2016 |
Agenda: Public Workshop on Senate Bill 350 Barriers Study Friday, June 3, 2016 1 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
211653 | 5/25/2016 |
Request Consideration of Revision to Proposition 39 Guidelines
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Robert Weisenmiller | CASBO |
211624 | 5/24/2016 |
Notice of Public Workshop on Senate Bill 350 Barriers Study June 3, 2016 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. at the California Energy Commission 4 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
211249 | 4/25/2016 |
A Workforce for SB 350: Integral to Achieving Clean Energy & Carbon Reduction Mandates Presentation by Jim Caldwell - slides looking at workforce development needs for SB 350, and the role California Community Colleges can play in meeting them. Efficiency, Socioeconomics 30 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Jim Caldwell |
211165 | 4/20/2016 |
Lifting the High Energy Burden in America's Largest Cities: How Energy Efficiency Can Improve Low Income and Underserved Communities - From the executive summary: "This report provides a snapshot of energy burdens in cities across the US. We focus on the
high home energy burdens faced by select groups in major metropolitan areas.1) Years of analysis by the firm of Fisher Sheehan & Colton determined that low-income households pay proportionally more than the average household for energy costs. 2) Our analysis builds on this research as we take a closer look at energy burden in specific household groups. In the first half
of this report, we analyze data from the US Census Bureau’s 2011 and 2013 American Housing Survey to determine energy burden values for 48 of the largest US cities and specific households within each city. In the second half of the report, we discuss strategies for alleviating high energy
burdens, with a focus on policies and programs to increase the impact of energy efficiency initiatives in these communities. Efficiency, Socioeconomics 56 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy |
211128 | 4/18/2016 |
Delivering Energy Efficiency to Middle Income Single Family Households
Efficiency, Socioeconomics 102 page(s)
| | | The Greenlining Institute |
211127 | 4/18/2016 |
GWSI-Bridging the Solar Income Gap Working Paper
Socioeconomics, Renewable Energy 19 page(s)
| | | The Greenlining Institute |
211126 | 4/18/2016 |
Getting the Biggest Bang for the Buck
Efficiency, Socioeconomics 42 page(s)
| | | The Greenlining Institute |
211125 | 4/18/2016 |
Low-Income Financing Options
Efficiency, Socioeconomics, Renewable Energy 1 page(s)
| | | The Greenlining Institute |
211066 | 4/14/2016 |
Leveraging State Funds in Energy Efficiency Financing Power point presentation on using State funds for energy efficiency projects Efficiency, Socioeconomics 17 page(s)
| | CEC | National Association of State Energy Officials |
211065 | 4/14/2016 |
Multifamily Energy Efficiency: Reported Barriers and Emerging Practices From the introduction: "This report identifies:
? Barriers that have been identified to increasing investment in low-income multifamily housing; ? Current efforts to address those barriers and increase building owner investment; and ? Strategies for deploying public- and private-sector resources that can increase the
effectiveness of current efforts to address energy efficiency barriers in the low-income
multifamily housing sector." Efficiency 54 page(s)
| | CEC | Energy Programs Consortium |
211064 | 4/14/2016 |
Follow the Money: Overcoming the Split Incentive for Effective Energy Efficiency Program Design in Multifamily Buildings From the abstract: "The authors base their analysis on experience implementing the ARRA Multifamily Program (AMP), a cold-climate low-income weatherization program funded largely with 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) stimulus funds. This program invested $20 million to complete substantial energy retrofits of 84 low-income apartment buildings (5,755
units) in Wisconsin in fewer than three years. From this experience we conclude that most (but not all) MFBs are/were designed to be built with the lowest possible first cost. They then operate in a chronically undercapitalized environment. As a result, these buildings have energy-wasting
shells and systems, and rarely see energy improvements as they age. They offer good potential for energy savings through retrofit programs, but at substantial program expense." Efficiency, Socioeconomics 14 page(s)
| | CEC | Energy Services |
211063 | 4/14/2016 |
Green Rehabilitation of Multifamily Rental Properties From the introduction: "This document provides guidelines for multifamily affordable housing providers and their consultants in preparing a green physical needs assessment. It provides recommendations for housing rehabilitation that incorporates green building principles of energy efficiency, water conservation, resource conservation, and healthy indoor environments. The information in these pages is applicable to both moderate rehabilitation projects, as well as substantial or gut rehabilitations." Efficiency 68 page(s)
| | CEC | Bay Area LISC and Build It Green |
211062 | 4/14/2016 |
Healthy Communities Data and Indicators Project From CDPH: "The goal of HCI is to enhance public health by providing data, a standardized set of statistical measures, and tools that a broad array of sectors can use for planning healthy communities and evaluating the impact of plans, projects, policy, and environmental changes on community health." Public Health 1 page(s)
| | CEC | California Energy Commission |
211061 | 4/14/2016 |
ESA Multifamily Segment Study Volume 2: Appendicies Volume 2 contains the data used to compile the report from volume 1 Efficiency, Socioeconomics 120 page(s)
| | CEC | The Cadmus Group, Inc. |
211060 | 4/14/2016 |
California Health Disadvantage Index Database of health census data Public Health, Socioeconomics 1 page(s)
| | CEC | California Energy Commission |
211059 | 4/14/2016 |
Building Better Energy Efficiency Programs for Low-Income Households From the executive summary: "In this report we address the challenges and opportunities of low-income programs that target single-family homes. We include a survey of the low-income program landscape and advice on scaling up energy efficiency in this sector. Finally, we detail practices that program administrators are using to overcome challenges, and we explore strategies to incorporate underutilized technologies and measures into programs to realize greater savings." Efficiency 46 page(s)
| | CEC | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy |
211058 | 4/14/2016 |
Potential for Energy Savings in Affordable Multifamily Housing From the introduction: "The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), National
Housing Trust (NHT), Energy Foundation, Elevate Energy,
and New Ecology are conducting a multistate and multiyear
Energy Efficiency for All affordable multifamily housing
efficiency project with the goal of cost effectively reducing
energy consumption as a means of maintaining housing
affordability, creating healthier and more comfortable living
environments for moderate- and low-income families, and
reducing pollution. The project aim is to encourage electric
and gas utilities to spearhead programs designed to capture
all cost-effective energy efficiency within the affordable
multifamily housing sector, significantly benefiting lowincome
families and building owners as well as utilities." Efficiency 128 page(s)
211057 | 4/14/2016 |
Community Development Investment Review 2014 vol 10 issue 1 Special issue on energy efficiency published by the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Efficiency, Socioeconomics 149 page(s)
| | CEC | Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco |
211056 | 4/14/2016 |
Engaging as Partners in Energy Efficiency From the executive summary: "This paper outlines the opportunities to meet
energy efficiency goals with multifamily programs. It then describes the benefits that multifamily building owners gain from these programs, and the barriers they face to participation. The paper focuses on rental housing, because these buildings are owned by a single entity and form the largest sector of the multifamily housing market. The paper provides a framework to help utilities
develop successful programs that maximize
energy savings and create benefits for building owners, tenants, and communities. And lastly, the paper recommends nine program design considerations that can help attract multifamily building owners to utility energy efficiency programs." Efficiency 36 page(s)
| | CEC | CNT Energy/American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy |
211055 | 4/14/2016 |
Recognizing the benefits of Energy Efficiency in Multifamily Underwriting From the forward: "Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation instigated this project to encourage the financial industry to scale up financing of building
energy efficiency retrofits. Deutsche Bank has a long history of supporting multifamily / affordable housing through its community
development finance capabilities, and throughout the world the Bank has played a leadership role on climate issues. Scaling up
building retrofits has become a compelling aspiration for the Bank, because of the alignment between our carbon reduction and
community development goals." Efficiency, Socioeconomics 109 page(s)
| | CEC | Steven Winter Associates |
211054 | 4/14/2016 |
ESA Program Multifamily Segment Study Volume 1: Report From the executive summary: "The Cadmus team used a multi-method approach to conduct the low-income Multifamily Segment Study. The key methods for gathering and analyzing data were these: primary and secondary research, quantitative (data analyses and geocoding), and qualitative techniques (literature searches, surveys, interviews, and input from public workshops). We drew upon this research to: (1) identify opportunities to reach deeper into the low-income multifamily market; (2) address and improve the energy efficiency and quality of life in as many low-income households as possible; and (3) maximize cost-effective energy savings in this sector." Efficiency, Socioeconomics 232 page(s)
| | CEC | The Cadmus Group, Inc. |
211053 | 4/14/2016 |
Program Design Guide: Energy Efficiency Programs in Multifamily Affordable Housing From the executive summary: "This guide is intended to explain specific best practices
to efficiency program professionals: program designers and administrators, utility staff, regulators, and other stakeholders. We provide 12 specific and proven strategies for utilities to help owners invest to improve MFAH in their communities." Efficiency, Socioeconomics 40 page(s)
| | CEC | Energy Efficiency For All |
211052 | 4/14/2016 |
Up the Chimney: How HUD's Inaction Costs Taxpayers Millions and Drives Up Utility Bills for Low-Income Families From the executive summary: "This paper explores the many ways in
which HUD can in fact do better, most of
them “free” in the sense that they require no
additional appropriations to HUD by Congress—
although leadership from HUD as well
as technical assistance to subsidized housing
owners will surely be required" Efficiency, Socioeconomics 36 page(s)
| | CEC | National Consumer Law Center |
211051 | 4/14/2016 |
Transforming Multifamily Housing: Fannie Mae's Green Initiative and Energy Star for Multifamily From the executive summary: "Rising utility rates create financial risk for owners and reduce affordability for tenants of multifamily properties. To combat this challenge and multifamily properties' impact on the natural environment, the Fannie Mae Multifamily Mortgage Business (Fannie Mae) launched the Green Initiative. The mission of the Fannie Mae Multifamily Green Initiative is to enhance the quality, affordability, and environmental sustainability of multifamily housing in the United States. The Green Initiative provides leadership in the multifamily industry by offering Green Financing loans for smart property improvements and delivering innovative tools that measure and capture the value of energy and water efficiency." Efficiency, Socioeconomics 25 page(s)
| | CEC | Fannie Mae |
211050 | 4/14/2016 |
Borrowing to Save Energy: An Assessment of Energy-Efficiency Financing Programs From the executive summary: "In this report, we explain how markets for energy-efficiency financing work and describe the
characteristics of the numerous government and utility financing programs operating in the United States. We explore the reasons financing for energy-efficiency improvements has so far been limited, including the possibility of credit rationing. Next, we discuss government’s role in developing policies to spur investments in energy efficiency. Our analysis identifies gaps in knowledge and information, particularly about the energy-savings payoffs from financing and other energy-efficiency efforts.
Accounting for these information shortfalls, we recommend a path forward." Efficiency 53 page(s)
| | CEC | Resources for the Future |
211049 | 4/14/2016 |
Saving Energy with Neighborly Behavior: Energy Efficiency for Multifamily Renters and Homebuyers From the abstract: "The focus of this report is on tenants -- who are often low-income 00 living in multifamily buildings that operate energy efficiency programs. However, we also were interested in seeing if any programs use similar tactics to target people who own their homes, either units in multifamily buildings or single-family houses. Therefore we focused on three groups: public housing authorities, community development organizations with multifamily housing portfolios, and counseling programs for first-time homebuyers. In this report we assess the key features of existing programs and make recommendations for improvements, both things that housing providers and advocates can use immediately and a wish list for the future. Finally, we include a framework of ideas for program administrators to consider when developing a behavior program in multifamily housing for the first time. Efficiency 39 page(s)
| | CEC | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy |
211048 | 4/14/2016 |
Weatherization Assistance Program Technical Memorandum Background Data and Statistics From the introduction: "This technical memorandum is intended to provide readers with information that may be useful in
understanding the purposes, performance, and outcomes of the Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Weatherization Assistance Program (Weatherization). Weatherization has been in operation for over thirty years and is the nation’s largest single residential energy efficiency program. Its primary purpose, established by law, is '…to increase the energy efficiency of dwellings owned or occupied by low-income persons, reduce their total residential energy expenditures, and improve their health and safety, especially low-income persons who are particularly vulnerable such as the elderly, the handicapped, and children.'" Efficiency 22 page(s)
| | CEC | Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
211047 | 4/14/2016 |
Using Financing to Scale Up Energy Efficiency From the power point: "Remove financing barriers to energy efficiency (EE) in the United States through improved financing tools and mechanisms. Removing these barriers may yield broad customer access to attractive capital that will enable widespread adoption of EE improvements by" Efficiency 86 page(s)
| | CEC | SEE Action Financing Solutions Working Group |
210826 | 3/23/2016 |
Resilience for Free: How Solar+Storage Could Protect Multifamily Affordable Housing from Power Outages at Little or No Net Cost This report examines the potential benefits of rooftop solar panels and battery storage to provide "resilient power" to low-income communities. Socioeconomics 36 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets Unit | Clean Energy Group |
210825 | 3/23/2016 |
Making a Market: Multifamily Rooftop Solar and Social Equity in Los Angeles This executive summary examines the potential for installation of solar panels on multi-family homes in the Los Angeles area. It also looks at potential policy incentives that can facilitate this development, and provides case studies. Socioeconomics 16 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets Unit | LABC Institute |
210824 | 3/23/2016 |
Bridging the Clean Energy Divide: Affordable Clean Energy Solutions for Today and Tomorrow This report from the National Research and Defense Council examines ways in which renewable energy and increased energy efficiency can benefit low-income communities. It looks at both single and multi-family buildings, and different types of solar such as rooftop and community. Efficiency, Public Health, Socioeconomics, Greenhouse Gases 28 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets Unit | Natural Resources Defense Council |
210823 | 3/23/2016 |
Policies for Achieving Energy Justice in Society: Best Practices for Applying Solar Energy Technologies to Low-Income Housing From the introduction: "this report examines how policies promoting solar energy technology in low-income housing can help alleviate some of this burden, while in the process promoting energy justice and creating green jobs." Efficiency, Socioeconomics 62 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets Unit | Center for Energy and Environmental Policy |
210822 | 3/23/2016 |
Preserving Affordable Multifamily Housing through Energy Efficiency This paper examines the non-energy benefits related to energy efficiency upgrades in multi-family buildings. Efficiency, Socioeconomics 14 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets Unit | Elevate Energy |
210821 | 3/23/2016 |
Clean Energy for Resilient Communities: Expanding Solar Generation in Baltimore's Low-Income Neighborhoods This report, prepared by Clean Energy Group, "makes recommendations for expanding the use of solar generation for community development." It looks at the current barriers to the development of Photovoltaic (PV) rooftop solar panels with battery storage in low-income neighborhoods. The authors propose new solutions to overcome those barriers by looking at programs from other states, and new financing options. Socioeconomics 54 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets Unit | Clean Energy Group |
210820 | 3/23/2016 |
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in Low-Income Communities: A Guide to EPA Programs This guide was developed to help state and local governments, as well as low-income community leaders and stakeholder groups, find EPA programs to assist with energy efficiency and renewable energy development in low-income communities. Each program profile provides: basic contact information, target sectors/audiences, services and assistance provided, value to low-income communities, and suggested actions for state or local government. Efficiency, Socioeconomics 37 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets Unit | Environmental Protection Agency |
210818 | 3/23/2016 |
Greening Our Neighborhoods and Putting Americans to Work: A Case for Carbon Reduction and Job Creation This report from Greenlining Institute looks at how home energy efficiency projects in low-income neighborhoods can help lower home energy bills, reduce carbon emissions, and help to create jobs. They used a case-study of 36 homes in Richmond, California. The report concludes with an analysis of policies that "are creating mechanisms to facilitate retrofit programs for all communities." The report finishes with recommendations for going forward. Efficiency, Socioeconomics, Greenhouse Gases 28 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets Unit | The Greenlining Institute |
210817 | 3/23/2016 |
Low-Income Solar Policy Guide This guide explores barriers to low-income access to photovoltaic rooftop solar, and explores policy mechanisms to overcome those barriers. The guide concludes with an examination of successful low-income solar models for various scenarios (single-family home, multi-family homes, and shared solar) from across the U.S. Socioeconomics 28 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets Unit | GRID Alternatives, Vote Solar and the Center for Social Inclusion |
210816 | 3/23/2016 |
Integrating Photovoltaic Systems into Low-Income Housing Developments This case study, published by the U.S. Department of Energy, examined the Northeast Denver Housing Center's program to provide photovoltaic rooftop solar panels to 30 low-income housing units, low-income job training, and an energy conservation program. Socioeconomics 12 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets Unit | United States Department of Energy |
210815 | 3/23/2016 |
Model Rules for Shared Renewable Energy Programs The Interstate Renewable Energy Council developed these model rules for shared renewable energy systems as a way of helping stakeholders create local shared renewable energy systems. The rules incorporated the approaches being taken by various groups across the U.S. This set of rules is an update from the original rules. It incorporates the changes made to policy and the market. Land Use 28 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets Unit | The Interstate Renewable Energy Council |
210814 | 3/23/2016 |
From Dirty to Green: Increasing Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in Environmental Justice Communities This law review article examines current policies to encourage energy efficiency and renewable energy development in environmental justice communities. It advocates that current programs are insufficient, and proposes other measures to promote the development of renewable energy sources as well as improving energy efficiency for low-income communities. Efficiency, Socioeconomics 45 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets Unit | Golden Gate University School of Law |
210813 | 3/23/2016 |
Unlocking Energy Efficiency in the U.S. Economy This study focuses on the potential for energy efficiency savings in the United States as whole, across all sectors. It does have a whole section dedicated to residential homes and recommendations, as well as a focus on low-income communities. That discussion begins on page 48. Efficiency, Socioeconomics 165 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets Unit | McKinsey & Company |
210810-1 | 3/22/2016 |
Needs Assessment for the Energy Savings Assistance and the Calfornia Alternate Rates for Energy Programs vol 1: summary report This report, prepared by Evergreen Economics, examines the two low-income energy efficiency programs in California (Energy Savings Assistance and California Alternate Rates for Energy) to help plan and implement the next cycle of low-income energy efficiency programs. Volume one provides a summary of the findings, conclusions, and recommendations. Efficiency, Socioeconomics 93 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets Unit | Evergreen Economics |
210810-2 | 3/22/2016 |
Needs Assessment for the Energy Savings Assistance and the California Alternate Rates for Energy Programs vol 2 detailed finding This is the second volume of a report prepared by Evergreen Economics analyzing California's low-income energy assistance programs. This volume analyzes the demographics of who is eligible, and who participates. It also provides an overview of low-income needs and assessments of the programs. Efficiency, Socioeconomics 208 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets Unit | Evergreen Economics |
210249 | 2/9/2016 |
Memo to Open New Docket
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets Unit | California Energy Commission |