Docket Log

Docket: 17-GRDA-01
Project Title: Geothermal Grant and Loan Program Workshops and Discussions
Generated On: 2/13/2025 2:52:22 PM

TN #Docketed DateDocument TitleExhibit #ToFrom
2544722/15/2024 Alexandra Comments - Pre solicitation

23 page(s)
 CEC/Docket UnitAlexandra
2510357/12/2023 7-11-2023-Response to Pre-Solicitation Workshop conducted at San Diego State University-Imperial Valley Campus Calexico 6-27-23

21 page(s)
 CEC/Docket UnitNikola Lakic
2510077/11/2023 Imageair Inc. Comments - Item (D) in PRC 3823

1 page(s)
 CEC/Docket UnitImageair Inc.
2509777/7/2023 Azita Yazdani Comments on the Grants program

1 page(s)
 CEC/Docket UnitAzita Yazdani
2509457/5/2023 Taller del Programa de Subvenciones y Préstamos para Proyectos Geotérmicos
Materiales de la presentación del Taller del Programa de Subvenciones y Préstamos para Proyectos Geotérmicos llevado acabo el 27 de junio de 2023
24 page(s)
 CEC/Docket UnitCalifornia Energy Commission
2507926/28/2023 Presentation - Geothermal Grant and Loan Program Pre-Solicitation Workshop
"This document supersedes TN 250747" Presentation Slideshow of the June 27, 2023, Geothermal Grant and Loan Program Pre-Solicitation Workshop
26 page(s)
 CEC/Docket UnitCalifornia Energy Commission
2507476/27/2023 Presentation - Geothermal Grant and Loan Program Pre-Solicitation Workshop
Presentation Slideshow of the June 27, 2023, Geothermal Grant and Loan Program Pre-Solicitation Workshop
24 page(s)
 CEC/Docket UnitCalifornia Energy Commission
2506656/19/2023 Aviso del taller previo a la convocatoria, 27 de junio de 2023
La Comisión de Energía de California (CEC) organizará un taller previo a la convocatoria para informar y conocer la opinión de los participantes sobre una convocatoria propuesta para el Programa de Subvenciones y Préstamos Geotérmicos. Los participantes pueden unirse al taller en persona en el Auditorio del Campus del Valle Imperial de la Universidad Estatal de San Diego, un lugar físico accesible al público, o a distancia en línea o por teléfono a través de Zoom.
5 page(s)
 CEC/Docket UnitCalifornia Energy Commission
2506396/15/2023 Notice of June 27, 2023 Pre Solicitation Workshop
The California Energy Commission (CEC) will host a pre-solicitation workshop to inform and seek input from participants on a proposed Geothermal Grant and Loan Program Solicitation. Participants may join the workshop in-person at the Auditorium of the San Diego State University Imperial Valley Campus, a publicly accessible physical location, or remotely online or by phone through Zoom.
5 page(s)
 CEC/Docket UnitCalifornia Energy Commission
2322552/28/2020 Geoff Niswander Comments - Lithium Symposium

1 page(s)
 CEC/Docket UnitGeoff Niswander
2322432/27/2020 Jade Cove Partners Comments - The California Lithium Supply Chain Opportunity

1 page(s)
 CEC/Docket UnitJade Cove Partners
2320672/18/2020 Richard Lombardi Comments - Would like information

1 page(s)
 CEC/Docket UnitRichard Lombardi
2320642/18/2020 Presentations of California's Lithium Recovery Initiative - Symposium
February 12, 2020
60 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsCalifornia Energy Commission
2319582/6/2020 Schedule of California’s Lithium Recovery Initiative – Symposium
February 12, 2020
1 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsCalifornia Energy Commission
2315421/15/2020 Notice of California’s Lithium Recovery Initiative – Symposium
February 12, 2020; 1:00 p.m.
4 page(s)
 CEC/Docket UnitCalifornia Energy Commission
2298709/27/2019 Recommendation to Improve Lithium and Geothermal Permitting

6 page(s)
 CEC/Docket UnitPanorama Environmental, Inc.
22606912/11/2018 Transcript of 11/15/2018 Lead Commissioner Workshop on Lithium Recovery from Geothermal Brine

187 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsCalifornia Energy Commission
22601712/5/2018 Imperial Irrigation District Comments On Lithium Recovery from Geothermal Brine

1 page(s)
 CEC/Docket UnitImperial Irrigation District
22601412/5/2018 Geothermal Solutions Inc. Comments On Lithium Workshop

3 page(s)
 CEC/David HochschildGeothermal Solutions Inc.
22600812/4/2018 Imperial County Board of Supervisors Comments on Workshop on Lithium Recovery from Geothermal Brine

2 page(s)
 CEC/David HochschildImperial County Board of Supervisors
22600112/3/2018 IBEW Comments - Lithium Recovery from Geothermal Brine

1 page(s)
 CEC/Commissioner HochschildIBEW
22596411/27/2018 Lead Commissioner Workshop on Lithium Recovery from Geothermal Brine WebEx Recording
November 15, 2018
1 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsCalifornia Energy Commission
22590311/15/2018 Presentation Re. Lead Commissioner Workshop on Lithium Recovery from Geothermal Brine - BHE Renewables
November 15, 2018
15 page(s)
 CEC/Docket UnitCalifornia Energy Commission
22590211/15/2018 Presentation Re. Lead Commissioner Workshop on Lithium Recovery from Geothermal Brine - BloombergNEF
November 15, 2018
21 page(s)
 CEC/Docket UnitCalifornia Energy Commission
22589011/14/2018 Lead Commissioner Workshop on Lithium Recovery from Geothermal Brine Questions
November 15, 2018
1 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsCalifornia Energy Commission
22588811/14/2018 Lead Commissioner Workshop on Lithium Recovery from Geothermal Brine Agenda
November 15, 2018
2 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsCalifornia Energy Commission
22565110/31/2018 Notice of Lead Commissioner Workshop on Lithium Recovery from Geothermal Brine
November 15, 2018
4 page(s)
 CEC/Docket UnitCalifornia Energy Commission
22503010/18/2018 Memo to Change Docket Name and Add Staff to the Internal Distribution List

1 page(s)
 CEC/Docket UnitCalifornia Energy Commission
2172754/24/2017 Presentation - Surface Deformation at the Geothermal Fields of Imperial Valley, CA
Slideshow presentation on Imageair, Inc.,'s participation in the Geothermal Grant and Loan Program. This slideshow was presented at the Lead Commissioner Workshop for CEC Geothermal Grant and Loan Program held on April 19, 2017.
13 page(s)
 CEC/Docket UnitImageair, Inc.
2172744/24/2017 Presentation - Geothermal Past, Present, and Future for Modoc Joint Unified and the City of Alturas
Slideshow presentation on Modoc Joint Unified School District's participation in the Geothermal Grant and Loan Program. The slideshow was presented at the Lead Commissioner Workshop for CEC Geothermal Grant and Loan Program held April 19, 2017 by Tom O'Malley
8 page(s)
 CEC/Docket UnitModoc Joint Unified School District
2171994/20/2017 Lead Commissioner Workshop Geothermal Grant
Slideshow presentation on the geothermal grant and loan program: past, present and future. The slideshow was presented at the Lead Commissioner Workshop for CEC Geothermal Grant and Loan Program on April 19, 2017.
10 page(s)
  California Energy Commission
2171984/20/2017 Lead Commissioner Workshop Geothermal Electric
Slideshow presentation on the status of geothermal electric generation in California. This slideshow was presented at the Lead Commissioner Workshop for CEC Geothermal Grant and Loan Program held April 19, 2017.
  California Energy Commission
2171564/18/2017 Geothermal Grant and Loan Program Workshop Agenda
Agenda for Lead Commissioner Workshop for California Energy Commission Geothermal Grant and Loan Program
1 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsCalifornia Energy Commission
2170704/17/2017 Jim Shnell Comments Supercritical Geothermal Cogeneration

7 page(s)
 CEC/Docket UnitJim Shnell
2170534/14/2017 Katherine R Young Comments GeoRePORT Infographic

2 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsKatherine R Young
2170284/14/2017 Katherine R Young Comments GeoRePORT Fact Sheet

3 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsKatherine R Young
2170244/13/2017 Katherine R Young Comments REPORT CA Geothermal Forum - A Path to Increasing Geothermal Development in California - Jan 2017
*** This Document Supersedes TN 217020 ***
15 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsKatherine R Young
2170204/13/2017 Katherine Young Comments REPORT California Geothermal Forum A Path to Increasing Geothermal Development in California
*** This document is replaced by TN 217024 ***
1 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsKatherine Young
2169024/7/2017 Notice of Lead Commissioner Workshop for CEC Geothermal Grant and Loan Program
Notice of Lead Commissioner workshop for California Energy Commission's Geothermal Grant and Loan Program Past, Present & Future: A conversation with Geothermal Stakeholders, to be held on April 19, 2017.
5 page(s)
  California Energy Commission
2168874/7/2017 Memo to Open New Docket

1 page(s)
  California Energy Commission