Docket Log

Docket: 08-AFC-10C
Project Title: Lodi Energy Center Project
Generated On: 12/8/2024 1:55:37 PM

TN #Docketed DateDocument TitleExhibit #ToFrom
25947110/7/2024 Summary of Post Certification Petition for the Lodi Energy Center
Summary of Post Certification Petition for Gas Turbine Efficiency Upgrade
3 page(s)
 CEC/Docket Unit/Public California Energy Commission
2572466/5/2024 NCPA Lodi Energy Center Gas Turbine FX Upgrade Data Sheet
NCOA believes that a Siemens competitor can acquire the data if made public record. A competitor can deconstruct the data while using modeling software which would allow them to reverse engineer components behaviors. Once that data is understood, a competitor can start to reverse engineer the FX components giving them an advantage due to lower R&D costs by knowing mass flow, fuel flow, site conditions and possibly firing temperature.
3 page(s)
 CEC/Drew BohanNCPA
2572456/21/2024 CEC Response Letter to Northern California Power Agency regarding Application for Confidentiality of Lodi Energy Center

3 page(s)
 Northern California Power Agency/Rafael SantanaCalifornia Energy Commission
2568046/11/2024 NCPA Lodi Energy Center Gas Turbine FX Upgrade Petition
Lodi Energy Center, (“Project Owner”) submits this petition for modification of the Lodi Energy Center (“LEC”) to install the Gas Turbine FX Upgrade in our gas turbine during the normal maintenance interval resulting in improved efficiency of our gas turbine. The Gas Turbine FX Upgrade will not result in any significant environmental impacts, and LEC will continue to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, regulations, and standards (“LORS”).
Air Quality, Efficiency, Compliance, Reliability, Greenhouse Gases
5 page(s)
 CEC/Keith WinsteadNCPA
2566946/5/2024 NCPA Lodi Energy Center Gas Turbine FX Upgrade
NCPA Lodi Energy Center FX Project Upgrade application for Confidential Designation. The NCPA written letter provides an explanation for requesting the Siemens Energy FX parts and submitted datasheet confidential to prevent upgrade information from becoming public record.
4 page(s)
 CEC/Drew BohanNCPA
2333306/4/2020 Statement of Staff Approval of Proposed Change

8 page(s)
 CEC/Docket UnitCalifornia Energy Commission
2324993/23/2020 Notice Of Receipt
Petition for Post certification Project Change Lodi Energy Center (O-AFC-10C)
2 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsEnergy Commission
2323863/12/2020 Lodi Energy Center - Petition to Amend - Storage Area
Lodi Energy Center request to increase permitted acreage to include former temporary laydown area as permanent storage area.
401 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsNCPA - Northern California Power Agency
23112012/11/2019 Lodi Energy Center - 2018 Annual Compliance Report - Part 2
2018 Annual Compliance Report (Part 2) for the Lodi Energy Center.
131 page(s)
 CEC/Mary DyasNCPA
23111912/11/2019 Lodi Energy Center - 2018 Annual Compliance Report - Part 1
2018 Annual Compliance Report for the Lodi Energy Center.
166 page(s)
 CEC/Mary DyasNCPA
22560010/30/2018 Compliance Docketing Policy

3 page(s)
 Plant ManagerCalifornia Energy Commission
2029648/20/2014 Notice of Determination

Air Quality, Biological Resources, Cultural Resources, Efficiency, Facility Design, Geology/Paleontology, Hazardous Materials, Land Use, Noise and Vibration, Public Health, Reliability, Socioeconomics, Traffic and Transportation, Transmission Line Safety and Nuisance, Transmission System Engineering, Visual Resources, Worker Safety and Fire Protection, Waste Management, Soil and Water, Greenhouse Gases
10 page(s)
 CEC / Docket UnitCalifornia Energy Commission / Christopher Marxen
2026637/2/2014 Lodi Energy Center's Responses to Staff Query 1 - Water Resources

Soil and Water
64 page(s)
 CEC/Christine StoraCH2M HILL
2024236/6/2014 Notice Of Receipt of Northern California Power Agency's Petition to Amend

Project Description, Soil and Water
3 page(s)
 CEC/Dockets UnitCalifornia Energy Commission
2022384/25/2014 Northern California Power Agency's Submittal of Application for Title V Permit Amendment
Application to SJVAPCD for administrative amendment to Title V permit: amend startup time limit
Air Quality
7 page(s)
 CEC/Christine StoraSierra Research
2019514/1/2014 Wastewater Discharge Permitting Request Amendment #4

Soil and Water
68 page(s)
 CEC/Christine StoraCH2M HILL
2018663/11/2014 AQ-19: Report of Startup Time and Proposed New Startup Time Limits

Air Quality
204 page(s)
 CEC/Christine StoraSierra Research
2015981/27/2014 Lodi Energy Center Annual Compliance Report #1
Compliance Submittal LEC Docket 08-AFC-10C COM-7: Annual Compliance Report #1
103 page(s)
 Christine Stora, CPMGrenier & Associates, Inc.
2003768/29/2013 LEC Filing of Notice of Decision
Notice to CA Natural Resources Agency of Agency Action
2 page(s)
  California Energy Commission
2003688/28/2013 Order Approving a Petition to Allow Increased Emissions During Startup or Other Ancillary Modifications
signed order listing approved modifications to COC's
5 page(s)
  California Energy Commission
2001508/12/2013 SJVAPCP Administrative Amendments to Title V Operating Permits

Air Quality, Compliance
21 page(s)
 CEC/Christine StoraSierra Research
715327/8/2013 Staff Analysis of Proposed Modifications to Air Quality Conditions of Certification Regarding Emissions, Combustor Tuning Definitions and Limits, and Fuel Flow Meter Specifications

11 page(s)
 Interested PartiesCEC/E.Veerkamp
713776/25/2013 San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District's Final Authority to Construct/Certificate of Conformity

12 page(s)
 CEC/E.VeerkampSierra Research/N.Matthews
709395/22/2013 Lodi Energy Center's Petition to Amend Air Quality Conditions of Certification

1 page(s)
 CEC/J. HughesLodi Energy Center
708625/16/2013 SJVAPCD Draft Authority to Construct Certificate of Comformity - Condition of Certification AQ-SC6

30 page(s)
 CEC/E. VeerkampSierra Resarch
703944/19/2013 Notice of Receipt for a Petition to Amend

4 page(s)
 CEC/ Docket UnitCEC/ C. Marxen
702024/4/2013 Northern California Power Agency's Revised Petition to Amend Air Quality Conditions

35 page(s)
 CEC/ E. VerkampSierra Research
693842/4/2013 Petition to Amend Air Quality Conditions of Certification

34 page(s)
 CEC/C.StoraSierra Research/N.Matthews
6284411/9/2011 Letter to Kingdon Airport regarding Project Impacts

3 page(s)
 Kingdon Airport/ D. ArnaizCEC/ C. Stora
620498/29/2011 Repeated Application for Confidential - 523 Tank and Pump Primary Record

6 page(s)
 CEC/ R. OglesbyGalati Blek/ M. Fleming
620348/30/2011 Notice of Determination - Petition to Modify the Natural Gas Pipeline Route

3 page(s)
 CEC/ Docket UnitCEC/ M. Dyas
614997/21/2011 Notice of Receipt for the Petition to Amend CEC' s Decision

2 page(s)
 CEC/ Docket UnitCEC/ M. Errecart
614687/19/2011 Northern California Power Agency's Petition to Amend the Natural Gas Line Route for the Lodi Energy Center

47 page(s)
 CEC/ M. DyasNorthern California Power Agency
579888/9/2010 Public Works Response

1 page(s)
 CEC/C. MarxenSan Joaquin County/T. Koenig
579368/12/2010 REVISED Owner Approval Letter for Lodi Energy Center

1 page(s)
 CEC/Docket UnitCEC/J. Caswell
579358/12/2010 REVISED Notice of Approval for the Lodi Energy Center

2 page(s)
 CEC/Docket UnitCEC/J. Caswell
577197/26/2010 Conditional Release: DCBO Notice to Proceed Conformance

1 page(s)
 CEC/ Docket UnitTRB/ T. Bailey
575987/15/2010 NOR and Info Request Form

3 page(s)
 CEC/ Docket UnitCEC/ C. Marxen
574857/9/2010 Amendment- Request for Additional Laydown Areas

21 page(s)
 CEC/ Docket UNitCEC/ M. Dyas
574077/1/2010 Letter from City of Lodi re Review of Project Plans

1 page(s)
 CEC/A. StennickCity of Lodi Planning Dept./F. Sandelin
5438312/9/2009 Executed MOU for Design Review, Plan Check & Construction Inspection

7 page(s)
 CEC/ A. Juarez-GarciaTRB Associates/ T. Bailey