256786 | 6/10/2024 |
Notice of Receipt for the Sunrise Power Plant Repowering Petition to Amend Notice of Receipt for the Sunrise Power Plant Repowering Petition to Amend Project Description 3 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
256480 | 5/21/2024 |
Sunrise Power Plant Repowering Project - PTA Petition to Amend the Sunrise Power Plant -Repowering Project Air Quality, Efficiency, Compliance 98 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
254572 | 2/20/2024 |
2023 Annual Compliance Report for Sunrise Power Project 2023 Annual Compliance Report for Sunrise Power Project Air Quality, Biological Resources, Cultural Resources, Compliance, Geology/Paleontology, Hazardous Materials, Noise and Vibration, Public Health, Reliability, Socioeconomics, Visual Resources, Worker Safety and Fire Protection, Waste Management, Soil and Water 94 page(s)
| | CEC/Ashley Gutierrez | California Energy Commission |
248167 | 12/20/2022 |
Order Approving Post Certification Petition to Amend Order No: 22-1214-02g 3 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
247611 | 11/21/2022 |
Sunrise Power Project CEC Staff Analysis of Petition to Amend the Final Commission Decision Compliance 95 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Office | California Energy Commission |
241429 | 12/15/2021 |
Sunrise Power Improvement CalISO Ph II Study Cal ISO Phase II Transmission Planning Study 30 page(s)
| | CEC/Eric Veerkamp | NRG, Inc. |
241297 | 1/27/2022 |
Response Letter to Sunrise Power Company Application for Confidential Designation
3 page(s)
| | Sunrise Power Company/David King | California Energy Commission |
241100 | 12/31/2021 |
CEC Response Letter Sunrise Power Company (SPC) Confidential Application of Dec 15, 2021 3 page(s)
| | Sunrise Power Company/David King | California Energy Commission |
240944 | 12/15/2021 |
Sunrise Power Application for Confidential Designation Application for Confidential Designation 3 page(s)
| | CEC/Eric Veerkamp | NRG, Inc. |
238804 | 7/12/2021 |
Authorization of Replacement of Continuous Emission Monitoring System Analyzers
Compliance 2 page(s)
| | NRG Energy, West Region/Scott Seipel | California Energy Commission |
237977 | 5/25/2021 |
Notice of Receipt Petition for Post-Certification Project Change NOTICE OF RECEIPT
Compliance 2 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
237495 | 4/19/2021 |
Sunrise Power Improvement Project Petition to Amend License Air Quality 136 page(s)
| | CEC/EricVeerkamp | NRG, Inc. |
231207 | 12/13/2019 |
Annual Compliance Report 2018 - Sunrise Annual Compliance Report 2018 Compliance 62 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | NRG, Inc. |
225665 | 10/31/2018 |
Compliance Docketing Policy
3 page(s)
| | | California Energy Commission |
210691 | 3/11/2016 |
2016 Sunrise Power Company, LLC Annual Compliance Report 2016 Annual Operating Compliance Report for the 2015 operating year for Sunrise Power Company Compliance 64 page(s)
| | | California Energy Commission |
207312 | 1/14/2016 |
Notice of Determination (NOD) for Sunrise Petition to Amend to Install New T1 Communication Line Notice of Determination (NOD) for Sunrise Power Company Petition to Amend (PTA) requesting to install a new T1 fiber communication line Compliance 7 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets Unit | California Energy Commission |
207069 | 12/17/2015 |
Notice of Receipt (NOR) for Sunrise Power Petition to Amend for new T1 line Notice of Receipt (NOR) for the Sunrise Power Company Petition to Amend (PTA) for a new T1 communication line Compliance 2 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets Unit | California Energy Commission |
206822 | 12/3/2015 |
Sunrise Power Company Petition to Amend for new T1 line Petition to Amend (PTA) to install new T1 fiber optic communication line for Sunrise Power Company, LLC Compliance 39 page(s)
| | | California Energy Commission |
203739 | 2/25/2015 |
2014 Annual Compliance Report For Sunrise Power, reports on 7 technical areas Compliance 59 page(s)
| | CEC/E. Veerkamp | Sunrise Power Company, LLC |
202030 | 4/14/2014 |
Sunrise Determination of Ownership Letter from Sunrise Power Company Notifying of Upstream Ownership changes Compliance 5 page(s)
| | CEC Eric VeerKamp | California Energy Commission |
68478 | 11/7/2012 |
Application for Confidential Designation of As Operating Information Request
3 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Sunrise Power Company LLC |
65689 | 6/11/2012 |
Order Approving a Petition to Amend Air Quality Conditions
4 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ H. Kallemeyn |
65686 | 6/8/2012 |
Notice of Decision
1 page(s)
| | California Resource Agency | CEC/E.Veerkamp |
63433 | 1/23/2012 |
Staff Analysis of Proposed Modifications for Minor Modifications
7 page(s)
| | Intrested Parties | CEC/ E. Veerkamp |
59172 | 12/6/2010 |
Notice of Receipt Petition to Amend the Energy Commission Decision for the Sunrise Power Project
3 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ C. Marxen |
59038 | 11/19/2010 |
Revised Petition for Minor Modification
14 page(s)
| | CEC/ C. Davis | Sunrise Power Company |
58273 | 9/1/2010 |
Notice of Receipt
3 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ C. Marxen |
58198 | 8/26/2010 |
Petition for Minor Modification to Amend AQ 49
15 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Sunrise Power/ D. Jordan |
35045 | 7/20/2005 |
Repeated Application for Confidential Designation Final Paleoentomological Resources Report For application for Certification for Sunrise Power.
60 page(s)
| | Docket Unit | Sunrise/ K. Ricas |
34843 | 7/7/2005 |
"Repeated Application for Confidential Designation: Cultural Resources."
266 page(s)
| | R. Therkelsen/CEC/Docket Unit | URS Corp./D. Stein |
32647 | 11/3/2004 |
Repeated Application for Confidential Designation for Sunrise Power Project - Phase I Condition of Compliance (CUL-14), Final Cultural Resources Report
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Therkelsen/dockets | Urs/Hatoff |
29423 | 7/25/2003 |
Addition of Onsite Warehouse
4 page(s)
| | Tronas/Cec/dockets | White/Sunrise Power Company |
29422 | 7/25/2003 |
Approval of Spare Parts Warehouse
1 page(s)
| | Sunrise Power Company/Lucas | Tronas/Cec |
29309 | 7/11/2003 |
Sunrise Power Project (98-AFC-4C) Approval of Final Water Mitigation Report (Soil & Water-4) and Soil & Water-4 Verification Change
2 page(s)
| | Sunrise Power Company, Llc/Lucas/dockets | CEC/Tronaas |
28557 | 4/17/2003 |
Notice of Decision by the California Energy Commission
1 page(s)
| | Office Of Planning And Research/Dockets | CEC/Tronaas |
28434 | 3/17/2003 |
Public Review of Staff Anslysis of Proposed Project Modifications CEMS Monitor, Commissioning Emissions, Startup/Shutdown
7 page(s)
| | Interested Parties/Dockets | CEC/Tronaas |
28153 | 2/25/2003 |
Notice of Receipt-Petition to Amend the Energy Commission Decision Temporary Emission Increase During Commissioning
3 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/O'brien |
28152 | 2/25/2003 |
Notice of Receipt-Petition to Amend the Energy Commission Decision Emission Monitoring
3 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/O'brien |
28151 | 2/24/2003 |
Approval of Petition to Modify Interconnection at PG&E Midway Buttonwillow Substation in Kern County
4 page(s)
| | Sunrise Power Co/Lucas/dockets | CEC/Tronaas |
28150 | 2/24/2003 |
Notice of Exemption
1 page(s)
| | Office Of Planning And Research/Calif Resources Ag | CEC/Tronaas |
28149 | 2/20/2003 |
Modification Request for AQ Conditions of Compliance Permit Variances during Initial Commissioning Activities
52 page(s)
| | CEC/Tronaas/dockets | Sunrise Power Company/Lucas |
28038 | 2/11/2003 |
Modification Request for AQ Conditions of Compliance Combined Cycle Operations
9 page(s)
| | CEC/Tronaas/dockets | Sunrise Power Co./Lucas |
28002 | 2/10/2003 |
Notice of Insignificant Project Change Modification of transmission Interconnection at the PG&E Midway-Buttonwillow Substation
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/O'brien |
27323 | 11/6/2002 |
Petition for Minor Amendment to Sunrise Power Project - Revised Interconnection at Midway Substation
59 page(s)
| | CEC/Tronaas/dockets | Urs/Stein |
26510 | 8/22/2002 |
Repeated Application for Confidential Designation Supplemental Technicial Report: Presence/Absence Testing for Cultural Resources
278 page(s)
| | CEC/Larson/dockets | Urs/Stein |
26509 | 8/22/2002 |
Repeated Application for Confidential Designation Cultural Resources Supplemental Technical Report
70 page(s)
| | CEC/Larson/dockcets | Urs/Stein |
26506 | 8/20/2002 |
Commission Order Approving Project Modification
4 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Keese |
26468 | 8/16/2002 |
Notice of Decision Petition for Flexible Quarterly Emission Limits
1 page(s)
| | Office Of Planning And Research/Calif Resources Ag | CEC/Tronaas |
26318 | 7/30/2002 |
Staff Analysis of Proposed Modification Simple-Cycle Flexible Quarterly Emission Limits
7 page(s)
| | CEC/Interested Parties/dockets | CEC/Tronaas |
26282 | 7/24/2002 |
Addendum to Modification Request for Condition of Compliance AQ-17 Simple Cycle Operations
8 page(s)
| | CEC/Tronaas/dockets | Sunrise Power Co/Lucas |
26281 | 7/24/2002 |
Modification to Condition of Compliance AQ-17 Simple Cycle Operations
6 page(s)
| | CEC/Tronaas/dockets | Sunrise Power Co/Lucas |
24571 | 2/15/2002 |
Notice of Exemption-Expansion of Construction Laydown Area, etc.
1 page(s)
| | Office Of Planning And Research/Dockets | CEC/Tronnas |
24570 | 2/15/2002 |
Approval of Insignificant Project Change to Expand Construction Laydown Area, etc.
1 page(s)
| | Sunrise Power Company/Lucas/dockets | CEC/Tronnas |
24243 | 1/24/2002 |
Notice of Insignificant Project Change
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Therkelsen |
23900 | 1/8/2002 |
Approval of Modifications to Cond. of Certification AQ-10, -14 and -15
3 page(s)
| | Sunrise Power/Lucas/dockets | CEC/Therkelsen |
23899 | 1/8/2002 |
Notice of Decision by CEC
1 page(s)
| | Office Of Planning And Research/Dockets | CEC/Tronaas |
23808 | 12/31/2001 |
Commission Order Approving Project Modifications
7 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Keese |
23604 | 12/20/2001 |
Amendment of Air Quality Conditions AQ-10, 14, and 15
5 page(s)
| | CEC/Tronaas/dockets | Sunrise Power Company/Lucas |
23575 | 12/22/2001 |
Amendments to Sunrise II
21 page(s)
| | CEC/Tronaas/dockets | Urs/Stein |
23536 | 12/12/2001 |
Letter of Agreement For Implementation of the Air Resources Board Emission Reduction Credit Bank for Peaking Powerplants
3 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control Dist/Hein |
23481 | 12/14/2001 |
Commission Order Approving Project Modification
6 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Keese |
23433 | 12/12/2001 |
Revised DOC Application
180 page(s)
| | San Joaqion Valley Air Pollution/Goff/cec/dockets | Sunrise Power Company/Whaley |
23428 | 12/12/2001 |
Notice of Final Action-Final Determination of Compliance
77 page(s)
| | CEC/Tronaas/dockets | San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District/ |
23406 | 12/7/2001 |
Notice of Decision-Petition to Increase Simple Cycle Operating Hours
1 page(s)
| | Office Of Planning And Research/Dockets | CEC/Tronaas |
23247 | 11/29/2001 |
Staff Analysis of Proposed Project Modification Increase of Simple-Cycle Operating Hours
20 page(s)
| | Interested Parties/Cec/dockets | CEC/Tronaas |
23246 | 11/29/2001 |
Letter of Transaction - ARB Emission Reduction Credits
2 page(s)
| | Sunrise Power Co./Soares/dockets | San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Dist./Goff |
23190 | 11/26/2001 |
Commission Order Approving Project Modifications
20 page(s)
| | Dockets | CEC/Keese |
23124 | 11/19/2001 |
Notice of Decision-Petition to Convert the Sunrise Power Project from Simple-Cycle to Combined-Cycle Operations
1 page(s)
| | Office Of Planning And Research/Dockets | CEC/Tronaas |
23069 | 11/15/2001 |
Staff Analyses of Proposed Project Modificaton Conversion to Combined-Cycle Operations
46 page(s)
| | Interested Parties/Dockets | CEC/Tronaas |
22857 | 10/23/2001 |
One copy each of Water Service Agreement with Elk Hills Power and Midway Sunset Cogeneration Company
30 page(s)
| | CEC/Tronnas/dockets | West Kern Water District/Patrick |
22741 | 10/17/2001 |
Supplemental West Kern Water District Supply Information
14 page(s)
| | CEC/Tronaas/dockets | Sunrise Power Company/Lucas |
22568 | 10/2/2001 |
Application for Water Quality Certification-Addendum
2 page(s)
| | Central Valley Reg Water Quality Con/Erlandsen/cec | Sunrise Power/Lucas |
22458 | 9/27/2001 |
Review of August 21, 2001 letter and issues concerning the classification of the injection wells
3 page(s)
| | Sunrise Power Co/Lucas/cec/dockets | United States Environmental Protection Agency/Patt |
22456 | 9/26/2001 |
Application for Water Quality Certification
93 page(s)
| | Central Vlley Reg. Water Qty Ctrl Brd/Erlandsen/ce | Sunrise Power Company/ Lucas |
22355 | 9/17/2001 |
Notice of Preliminary Determination of Compliance
215 page(s)
| | CEC/Tronaas/dockets | San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District/ |
22347 | 9/12/2001 |
Concerning the applicability of the Prevention of Significant Deterioration
4 page(s)
| | Sunrise Power Co/Thomson/cec/dockets | United States Environmental Protection Agency |
22346 | 9/12/2001 |
Surrender of ERC's
4 page(s)
| | San Joaquin Valley Apcd-southern Region/Goff/cec/d | Sunrise Power Co./Lucas |
22345 | 9/12/2001 |
Request for Waiver
6 page(s)
| | Calif. Reg. Water Quality Control Board/Patterson/ | Sunrise Power Co./Lucas |
22281 | 9/12/2001 |
Notice of Receipt: Request to Amend the Energy Commission Decision - Extension of Simple-Cycle Hours of Operation
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Therkelsen |
22246 | 9/10/2001 |
Response to request for a Department of the Army permit for the Sunrise II Power Project
7 page(s)
| | Sunrise Power Co/Whaley | Department Of The Army/Haley |
22245 | 9/10/2001 |
Notice of Final Determination of Compliance
2 page(s)
| | Sunrise Power Co/Soares/dockets | San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control Dist/Sadr |
22158 | 9/5/2001 |
UIC Permit Requirements for Sunrise Power Project Water
17 page(s)
| | Environmental Protection Agency/Robin/dockets | Sunrise Power Co./Lucas |
22148 | 8/23/2001 |
Final System Impact Study for the Sunrise II Power Project prepared by PG&E
493 page(s)
| | CEC/Tronaas/dockets | Sierra Pacific Group/Muroaka |
22136 | 8/31/2001 |
Petition for Extended Hours or Operation
4 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | Grattan & Galati/Galati |
22087 | 8/27/2001 |
Response to the California Energy Commission Staff Data Requests 1 thru 25 covering Soil and Water Resources, dated June 20, 2001
299 page(s)
| | CEC/Tronaas/dockets | Sierra Pacific Group/Muraoka |
21979 | 8/23/2001 |
System Impact Study
493 page(s)
| | CEC/Tronaas/dockets | Sierra-pacific Group/Muraoka |
21955 | 8/20/2001 |
Soil and Water Data Requests #2
3 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | Linda Bond |
21939 | 8/16/2001 |
Notice of Exemption - Wastewater Disposal Pipeline and Two Injection Wells
1 page(s)
| | Office Of Planning & Research/Dockets | CEC/Tronaas |
21883 | 8/16/2001 |
Commission Order Approving Project Modifications
6 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Keese |
21811 | 8/10/2001 |
Data Requested
16 page(s)
| | CEC/Sapudar/dockets | West Kern Water District/Patrick |
21810 | 8/10/2001 |
Letter from Brian Patrick and copy of the Subfurace Geological Conditions
6 page(s)
| | CEC/Tronaas/dockets | West Kern Water District/Hamilton |
21592 | 7/23/2001 |
Approval of Project Change: Wastewater Recycling Disposal Option Revised Condition of Certification GEO-3
3 page(s)
| | Sunrise Power Company/Whaley/dockets | CEC/Therkelsen |
21589 | 7/23/2001 |
Notice of Exemption
1 page(s)
| | Office Of Planning And Research/Dockets | CEC/Tronaas |
21560 | 7/19/2001 |
Repeated Application for Confidential Designation: Cultural Resources-Letter Report on Survey of Wastewater Injection Wells (Supplement to Appendix D of Amendments to Application for Certification)
21 page(s)
| | CEC/Larson/dockets | Urs/Stein |
21340 | 7/2/2001 |
Notice of Receipt - Request to Amend the CEC Decision for the Sunrise Power Project - Simple-Cycle Operations Injection Well Wastwater Disposal Option
3 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Therkelsen |
21337 | 7/9/2001 |
Minor Revision to the Sunrise Project Description
6 page(s)
| | Sunrise Power Co./Whaley/dockets | Department Of Fish & Game/Loudermilk |
21336 | 7/9/2001 |
TCI Use of Wastewater
11 page(s)
| | CEC/Tronaas/dockets | Texaco Exploration And Production Inc/Hadden |
21298 | 7/3/2001 |
Notice of Transfer of Ownership of Determination of Compliance
31 page(s)
| | CEC/Pryor/dockets | San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control Dist/Sadr |
21288 | 6/22/2001 |
Additional Response, Land Use Item 6
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Tronaas/dockets | Sierra Pacific Gourp/Muraoka |
21285 | 6/22/2001 |
Application to Amend California Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permit # 2081-2000-078-4
31 page(s)
| | Ca Depart. Fish & Game/Daniels/dockets | Sunrise Power Co./Whaley |
21249 | 7/2/2001 |
Commission Order Approving Ownership Transfer
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket | CEC/Keese |
21247 | 6/22/2001 |
Approval of Request for Additional of Discharge Water from Sunrise Power Plant for Enhanced Recovery
2 page(s)
| | Texaco Ca. Inc./Weiss/dockets | Depart. Of Conservation/Bopp |
21246 | 6/22/2001 |
Biological Opinion # 1-1-01-1-0201
3 page(s)
| | U.s. Fish & Game/Cross/dockets | Sunrise Power Co.whaley |
21245 | 6/22/2001 |
Incidental Take Permit # 2081-2000-078-4 - Minor Revision to the Sunrise Description
3 page(s)
| | Ca Dept Of Fish & Game/Daniels/dockets | Sunrise Power Co/Whaley |
21242 | 6/22/2001 |
Supplemental Information Request, June 7, 2001
5 page(s)
| | Ca. Dept. Of Fish & Game/Means/dockets | Sunrise Power Co./Whaley |
21202 | 6/29/2001 |
Commission Order Approving Ownership Transfer
1 page(s)
| | Docket | CEC/Keese |
21106 | 6/25/2001 |
Petition for Approval of Underground Injection Well and Waste Discharge Line Disposal Option - Petition I-A
5 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | Gratten & Galati/Galati |
21057 | 6/25/2001 |
PG&E Draft System Impact Study dated June 13, 2001
250 page(s)
| | CEC/Tronaas/dockets | Sierra Pacific Group/Muraoka |
20952 | 6/19/2001 |
Sunrise Power Company, LLC Petition for Approval of Two Alternate Wastewater Discharge Options
7 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | Grattan & Galati/Galati |
20937 | 6/18/2001 |
Sunrise II Cultural Resources Supplement
29 page(s)
| | CEC/Tronaas/dockets | Urs Corp/Stein |
20923 | 6/15/2001 |
Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) Amendment to Application for Sunrise Power Project
151 page(s)
| | U.s. Environmental Protection Service/Rios/docket | Urs/Stein |
20922 | 6/15/2001 |
Issuance of Final Determination of Compliance Project Number: S-101368
182 page(s)
| | CEC/Tronaas/docket | San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District/ |
20893 | 6/15/2001 |
Response to request for additional information on the Land Use of the Sunrise II Amendment
10 page(s)
| | CEC/Tronaas/docket | Muroaka |
20751 | 6/11/2001 |
No comments on the post-certification amendment to Sunrise Power Project
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Tronaas/dockets | California Reg. Water Quality Control Board/Dowdal |
20540 | 5/30/2001 |
Notice of Preliminary Determination of Compliance
183 page(s)
| | CEC/Tronaas/docket | San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District/ |
20539 | 5/30/2001 |
Distribution List Sunrise Power Project Notification of Streambed Alteration
29 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket | Sunrise Power Company/Whaley |
20538 | 5/30/2001 |
Distribution List Sunrise Power Project Notification of Streambed Alteration
29 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket | Sunrise Power Company/Whaley |
20537 | 5/30/2001 |
Distribution List Reconstruction Notification Nationwide Permit #12
33 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket | Sunrise Power Company/Whaley |
20536 | 5/30/2001 |
Corrected Notice of Transfer of Ownership of Determination of Compliance
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Pryor/docket | San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District/ |
20404 | 5/14/2001 |
Sunrise II - Amendment to Sunrise Power Project
600 page(s)
| | CEC/Therkelsen/dockets | Grattan & Galati |
20403 | 5/23/2001 |
Notice of Receipt Request to Amend the Energy Commission Decision
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket | CEC/Therkelsen |
19082 | 3/7/2001 |
Petition to Transfer of Ownership
6 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | Grattan & Galati |
19080 | 3/7/2001 |
Notice of Exemption - Minor Relocation of the Natural Gas Pipline
1 page(s)
| | Office Of Planning & Research/Dockets | CEC/Therkelsen |
19015 | 3/5/2001 |
Notice of Receipt - Request for Ownership Change
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Johnson |
18846 | 3/2/2001 |
Approval of Minor Relocation of Natural Gas Pipeline
1 page(s)
| | Sunrise Power Co./Whaley/dockets | CEC/Therkelsen |
18584 | 1/22/2001 |
Repeated Application for Confidential Designation: Cultural Resources
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Larson | Urs/Muraoka |
18276 | 1/22/2001 |
Construction Amendment to Relocate Natural Gas Pipeline
20 page(s)
| | CEC/Tronaas | Urs/Muraoka |
18001 | 1/8/2001 |
Notice of Intent to File CEQA Petition (Attachment: Proof of Service)
3 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket | Dennis De Cuir |