38427 | 11/17/2006 |
Petition to Amend Los Esteros Critical Energy Facility's Conditions of Certification Application 01-AFC-12
12 page(s)
| | L. Shaw /CEC | A. Bryan / CALPINE |
37628 | 8/9/2006 |
Proposed Final Exhibit List ( Note- Not all documents listed have been docketed therfore, dockets may NOT have all items listed.) Many items submitted by an applicant are items that have not been docketed.
7 page(s)
| | Docket Unit | Docket Unit |
28968 | 10/24/2001 |
Timeline for the rezoning process
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Worl/docket | City Of San Jose/Horwedel |
26359 | 8/5/2002 |
Petition for Writ of Mandate Stay Requested
9 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | The Public/Garbett |
26097 | 7/3/2002 |
Notice of Availability of the Commission Decision on the Los Esteros
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC Cec |
26090 | 7/3/2002 |
Commission Decision for Los Esteros - POS
469 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC Cec |
26071 | 7/2/2002 |
Notice of Decision by CEC
5 page(s)
| | Office Of Planning & Research/Ca Resources/cec/doc | CEC/Worl |
26045 | 6/28/2002 |
Comments on the Presiding Member's Proposed Decision - POS
7 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | The Public/Garbett |
26043 | 6/28/2002 |
CARE's Comments on the Presiding Member's Proposed Decision - POS
35 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | Care/Boyd |
26007 | 6/25/2002 |
Recommended Changes to VIS-2 and VIS-7 of the PMPD
3 page(s)
| | CEC/Keese/boyd/williams/dockets | CEC/Worl |
26006 | 6/25/2002 |
Transcript of telephone message left by W. Garbett with the PAO POS
3 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Diuri |
25972 | 6/20/2002 |
Letter urging approval for the Los Esteros Energy Center
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Worl/dockets | San Jose Chamber Of Commerce/Cunneen |
25971 | 6/19/2002 |
Los Esteros Critical Energy Facility LLC's Comments on the Presding Member's Proposed Decision POS
23 page(s)
| | CEC/Williams/dockets | Ch2mhill/Salamy |
25970 | 6/20/2002 |
Staff Comments
12 page(s)
| | CEC/Keese/boyd/williams/dockets | CEC/Worl |
25961 | 6/19/2002 |
Notice of Special Commission Hearing re: Presiding Member's Proposed Decision - POS
5 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Keese/boyd |
25861 | 6/10/2002 |
Documents from Intervenor THE PUBLIC-Bulletin from Calif. Dept of Food and Agriculture relatint to Anthrax in cattle in San Jose area POS
5 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Mendonca |
25860 | 6/10/2002 |
Documents from Intervenor THE PUBLIC-Letter William Garbett for THE PUBLIC to the City of San Jose re: City Council Agenda item 11.6 Public Hearing Comments dated February 19, 2002 POS
5 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Mendonca |
25859 | 6/10/2002 |
Documents from THE PUBLIC-Well destruction Application POS
9 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Memdonca |
25813 | 5/30/2002 |
Presiding Member's Proposed Decision
473 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC Cec |
25812 | 5/30/2002 |
Notice of Availability of Presiding Member's Proposed Decision and Notice of Committee Conference POS
5 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Keese/boyd |
25800 | 6/3/2002 |
Request for a Report of Waste Discharge and Application for Water Quality Certification for the Storm Water Outfall Line to Coyote Creek
2 page(s)
| | Calpine/Stewart/cec/dockets | Crwqcb/Wolfe |
25799 | 6/3/2002 |
Transportation Management Plan (TMP)
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Worl/dockets | Dept. Of Transportation/Finney |
25763 | 5/24/2002 |
Settlement with Milipitas POS
6 page(s)
| | CEC/Keese/boyd/dockets | Downey, Brand, Seymour And Rohwer/Luckhardt |
25711 | 5/23/2002 |
Committee Order RE Public Resources Code Section 25552 POS
4 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Keese/boyd |
25680 | 5/20/2002 |
Support of committee's change from a four month to a twelve month process POS
4 page(s)
| | CEC/Commissioners/dockets | The Public |
25676 | 5/17/2002 |
Supplemental Air Quality Testimony - POS
25 page(s)
| | CEC/Keese/boyd/dockets | Downey Brand Seymour & Rohwer/Luckhardt |
25675 | 5/17/2002 |
Draft Settlement Documents - POS
19 page(s)
| | CEC/Keese/boyd/dockets | Calpine/Stewart |
25674 | 5/17/2002 |
Supplemental Testimony Declarations for Visual Resources, Transmission System Engineering and Traffic and Transportation - POS
8 page(s)
| | CEC/Worl/dockets | Ch2mhill/Salamy |
25653 | 5/17/2002 |
Applicant's Reply to Milpitas and Turn - POS
22 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | Downey Brand Seymour & Rohwer/Luckhardt |
25652 | 5/14/2002 |
Opposition of City of Milpitas to Applicant's Peition for Review by the Commission
6 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | City Of Milpitas/Brecher |
25644 | 5/16/2002 |
Reply to the City of Milpitas and the Coalition of Ratepayer and Environmental Groups' Rsponse to Filings by Staff and Appicant - POS
22 page(s)
| | CEC/Keese/boyd/dockets | Downey Brand Seymour & Rohwer/Luckhardt |
25615 | 5/15/2002 |
Staff Response to Committee Orders: A Condition of Certification for Air Quality Mitigating Impacts of an Expedited Construction Schedule
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Keese/boyd/dockets | CEC/Worl |
25608 | 5/14/2002 |
Staff Supplemental Testimony re: Construction Schedule
3 page(s)
| | CEC/Keese/boyd/dockets | CEC/Worl |
25592 | 5/13/2002 |
The Coalition of Ratepayer and Environmental Groups' (The Utility Reform Network, Environmetnal Defense and Sierra Club) Response to filing by Staff and Applicant
9 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | Turn/Freedman |
25591 | 5/14/2002 |
Opposition of City of Milpitas to Applicant's Petition for Review by the Commission
5 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | City Of Milpitas/Brecher |
25587 | 5/10/2002 |
Supplemental Testimony for the Los Esteros Critical Energy Facility - Air Quality, Biological, Noise, Public Health, Traffic and Transportation, Transmission System engineering and Vusual Resources - POS
135 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | Ch2mhill |
25575 | 5/10/2002 |
Staff's Supplemental Testimony - POS
27 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Ratliff |
25555 | 5/9/2002 |
Committee Order fr: Evidentiary Hearing of 5/20/02 - POS
5 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Keese/boyd |
25522 | 5/6/2002 |
Response of City of Milpitas to Motion for Reconsideration
3 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | City Of Milpitas/Brecher |
25498 | 5/3/2002 |
Applicant's Petition for Review - POS
27 page(s)
| | CEC/Commissioners/dockets | Downey Brand Seymour & Rohwer/Luckhardt |
25471 | 5/1/2002 |
Motion for Reconsideration POS
10 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Ratliff |
25411 | 4/26/2002 |
Storm Water Outfall: Intent to Permit Outfall in High Flow Channel of Coyote Creek POS
5 page(s)
| | CEC/Worl/dockets | Santa Clara Valley Water District/Tippets |
25403 | 4/25/2002 |
Order Reopening the Record POS
7 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Keese/boyd |
25402 | 4/25/2002 |
Order to Remove AFC from Four-Month Process and to Adopt Twelve-Month Schedule POS
7 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Keese/boyd |
25295 | 4/15/2002 |
Committee's Grant of Request for Official Notice POS
4 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Keese/boyd |
25294 | 4/15/2002 |
Applicant's Reply Brief POS
33 page(s)
| | CEC/Keese/boyd/dockets | Downey, Brand Seymour And Rohwer/Mcfarlin |
25288 | 4/12/2002 |
Reply Brief of City of Milpitas on the issue of visible impacts POS
4 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | City Of Milpitas/Brecher |
25205 | 4/8/2002 |
General Plan Text Amendment
2 page(s)
| | Ch2mhill/Young/cec/dockets | City Of San Jose/Chow |
25204 | 4/8/2002 |
Planned Development Permit
18 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | Los Esteros Critical Energy Center |
25203 | 4/8/2002 |
Planned Development Zoning for US Dataport / Los Esteros Critical Energy Facility
19 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | Calpine |
25148 | 4/5/2002 |
Reply Brief on the Coalition of Ratepayer and Environmental Groups - POS
8 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | Turn/Freedman |
25147 | 4/3/2002 |
San Jose City Council Approval of the Rezoning Necessary for the Project
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Keese/boyd/dockets | City Of San Jose/Mayor Gonzales |
25129 | 3/29/2002 |
Opening Brief of the Coalition of Ratepayer and Environmental Groups - POS
14 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | Turn/Freedman |
25128 | 3/29/2002 |
Applicant's Opening Brief - POS
39 page(s)
| | CEC/Keese/boyd/dockets | Downey Brand Seymour & Rohwer/Luckhardt |
25125 | 3/26/2002 |
Project Mailing List - Issues Resolution and Data Response Workshop
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC Cec |
25118 | 4/5/2002 |
Staff Reply Brief - POS
12 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Ratliff |
25117 | 4/5/2002 |
Applicant's Reply Brief - POS
33 page(s)
| | CEC/Keese/boyd/dockets | Downey Brand Seymour & Rohwer/Mcfarlin |
25116 | 4/5/2002 |
Reply Brief of City of Milpitas on the Issue of Visible Impacts - POS
14 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | City Of Milpitas/Brecher |
25099 | 3/21/2002 |
Committee Briefing Schedule - POS
5 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Keese/boyd |
25090 | 4/2/2002 |
Brief of City of Milpitas on the Issue of Visible
24 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | Joseph J. Brecher |
25088 | 3/29/2002 |
Staff Opening Brief - POS
17 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Ratliff |
25072 | 3/22/2002 |
Errata - Condition of Certification - Air Quality, Soil and Water
4 page(s)
| | CEC/Williams/keese/boyd | CEC/Worl |
25015 | 3/22/2002 |
Committee Ruling on Applicant's Petition for Reconsideration - POS
4 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Keese/boyd |
24973 | 3/14/2002 |
Changes to Staff Assessment Addendum Condition of Certification AQ-SC4
8 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Behymer |
24972 | 3/14/2002 |
Los Esteros Staff Assessment Addendum ERRATA - POS
7 page(s)
| | CEC/Worl/dockets | CEC/Behymer |
24971 | 3/15/2002 |
Corrections to Testimony of Dr. Alvin Greenberg - POS
7 page(s)
| | CEC/Williams/dockets | CEC/Ratliff |
24947 | 3/20/2002 |
Report of Conversation with Jenifer Morris, Project Manager for the Applicant re: Clarification of Responses to Water Data Request
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC Cec |
24913 | 3/18/2002 |
Group 1A and 1B Written Testimony - POS
207 page(s)
| | CEC/Worl/dockets | Ch2mhill/Salamy |
24898 | 3/8/2002 |
Group 1C Testimony - POS
10 page(s)
| | CEC/Worl/dockets | Ch2mhill/Salamy |
24895 | 3/8/2002 |
Motion for Official Notice - POS
4 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Ratliff |
24894 | 3/8/2002 |
Committee's Response to Applicant's Request for Reconsideration of the Committee's 3/6/02 Ruling - POS
4 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Williams |
24865 | 3/7/2002 |
Applicant's updated Exhibit List
7 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | Navarrot |
24863 | 3/7/2002 |
Testimony of Dr. Gary R. Clay concerning Visual Impacts on behalf of the City of Milpitas
19 page(s)
| | Jbs Energy/Schilberg/cec/dockets | Brecher |
24862 | 3/7/2002 |
Change of Witness
3 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | Navarott |
24857 | 3/8/2002 |
Memo concerning the differences in the numerical values of the projected heat rates
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Worl/dockets | CEC/Khoshmashrab |
24856 | 3/8/2002 |
Calpine Los Esteros Critical Energy Facility Facilities Cost Report POS
12 page(s)
| | Calpine/Gaglia/dockets | Cal Iso/Miller |
24855 | 3/7/2002 |
Calpine's request for committee reconsideration POS
15 page(s)
| | CEC/Keese/dockets | Downey, Brand, Seymour And Rohwer/Luckhardt |
24849 | 3/7/2002 |
Testimony of Dr. Gary R. Clay Concerning Visual Impacts on Behalf of the City of Milpitas - POS
18 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | J. Brecher |
24848 | 3/7/2002 |
Proof of Service List for Los Esteros - POS
4 page(s)
| | All Parties/Dockets | CEC/Read |
24846 | 3/7/2002 |
Substitution of Counsel
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | Joseph Brecher/Brecher |
24830 | 3/6/2002 |
Storm Water Outfall Constrution and Permitting in Coyote Creek
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Worl/docket | Santa Clara Valley Water District/Tippets |
24828 | 3/6/2002 |
Testimony of Dr. Gary R. Clay on Behalf of the City of Milpitas
20 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | Joseph Brecher/Brecher |
24814 | 3/6/2002 |
Direct Testimony Of William B. Marcus - POS
24 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | Jbs Energy, Inc |
24810 | 3/6/2002 |
Group 1B Testimony - POS
49 page(s)
| | CEC/Worl/dockets | Ch2mhill/Salamy |
24804 | 3/6/2002 |
Committee Ruling Applicant's Petition for Expedited Review - POS
13 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Keese/boyd |
24781 | 3/6/2002 |
Transmission System Reliability Testimony POS
25 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | Cal Iso/Green |
24745 | 3/4/2002 |
Group 1A Testimony - POS
30 page(s)
| | CEC/Worl/dockets | Ch2mhill/Salmy |
24733 | 3/1/2002 |
Applicant's Request for Committee Scheduling Conference POS
5 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | Grattan And Galati/Galati |
24710 | 2/28/2002 |
Petition for Schedule to Complete to Commission Review of the Case Under the Terms of California Public Resources - POS
10 page(s)
| | CEC/Keese/boyd | Downey Brand Seymour & Rohwer/Luckhardt |
24641 | 2/19/2002 |
Prehearing conference statement of the City of Milpitas POS
17 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | Meyers,nave Riback, Silver And Wilson/Brown |
24640 | 2/25/2002 |
Notice of Evidentiary Hearings and Hearing Order POS
13 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Keese |
24639 | 2/22/2002 |
Supplemental Prehearing Conference Statement POS
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | Jbs Energy/Schilberg |
24638 | 2/22/2002 |
BAAQMD Application 3213 CEC Comments on PDOC
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Therkelsen/dockets | Baaqmd/Garvey |
24590 | 2/19/2002 |
Data Request Response Set 1G - POS
6 page(s)
| | CEC/Worl/docket | Ch2mhill/Salamy |
24567 | 2/15/2002 |
Calpine's Prehearing Conference Statement POS
84 page(s)
| | CEC/Keese/dockets | Downey, Brand, Seymour And Rohwer/Luckhardt |
24566 | 2/15/2002 |
Staff Pre-hearing Conference Statement POS
5 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Ratliff |
24565 | 2/15/2002 |
Prehearing Conference Statement of the City of Milpitas
15 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | City Of Milpitas/Bakker |
24535 | 2/15/2002 |
Delay of Pre-conference Brief for the Intervenor, THE PUBLIC POS
4 page(s)
| | CEC/Keese/dockets | The Public/Garbett |
24534 | 2/15/2002 |
Prehearing Conference Statement of the Utility Reform Network, Environmental Defense and Sierra Club (The Coalition of Ratepayer and Environmental Groups) POS
6 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | Jbs Energy/Schilberg |
24533 | 2/14/2002 |
Report of Conversation with A. Crabtree, City of San Jose and Aspen re: questions regarding City of San Jose's General Plan Trails and Pathways Policy No. 1
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Campopiano |
24532 | 2/14/2002 |
Report of Conversation with A. Crabtree, City of San Jose and Aspen re: City of San Jose general plan use and zoning designation for project site
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Vahidi |
24531 | 2/14/2002 |
Report of Conversation with A. Crabtree, City of San Jose and Aspen re:information gathering
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Campopiano |
24530 | 2/14/2002 |
Report of Conversation with J. Davidson, City of San Jose and Aspen re: obtaining copies of City Ordinances and Resolutions
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Campopiano |
24529 | 2/14/2002 |
Report of Conversation with A. Crabtree, City of San Jose and Aspen re: land use questions regarding cumulative projects in the area of the site
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Campopiano |
24528 | 2/14/2002 |
Report of Conversation with S. Burkey, City of Milipitas and Aspen re: land use questions regarding cumulative projects surrounding LECEF site.
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Campopiano |
24527 | 2/14/2002 |
Report of Conversation with L. Xavier, City of San Jose and Aspen re: land use questions regarding the location of surrounding trail corridors
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Campopiano |
24525 | 2/14/2002 |
Report of Conversation with R. Rowland, City of San Jose and M. Campopiano regarding Land use questions regarding City of San Jose's proposed San Francisco Bay Trail alignment.
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Campopiano |
24524 | 2/14/2002 |
Report of Conversation with G. Sedgewick, US Dataport and Marc Campopiano re: questions regarding US Dataport project
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Vahidi |
24514 | 2/14/2002 |
Report of conversation with P. Hennessy re: Dept. of Conservation, Land Mgmt Div.
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Vahidi |
24513 | 2/14/2002 |
Report of conversation with A. Crabtree, City of San Jose re: Questions regarding city of San Jose's General Plan and Zoning Ordinance
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Campopiano |
24512 | 2/14/2002 |
Report of Conversation B.Tripousis, City of San Jose re: Land use
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Campopiano |
24466 | 2/11/2002 |
AQ-SC2, PM10 Mitigation Plan POS
87 page(s)
| | CEC/Worl | Ch2mhill/Salamy |
24465 | 2/7/2002 |
Notice of Availability-Supplement to the Staff Assessment
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Kennedy |
24464 | 2/7/2002 |
Document Handling
2 page(s)
| | Librarian/Dockets | CEC/Kennedy |
24463 | 2/7/2002 |
Request for Agency Review of the Supplemental to the Staff Assessment POS
1 page(s)
| | Agency Distribution List/Dockets | CEC/Kennedy |
24462 | 2/12/2002 |
Condition of Certification, TRANS-1, Traffic Control and Transportation Demand Implementation Program
10 page(s)
| | CEC/Huntley/dockets | Calpine/Stewart |
24423 | 2/6/2002 |
Supplement to Staff Assessment
186 page(s)
| | Dockets | CEC Cec |
24400 | 2/5/2002 |
Final Determination of Compliance BAAQMD Application 3213
44 page(s)
| | CEC/Worl/dockets | Baaqmd/Garvey |
24363 | 2/4/2002 |
Condition of Certification SOCIO-1
3 page(s)
| | CEC/Huntley/dockets | Calpine/Stewart |
24273 | 1/29/2002 |
PM 10 Mitigation Plan POS
9 page(s)
| | CEC/Worl/dockets | Sierra Research/Matthews |
24262 | 1/29/2002 |
Outfall Within the Riparian Corridor Setback
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Nelson |
24248 | 1/29/2002 |
Final Staff Study
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Worl/dockets | San Jose Fire Deparment |
24246 | 1/24/2002 |
U.S. Dataport Tree Inventory Dated 5/11/00
2 page(s)
| | Aspen Environmental Group/Colyer/cec/dockets | Biota Tech Services Inc./Nelson |
24221 | 1/16/2002 |
Staff Assessment for Los Esteros - POS
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | Pg&e/Bonderud |
24146 | 1/17/2002 |
Jan 14, 2002 Workshop Sing In Sheet
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | Los Esteros Energy Facility |
24145 | 1/15/2002 |
Data Request Response Set No. 1F Submitted to Docket January 10, 2002
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Worl/dockets | Ch2mhill/Salamy |
24144 | 1/22/2002 |
Certification of LECEF
2 page(s)
| | Baaqmd/Wocasek/cec/dockets | Calpine/Stewart |
24090 | 1/15/2002 |
Letter to Robert Worl from Robert Bonderud of PG&E dated 1/11/2002 re: Staff Assessment POS
27 page(s)
| | CEC/Worl/dockets | Pg&e/Bonderud |
24024 | 1/11/2002 |
Data Request Response Set # 1F - POS
26 page(s)
| | CEC/Worl/dockets | Ch2mhill/Koford |
23908 | 1/9/2002 |
E-mail regarding telephone call from Mr. Garbett, the PUBLIC POS
4 page(s)
| | CEC/Mendonca/dockets | CEC/Worl |
23792 | 1/4/2002 |
PM 10-Mitigation
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Behymer/dockets | Baaqmd/Hess |
23791 | 1/2/2002 |
Request for Agency Comments on the Staff Assessment
1 page(s)
| | Agency Distribution | CEC/Richins |
23790 | 1/2/2002 |
Document Handling
1 page(s)
| | Librarian | CEC/Richins |
23789 | 1/2/2002 |
Calpine Power Proposal's for Los Esteros Critical Energy Facility
2 page(s)
| | Us Fish And Wildlife Service/Brown/dockets | CEC/Brownell |
23788 | 1/2/2002 |
Notice of Availability
3 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Richins |
23767 | 1/3/2002 |
Workshop Notice - Staff Assessment Workshop for Los Esteros - 1/14/01 - San Jose - POS
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Keese |
23696 | 12/27/2001 |
Technical Specifications EEH-101 Heat Recovery Steam Generators and Accessories
9 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | Calpine |
23672 | 12/21/2001 |
PM10 Mitigation-Supplemental Information
15 page(s)
| | CEC/Behymer/dockets | Sierra Research/Rubenstein |
23654 | 12/26/2001 |
SCR Design - Supplemental Information
3 page(s)
| | CEC/Behymer/dockets | Sierra Research/Rubenstein |
23639 | 12/24/2001 |
Data Request Response Set 1E
19 page(s)
| | CEC/Worl/dockets | Ch2mhill/Salamy |
23628 | 12/21/2001 |
Reply to Calpine's Opposition to and Staff's Response to Milpitas' Petition to Remove Project from the Four-Month Process - POS
23 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | City Of Milpitas |
23569 | 12/21/2001 |
Request for Agency Participation
3 page(s)
| | Agency Distribution List | CEC/Richins |
23513 | 12/14/2001 |
Letter to provide continuing confirmation of the City of San Jose's intent and ability to process the necessary remaining city approvals PD zoning and PD permit
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Worl/dockets | City Of San Jose/Gonzales |
23477 | 12/17/2001 |
Reply to Calpine's Opposition to and Staff's Response to Milpitas' Petition to Remove Project From the Four-Month Process
13 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | City Of Milpitas/Bakker |
23415 | 12/11/2001 |
Data Request Response Set #1D
32 page(s)
| | CEC/Worl/dockets | Ch2mhill/Koford |
23399 | 12/10/2001 |
Staff Response to Petition to Remove Application from Four Month Expedited Process POS
5 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Ratliff |
23398 | 12/10/2001 |
Calpine's Opposition to City of Milipitas Petition to Remove Project from 4-month Licensing Process POS
16 page(s)
| | CEC/Keese/moore/dockets | Downey Brand Seymour Rohwer/Luckhardt |
23389 | 12/5/2001 |
Preliminary Determinatin of Compliance by BAAQMD
30 page(s)
| | CEC/Worl/dockets | Ch2mhill/Salamy |
23374 | 12/6/2001 |
Endangered Species Act Concerns Relative to the Calpine Power
4 page(s)
| | CEC/Brownell/dockets | Us Dept Of The Interior/Knight |
23369 | 12/7/2001 |
PM10 Mitigation
4 page(s)
| | CEC/Behymer/dockets | Sierra Research/Rubenstein |
23353 | 12/6/2001 |
PM 10 Mitigation
5 page(s)
| | CEC/Behymer/dockets | Sierra Research/Gary Rubenstein |
23347 | 12/5/2001 |
Notice of Correction-erroneous mailing
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Majors |
23295 | 11/30/2001 |
Data Request Response Set #1C-responds to Visual Resource Data Request #124 POS
7 page(s)
| | CEC/Worl/dockets | Ch2mhill/Salamy |
23230 | 11/28/2001 |
Committee Ruling Establishing Briefing Schedule on the City of Milpitas petition to Remove the Project from the 4-Month Plan - POS
4 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Keese/moore |
23186 | 11/26/2001 |
Petition for Removal of the Los Esteros Critical Energy Facilitys From the 4-Month Expedited Process
66 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | City Of Milpitas/John Bakker |
23163 | 11/20/2001 |
Los Esteros Critical Energy Facility Application for Certification Data Request Response Set # 1B - POS
31 page(s)
| | CEC/Worl/dockets | Ch2mhill/Salamy |
23129 | 11/20/2001 |
BAAQMD Application 3213
30 page(s)
| | CEC/Worl/dockets | Bay Area Air Quality Management District/Garvey |
23066 | 11/15/2001 |
Committee Ruling on Expedited Review and Scheduling Order - POS
7 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Keese/moore |
23062 | 11/15/2001 |
Data Request Response Set 1A - POS
100 page(s)
| | CEC/Worl/dockets | Ch2mhill/Salamy |
23051 | 11/13/2001 |
Historical, and Architectural Evaluation of the U.S. Dataport Planned Development Rezoning EIR Project Area on Alviso-Milpitas Road Between Coyote Creek and Zanker Road
67 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | David J. Power & Associates, Inc |
23031 | 11/9/2001 |
Pacific Gas and Electric's Draft Facilities Cost Report POS
24 page(s)
| | CEC/Worl/dockets | Ch2mhill/Salamy |
22988 | 11/7/2001 |
Informational Hearing and Site Visit Project Mailing List
5 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | Los Esteros Criticl Energy Facility |
22981 | 11/7/2001 |
Status Report #2 POS
4 page(s)
| | CEC/Keese, Moore/dockets | CEC/Mendonca |
22979 | 11/7/2001 |
Potential Air Emission Offsets, Confidentiality Application
3 page(s)
| | Grattan And Galati/Galati/dockets | CEC/Larson |
22955 | 11/5/2001 |
Additional Statement of the Utility Reform Network, Environmental Defense and Sierra Club in Opposition to the 4-month AFC for Los Esteros POS
24 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | Jbs Energy Inc./Schilberg |
22950 | 11/5/2001 |
Data Request Set #1
213 page(s)
| | CEC/Worl/dockets | Ch2mhill/Salamy |
22920 | 10/31/2001 |
Data Requests POS
5 page(s)
| | Lecef/Stewart/dockets | CEC/Worl |
22880 | 10/30/2001 |
Recommendation on Eligibility for 4-Month Process
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Keese, Moore/dockets | CEC/Worl |
22828 | 10/24/2001 |
Los Esteros Critical Energy Facility Project Data Response/Issue Resolution Workshop POS
4 page(s)
| | Dockets | CEC/Keese |
22808 | 10/23/2001 |
Calpine's Recommendation That The Los Esteros Critical Energy Facility Be Determined Eliigble For Four Month Review POS
7 page(s)
| | CEC/Keese, Moore/dockets | Downey Brand Seymour Rohwer/Luckhardt |
22807 | 10/23/2001 |
Calpine's Opposition to Intervene by a Coalition of Ratepayer and Environmental Groups POS
12 page(s)
| | CEC/Keese, Moore/dockets | Downey Brand Seymour Rohwer/Luckhardt |
22806 | 10/25/2001 |
Order Granting Petition to Intervene-THE PUBLIC POS
5 page(s)
| | Dockets | CEC/Keese, Moore |
22805 | 10/25/2001 |
Order Granting Petition to Intervene-City of Milpitas POS
5 page(s)
| | Dockets | CEC/Keese, Moore |
22804 | 10/25/2001 |
Order Granting Petition to Intervene POS
5 page(s)
| | Dockets | CEC/Keese, Moore |
22803 | 10/24/2001 |
Timeline for the rezoning process
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Worl/docket | City Of San Jose/Horwedel |
22802 | 10/17/2001 |
Calpine Power North San Jose Energy Center Interconnection System Impact Studies
6 page(s)
| | Calpine Power/Gaglia/cec/dockets | Cal-iso/Perez |
22779 | 10/19/2001 |
Petition for Intervention as Agency POS
6 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | Meyers,nave,riback,silver And Wilson/Alexander |
22730 | 10/18/2001 |
Opposition to 4-Month ACF POS
6 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | Jbs Energy Inc./Schilberg |
22729 | 10/19/2001 |
Committee Ruling: Eligibility for Expedited Review
4 page(s)
| | Dockets | CEC/Keese, Moore |
22728 | 10/19/2001 |
Letter to update previous written correspondence regarding the City of San Jose's timeline for the rezoning process
3 page(s)
| | CEC/Worl/dockets | City Of San Jose/Horwedel |
22727 | 10/19/2001 |
Order Granting Petition to Intervene POS
5 page(s)
| | Dockets | CEC/Keese, Moore |
22726 | 10/18/2001 |
Issue Identification Report POS
16 page(s)
| | CEC/Keese,moore/dockets | CEC/Worl |
22725 | 10/15/2001 |
Notification of Need for Additional Time to Prepare Responses and Objections to CEC Staff Data Requests 19, 20, 25, 81, 82, 128 , 129 and 134 POS
13 page(s)
| | CEC/Keese, Moore, Worl/dockets | Downey Brand Seymour And Rohwer/Luckhardt |
22724 | 10/18/2001 |
Petition for Intervention as Agency POS
5 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | City Of Milpitas/Whitnell |
22723 | 10/17/2001 |
Interconnection System Impact Studies
6 page(s)
| | Calpine Power/Gaglia/cec/dockets | Cal Iso/Perez |
22699 | 10/15/2001 |
Application for DOC/ATC for Cosumnes Power Plant Request for Extension to the Application "Completeness" Determination
2 page(s)
| | Sacramento Metro Air Quality Mgmt Dist/Krebs/cec/d | Smud/Taylor |
22698 | 10/16/2001 |
Endangered Species Conservation Requirements
3 page(s)
| | Gwf Power Systems/Wheeler/cec/dockets | United States Department Of The Interior/Campbell |
22697 | 10/16/2001 |
Change of Date for Informational Hearing and Site Visit POS
5 page(s)
| | Dockets | CEC/Keese, Moore |
22696 | 10/15/2001 |
Calpine's Notification of Need for Additional Time to Prepare Responses and Objections to CEC Staff Data Requests, 19, 29, 25, 81, 82, 128, 129 and 134 POS
10 page(s)
| | CEC/Keese, Moore, Worl/dockets | Downey Brand Seymour Rohwer/Luckhardt |
22695 | 10/16/2001 |
2 page(s)
| | Foster Wheeler Environmental Corp/Burnell/cec/dock | Santa Clara Valley Water District/Nam |
22674 | 10/12/2001 |
Data Requests # 147 through 173, Biological Resources - POS
12 page(s)
| | Lecef/Stewart/cec/dockets | CEC/Worl |
22668 | 10/10/2001 |
Data Requests # 119-146, Visual and Visual Plume Impacts - POS
10 page(s)
| | Lecef/Stewart/cec/dockets | CEC/Worl |
22647 | 10/12/2001 |
Comments on the Review of the Application for Certification
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Worl/dockets | Santa Clara Valley Water District/Jaimes |
22638 | 10/9/2001 |
Petition to Intervene by a Coalition of Ratepayer and Environmental Groups
10 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | Utility Reform Network/Finkelstein |
22637 | 10/9/2001 |
Petition for Intervention
2 page(s)
| | Dockets | The Public/Garbett |
22618 | 10/9/2001 |
Notice of Public Informational Hearing and Site Visit - 10/23/01 - Alviso Yacht Club - POS
7 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Keese/moore |
22609 | 10/5/2001 |
Petition to Intervene by a Coalition of Ratepayer and Environmental Groups POS
11 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | The Utility Reform Network/Finkelstein |
22608 | 10/5/2001 |
Data Requests POS
38 page(s)
| | Los Esteros Critical Energy Facility/Stewart/docke | CEC/Worl |
22607 | 10/5/2001 |
Request for comments from CEC
2 page(s)
| | Calpine Power/Crabtree/cec/dockets | Department Of The Army/Fong |
22606 | 10/5/2001 |
Inspection of site 1515 Alviso Milpitas Road
1 page(s)
| | City Of San Jose/Sinha/cec/dockets | City Of San Jose/Yousefl |
22493 | 8/22/2001 |
Clearing and Demolition Plan
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | Calpine Power |
22489 | 9/27/2001 |
Petition to Intervene by CURE
5 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | Adams Broadwell Joseph And Cardoza/Heeley |
22488 | 9/27/2001 |
Agency Participation in the Review POS
5 page(s)
| | Agency Distribution List | CEC/Richins |
22466 | 9/27/2001 |
Preliminary Committee Schedule POS
4 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Keese/moore |
22445 | 9/25/2001 |
Hearing Officer Assignment
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Commissioners/dockets | CEC/Keese |
22444 | 9/24/2001 |
Copy of the final annexation paperwork for LECEF/USDataport
3 page(s)
| | CEC/Worl/dockets | Ch2mhill/Young |
22420 | 9/24/2001 |
Data Adequacy Recommendation
75 page(s)
| | CEC/Commissioners/dockets | CEC/Larson |
22391 | 9/21/2001 |
Comments regarding confirmation of the City of San Jose intent to process the remaining city approvals (PD Zoning and PD Permit)
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Worl/dockets | Planning, Building & Code Enforcement/Horwedel |
22361 | 9/19/2001 |
Provide confirmation of the City of San Jose's intent and ability to process the necessary remaining City approvals (PD Zoning and PD Permit)
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Worl/dockets | City Of San Jose/Horwedel |
22316 | 9/13/2001 |
Calpine Property
5 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | Carlson |
22315 | 9/13/2001 |
Preliminary Report Cilker Property
12 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | Alliance Title |
22314 | 9/13/2001 |
Application for rezoning of property comprising the US Dataport Planned Development and urgent request for a confirming letter to CEC
5 page(s)
| | City Of San Jose/Horwedel/dockets | Ch2mhill/Young |
22313 | 9/13/2001 |
Planned Development Zoning Application
8 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | City Of San Jose |
22273 | 9/14/2001 |
Data Adequacy Response
220 page(s)
| | CEC/Worl/dockets | Ch2mhill/Salamy |
22236 | 9/13/2001 |
Planned Development Zoning for uS DataPort/Los Esteros Critical Energy Facility - Location Map
12 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | Ch2mhill |
22160 | 9/5/2001 |
Letter pertaining to the approximately 50-acre site containing greenhouses north of Highway 237 in North San Jose
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Allen/dockets | California Conservation/Penberth |
22141 | 8/31/2001 |
Draft EIR - Cultural Resources
3 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | Us Dataport |
21968 | 8/23/2001 |
Additional Copies of the AFC
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Worl/dockets | Ch2mhill/Salamy |
21959 | 8/23/2001 |
Letter to document the zoning status of the subject property to facilitate the Calpine Corp. application for CEC approval of the Los Esteros Critical Energy Facility.
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Richins | City Of San Jose/Horwedel |
21905 | 8/20/2001 |
Hearing Officer Assignment
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Commissioners/dockets | CEC/Keese |
21898 | 8/14/2001 |
Cultural Resources Site Map and Records, Application for Confidentiality
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Larson/dockets | CEC/Larson |
21881 | 8/17/2001 |
Los Esteros Critical Energy Facility - Data Adequacy Recommendation
104 page(s)
| | CEC Dockets | CEC/Larson |
21792 | 8/7/2001 |
Application for Determination of Compliance and Authority to Construct filed by the Bay Area Quality Management
323 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | Sierra Research/Matthews |
21791 | 8/8/2001 |
CDs of the Ambient Air Quality Modeling and five sets of topographic maps
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | Sierra Research/Matthews |
21790 | 8/8/2001 |
Notice of Receipt Application for Certification
3 page(s)
| | Dockets | CEC/Richins |
21789 | 8/8/2001 |
Document Handling
2 page(s)
| | Librarian | CEC/Richins |
21788 | 8/8/2001 |
Request for Agency Participation in the Expedited Review
3 page(s)
| | Agency Distribution List | CEC/Richins |
21787 | 8/6/2001 |
Application for Certification Vols. I and II AFC is too large to docket. Docket Unit has Volume I only. 2069 page(s)
| | CEC/Larson/dockets | Calpine Corporation/Crabtree |
1653-0 | 6/26/2002 |
Public Conference
78 page(s)
| | | |
1641-0 | 5/23/2002 |
Evidentiary Hearing
198 page(s)
| | | |
1614-0 | 2/27/2002 |
Prehearing Conference
123 page(s)
| | | |
1570-0 | 11/9/2001 |
Committee Informational Hearing and Site Visit
91 page(s)
| | | |