Docket Log

Docket: 18-AAER-02
Project Title: Appliance Efficiency Standards Rulemaking for Portable Electric Spas and Battery Charger Systems
Generated On: 12/26/2024 2:37:07 PM

TN #Docketed DateDocument TitleExhibit #ToFrom
2275074/5/2019 Memo to Close Docket

1 page(s)
 CEC/Docket UnitCalifornia Energy Commission
2242577/23/2018 Notice of Approval of Regulatory Action from the Office of Administrative Law
The Office of Administrative Law (OAL) approves amending regulations regarding portable electric spas and battery chargers.
1 page(s)
 CEC/Docket UnitCalifornia Energy Commission
2242567/23/2018 Final Statement of Reasons for Portable Electric Spas and Battery Charger Systems
The Final Statement of Reasons (FSOR) includes procedural history, update of the Initial Statement of Reasons, and response to comments
31 page(s)
 CEC/Docket UnitCalifornia Energy Commission
2242557/23/2018 Final Express Terms for Portable Electric Spas and Battery Charger Systems
Final Express Terms for portable electric spas and battery charger systems appliance efficiency rulemaking
14 page(s)
 CEC/Docket UnitCalifornia Energy Commission
2235145/22/2018 Shasta County Clerk - Notice of Intent to Adopt Negative Declaration and Environmental Document Transmittal

5 page(s)
 CEC/Docket UnitShasta County Clerk
2232774/24/2018 Notice of Determination for Portable Electric Spas and Battery Charger Systems
Notice of Determination for portable electric spas and battery charger systems appliance efficiency rulemaking.
1 page(s)
 CEC/Docket UnitCalifornia Energy Commission
2231974/16/2018 Resolution Adopting Regulations
Resolution No: 18-0411-3
4 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsCalifornia Energy Commission
2231874/12/2018 Presentation - Portable Electric Spas and Battery Charger Systems and the Negative Declaration
Staff presentation at the adoption hearing held on April 11, 2018 on Appliance Efficiency Regulations for Portable Electric Spas and Battery Charger Systems
15 page(s)
 CEC/Docket UnitCalifornia Energy Commission
2231494/6/2018 CA IOUs Title 20 Response to 15-Day Language Regulations_ Spas 4-6-2018

4 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsCalifornia Investor Owned Utilities
2230143/22/2018 Notice of Availability of 15-Day Language for Portable Electric Spas and Battery Charger Systems
Express Terms (15-day language) for portable electric spas and battery charger systems appliance efficiency rulemaking.
21 page(s)
 CEC/Docket UnitCalifornia Energy Commission
2230053/20/2018 Transcript of 03062018 Lead Commissioner Meeting
53 page(s)
 CEC/Docket UnitCalifornia Energy Commission
2230003/19/2018 Coverplay, Inc. Comments on Portable Electric Spas Appliance Efficiency Standards Rulemaking

2 page(s)
 CEC/Jessica LopezCoverplay, Inc.
2229963/19/2018 AHAM CTA Comments Supporting the Battery Charger Systems Rulemaking

3 page(s)
 CEC/Andrew McAllisterAHAM/Kevin Messner and CTA/Doug Johnson
2229953/19/2018 ITI Comments on Battery Charger Systems Appliance Efficiency Rulemaking

3 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsITI/Alexandria McBride
2229943/19/2018 California Investor Owned Utilities Comments CA IOUs Title 20 Response to 45-Day Language Regulations_ Spas 3-19-2018

5 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsCalifornia Investor Owned Utilities
2228223/1/2018 Agenda for Lead Commissioner Meeting on Appliance Efficiency Regulations for Portable Electric Spas and Battery Charger Systems
Agenda for Lead Commissioner Meeting. Times are approximate and schedule is subject to change.
1 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsCalifornia Energy Commission
2228213/2/2018 Staff Presentation - Introduction and Background on Portable Electric Spas and Battery Charger Systems
By Leah Mohney, for the March 6, 2018 Lead Commissioner Meeting on Appliance Efficiency Regulations for Portable Electric Spas and Battery Charger Systems
8 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsCalifornia Energy Commission
2228183/1/2018 APSP Comments on Portable Electric Spas
By the Association of Pool and Spa Professionals (APSP), Comments to be presented at the March 6, 2018 Lead Commissioner Meeting on Appliance Efficiency Regulations for Portable Electric Spas and Battery Charger Systems
4 page(s)
 CEC/Docket UnitThe Association of Pool & Spa Professionals
2228173/1/2018 Presentation - Portable Electric Spas
By California Investor Owned Utilities (PG&E, SCE, SDGE, and SoCal Gas), Developed by Energy Solutions on behalf of the California IOUs for the March 6, 2018 Lead Commissioner Meeting on Appliance Efficiency Regulations for Portable Electric Spas and Battery Charger Systems
10 page(s)
 CEC/Docket UnitCalifornia Investor Owned Utilities
2228163/1/2018 Staff Presentation on Portable Electric Spas and Battery Charger Systems
By Jessica Lopez, for the March 6, 2018 Lead Commissioner Meeting on Appliance Efficiency Regulations for Portable Electric Spas and Battery Charger Systems
52 page(s)
 CEC/Docket UnitCalifornia Energy Commission
2224772/8/2018 Initial Study & Proposed Declaration for Portable Electric Spas and Battery Charger Systems
The California Energy Commission has prepared this initial study to assess the potential significant effects of the proposed regulations on the environment for the portable electric spas and battery charger systems appliance efficiency rulemaking.
35 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsCalifornia Energy Commission
2224762/8/2018 Notice of Availability - Initial Study and Proposed Declaration for Portable Electric Spas and Battery Charger Systems
The initial study, environmental checklist, and proposed negative declaration for portable electric spas and battery charger systems appliance efficiency standards rulemaking are available for parties that wish to review and comment.
2 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsCalifornia Energy Commission
2224752/8/2018 Notice of Completion & Environmental Document Transmittal for Portable Electric Spas and Battery Charger Systems
Notice of Completion and Environmental Document Transmittal for portable electric spas and battery charger systems appliance efficiency rulemaking.
2 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsCalifornia Energy Commission
2224172/2/2018 Economic and Fiscal Impact Statement Attachment for Portable Electric Spas and Battery Charger Systems
The attachment contains the information, assumptions, and calculations used to develop the economic impact statement (standard form 399) for portable electric spas and battery charger systems appliance efficiency rulemaking
7 page(s)
 CEC/Docket UnitCalifornia Energy Commission
2224162/2/2018 Economic and Fiscal Impact Statement for Portable Electric Spas and Battery Charger Systems
Economic and fiscal impact statement (standard form 399) for portable electric spas and battery charger systems appliance efficiency rulemaking
5 page(s)
 CEC/Docket UnitCalifornia Energy Commission
2224132/2/2018 Final Staff Report - Analysis of Efficiency Standards and Marking for Spas
Final staff report for portable electric spas
112 page(s)
 CEC/Docket UnitCalifornia Energy Commission
2224122/2/2018 Notice of Lead Commissioner Meeting on Appliance Efficiency Regulations for Portable Electric Spas and Battery Chargers
A public meeting will be held on March 6, 2018 to present the proposed regulations and to seek comments from interested parties regarding the proposed regulations for portable electric spas and battery charger systems
4 page(s)
 CEC/Docket UnitCalifornia Energy Commission
2223961/29/2018 Notice of Proposed Action for Portable Electric Spas and Battery Charger Systems
Early Release of Notice of Proposed Action (NOPA) for portable electric spas and battery charger systems appliance efficiency rulemaking
12 page(s)
 CEC/Docket UnitCalifornia Energy Commission
2223951/29/2018 Express Terms for Portable Electric Spas and Battery Charger Systems
Express Terms (45-day language) for portable electric spas and battery charger systems appliance efficiency rulemaking
13 page(s)
 CEC/Docket UnitCalifornia Energy Commission
2223941/29/2018 Initial Statement of Reasons for Portable Electric Spas and Battery Charger Systems
Initial Statement of Reasons (ISOR) for portable electric spas and battery charger systems appliance efficiency rulemaking
14 page(s)
 CEC/Docket UnitCalifornia Energy Commission
2221291/10/2018 Draft Staff Report - Second Revised Analysis of Efficiency Standards for Pool Pumps and Motors, and Spas
Supporting document originally filed in Docket No. 15-AAER-02
211 page(s)
 CEC/Docket UnitCalifornia Energy Commission
2221281/10/2018 Analysis of Efficiency Standards for Pool Pumps and Motors, and Spas - Draft Staff Report
Supporting document originally filed in Docket No. 15-AAER-02
125 page(s)
 CEC/Docket UnitCalifornia Energy Commission
2221271/10/2018 Draft Staff Report - Revised Analysis of Efficiency Standards for Pool Pumps and Motors, and Spas-Draft Staff Report
Supporting document originally filed in Docket No. 15-AAER-02
178 page(s)
 CEC/Docket UnitCalifornia Energy Commission
2221261/10/2018 Memo to Open New Docket

1 page(s)
 CEC/Docket UnitCalifornia Energy Commission