1 | TN # 230848 MCBGF SPPE Application
| Offered by Applicant (Applicant - Mission College SPPE); Admitted on 6/15/2020. |
2 | TN # 230847 MCBGF APPE Application Appendix C Part I - Prior MND
| Offered by Applicant (Applicant - Mission College SPPE); Admitted on 6/15/2020. |
3 | TN # 230846 MCBGF SPPE Application Appendix B - Noise and Vibration Asessment
| Offered by Applicant (Applicant - Mission College SPPE); Admitted on 6/15/2020. |
4 | TN # 230845 MCBGF Sppe Application Appendix A - Air Quality Impact Assessment
| Offered by Applicant (Applicant - Mission College SPPE); Admitted on 6/15/2020. |
5 | TN # 230844 MCBGF SPPE Application Appendix C Part II - Prior MND
| Offered by Applicant (Applicant - Mission College SPPE); Admitted on 6/15/2020. |
6 | TN # 231960 MBGF Response to CEC Data Requests Set 1
| Offered by Applicant (Applicant - Mission College SPPE); Admitted on 6/15/2020. |
7 | TN # 232047 MCBGF Supplemental Data Responses CEC Set 1
| Offered by Applicant (Applicant - Mission College SPPE); Admitted on 6/15/2020. |
8 | TN # 232246 MCBGF Response to CEC Data Request Set 2, (60-63)
| Offered by Applicant (Applicant - Mission College SPPE); Admitted on 6/15/2020. |
9 | TN # 232279 Presentation - Oppidan MCBGF Status Conference
| Offered by Applicant (Applicant - Mission College SPPE); Admitted on 6/15/2020. |
10 | TN # 232283 Oppidan's Response to Staff's Issue Identification, Status Report and Proposed Schedule
| Offered by Applicant (Applicant - Mission College SPPE); Admitted on 6/15/2020. |
11 | TN # 232565 Oppidan Response to Staff March 25 2020 Status Report
| Offered by Applicant (Applicant - Mission College SPPE); Admitted on 6/15/2020. |
12 | TN # 232673 Email - Applicant Acceptance of Mitigation Measure Language Applicant's email response confirming agreement to staff's proposed mitigation measures as presented in TN 232551. | Offered by Applicant (Applicant - Mission College SPPE); Admitted on 6/15/2020. |
13 | TN # 233051 MCBGF SPPE Application Affidavit
| Offered by Applicant (Applicant - Mission College SPPE); Admitted on 6/15/2020. |
14 | TN # 233087 Oppidan MCGF Opening Testimony Package
| Offered by Applicant (Applicant - Mission College SPPE); Admitted on 6/15/2020. |
15 | TN # 233449-1 BAAQMD Diesel Free Document
| Offered by Applicant (Applicant - Mission College SPPE); Admitted on 6/15/2020. |
16 | TN # 233449-2 Excerpts From Laurelwood SPPE Final Decision
| Offered by Applicant (Applicant - Mission College SPPE); Admitted on 6/15/2020. |
18 | TN # 233449-4 CARB Resolution 18-26
| Offered by Applicant (Applicant - Mission College SPPE); Admitted on 6/15/2020. |
19 | TN # 233449-5 Attachment A to CARB Resolution 18-26
| Offered by Applicant (Applicant - Mission College SPPE); Admitted on 6/15/2020. |
200 | TN # 232798 Mission College Data Center Initial Study and Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration Mission College Data Center Initial Study and Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration | Offered by Commission Staff (Leonidas Payne); Admitted on 6/15/2020. |
201 | TN # 233274 CEC Staff Responses to Comments Received on the Initial Study and Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration
| Offered by Commission Staff (Leonidas Payne); Admitted on 6/15/2020. |
202 | TN # 233101 CEC Staff's Opening Testimony
| Offered by Commission Staff (Leonidas Payne); Admitted on 6/15/2020. |
203 | TN # 233383 CEC Staff's Prehearing Conference Statement, Declarations and Resumes
| Offered by Commission Staff (Leonidas Payne); Admitted on 6/15/2020. |
300 | TN # 233440 Sarvey Reply Testimony Exhibt 300 Sarvey Reply Testimony | Offered by Intervenor (Robert Sarvey); Admitted on 6/15/2020. |
301 | TN # 233079 Bay Area Air Quality Management District Comments - Comment Letter for Mission College Data Center MND
| Offered by Intervenor (Robert Sarvey); Admitted on 6/15/2020. |
302 | TN # 233449-6 SVP 2018 Integrated Resource Plan
| Offered by Intervenor (Robert Sarvey); Admitted on 6/15/2020. |
303 | TN # 233452 Exhbit 303 Santa Clara 2010-2035 Genral Plan EIR Exhibit 303 Santa Clara General Plan EIR | Offered by Intervenor (Robert Sarvey); Admitted on 6/15/2020. |
304 | TN # 233450 Exhbit 304 Friendster Outage Exhibit 304 Friendster Outage | Offered by Intervenor (Robert Sarvey); Admitted on 6/15/2020. |
305 | TN # 233449-3 SVP Email to City of Santa Clara re Carbon Intensity Factor
| Offered by Intervenor (Robert Sarvey); Admitted on 6/15/2020. |
306 | TN # 233451 Exhibit 306 SVP outlook Exhibit 306 SVP outlook | Offered by Intervenor (Robert Sarvey); Admitted on 6/15/2020. |