Docket Log

Docket: 01-AFC-12
Project Title: Los Esteros Critical Energy Facility, 180MW San Jose, CA
Generated On: 7/26/2024 8:06:21 PM

TN #Docketed DateDocument TitleExhibit #ToFrom
3842711/17/2006 Petition to Amend Los Esteros Critical Energy Facility's Conditions of Certification Application 01-AFC-12

12 page(s)
 L. Shaw /CECA. Bryan / CALPINE
376288/9/2006 Proposed Final Exhibit List ( Note- Not all documents listed have been docketed therfore, dockets may NOT have all items listed.) Many items submitted by an applicant are items that have not been docketed.

7 page(s)
 Docket UnitDocket Unit
2896810/24/2001 Timeline for the rezoning process

2 page(s)
 CEC/Worl/docketCity Of San Jose/Horwedel
263598/5/2002 Petition for Writ of Mandate Stay Requested

9 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsThe Public/Garbett
260977/3/2002 Notice of Availability of the Commission Decision on the Los Esteros

1 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsCEC Cec
260907/3/2002 Commission Decision for Los Esteros - POS

469 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsCEC Cec
260717/2/2002 Notice of Decision by CEC

5 page(s)
 Office Of Planning & Research/Ca Resources/cec/docCEC/Worl
260456/28/2002 Comments on the Presiding Member's Proposed Decision - POS

7 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsThe Public/Garbett
260436/28/2002 CARE's Comments on the Presiding Member's Proposed Decision - POS

35 page(s)
260076/25/2002 Recommended Changes to VIS-2 and VIS-7 of the PMPD

3 page(s)
260066/25/2002 Transcript of telephone message left by W. Garbett with the PAO POS

3 page(s)
259726/20/2002 Letter urging approval for the Los Esteros Energy Center

1 page(s)
 CEC/Worl/docketsSan Jose Chamber Of Commerce/Cunneen
259716/19/2002 Los Esteros Critical Energy Facility LLC's Comments on the Presding Member's Proposed Decision POS

23 page(s)
259706/20/2002 Staff Comments

12 page(s)
259616/19/2002 Notice of Special Commission Hearing re: Presiding Member's Proposed Decision - POS

5 page(s)
258616/10/2002 Documents from Intervenor THE PUBLIC-Bulletin from Calif. Dept of Food and Agriculture relatint to Anthrax in cattle in San Jose area POS

5 page(s)
258606/10/2002 Documents from Intervenor THE PUBLIC-Letter William Garbett for THE PUBLIC to the City of San Jose re: City Council Agenda item 11.6 Public Hearing Comments dated February 19, 2002 POS

5 page(s)
258596/10/2002 Documents from THE PUBLIC-Well destruction Application POS

9 page(s)
258135/30/2002 Presiding Member's Proposed Decision

473 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsCEC Cec
258125/30/2002 Notice of Availability of Presiding Member's Proposed Decision and Notice of Committee Conference POS

5 page(s)
258006/3/2002 Request for a Report of Waste Discharge and Application for Water Quality Certification for the Storm Water Outfall Line to Coyote Creek

2 page(s)
257996/3/2002 Transportation Management Plan (TMP)

2 page(s)
 CEC/Worl/docketsDept. Of Transportation/Finney
257635/24/2002 Settlement with Milipitas POS

6 page(s)
 CEC/Keese/boyd/docketsDowney, Brand, Seymour And Rohwer/Luckhardt
257115/23/2002 Committee Order RE Public Resources Code Section 25552 POS

4 page(s)
256805/20/2002 Support of committee's change from a four month to a twelve month process POS

4 page(s)
 CEC/Commissioners/docketsThe Public
256765/17/2002 Supplemental Air Quality Testimony - POS

25 page(s)
 CEC/Keese/boyd/docketsDowney Brand Seymour & Rohwer/Luckhardt
256755/17/2002 Draft Settlement Documents - POS

19 page(s)
256745/17/2002 Supplemental Testimony Declarations for Visual Resources, Transmission System Engineering and Traffic and Transportation - POS

8 page(s)
256535/17/2002 Applicant's Reply to Milpitas and Turn - POS

22 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsDowney Brand Seymour & Rohwer/Luckhardt
256525/14/2002 Opposition of City of Milpitas to Applicant's Peition for Review by the Commission

6 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsCity Of Milpitas/Brecher
256445/16/2002 Reply to the City of Milpitas and the Coalition of Ratepayer and Environmental Groups' Rsponse to Filings by Staff and Appicant - POS

22 page(s)
 CEC/Keese/boyd/docketsDowney Brand Seymour & Rohwer/Luckhardt
256155/15/2002 Staff Response to Committee Orders: A Condition of Certification for Air Quality Mitigating Impacts of an Expedited Construction Schedule

2 page(s)
256085/14/2002 Staff Supplemental Testimony re: Construction Schedule

3 page(s)
255925/13/2002 The Coalition of Ratepayer and Environmental Groups' (The Utility Reform Network, Environmetnal Defense and Sierra Club) Response to filing by Staff and Applicant

9 page(s)
255915/14/2002 Opposition of City of Milpitas to Applicant's Petition for Review by the Commission

5 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsCity Of Milpitas/Brecher
255875/10/2002 Supplemental Testimony for the Los Esteros Critical Energy Facility - Air Quality, Biological, Noise, Public Health, Traffic and Transportation, Transmission System engineering and Vusual Resources - POS

135 page(s)
255755/10/2002 Staff's Supplemental Testimony - POS

27 page(s)
255555/9/2002 Committee Order fr: Evidentiary Hearing of 5/20/02 - POS

5 page(s)
255225/6/2002 Response of City of Milpitas to Motion for Reconsideration

3 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsCity Of Milpitas/Brecher
254985/3/2002 Applicant's Petition for Review - POS

27 page(s)
 CEC/Commissioners/docketsDowney Brand Seymour & Rohwer/Luckhardt
254715/1/2002 Motion for Reconsideration POS

10 page(s)
254114/26/2002 Storm Water Outfall: Intent to Permit Outfall in High Flow Channel of Coyote Creek POS

5 page(s)
 CEC/Worl/docketsSanta Clara Valley Water District/Tippets
254034/25/2002 Order Reopening the Record POS

7 page(s)
254024/25/2002 Order to Remove AFC from Four-Month Process and to Adopt Twelve-Month Schedule POS

7 page(s)
252954/15/2002 Committee's Grant of Request for Official Notice POS

4 page(s)
252944/15/2002 Applicant's Reply Brief POS

33 page(s)
 CEC/Keese/boyd/docketsDowney, Brand Seymour And Rohwer/Mcfarlin
252884/12/2002 Reply Brief of City of Milpitas on the issue of visible impacts POS

4 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsCity Of Milpitas/Brecher
252054/8/2002 General Plan Text Amendment

2 page(s)
 Ch2mhill/Young/cec/docketsCity Of San Jose/Chow
252044/8/2002 Planned Development Permit

18 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsLos Esteros Critical Energy Center
252034/8/2002 Planned Development Zoning for US Dataport / Los Esteros Critical Energy Facility

19 page(s)
251484/5/2002 Reply Brief on the Coalition of Ratepayer and Environmental Groups - POS

8 page(s)
251474/3/2002 San Jose City Council Approval of the Rezoning Necessary for the Project

1 page(s)
 CEC/Keese/boyd/docketsCity Of San Jose/Mayor Gonzales
251293/29/2002 Opening Brief of the Coalition of Ratepayer and Environmental Groups - POS

14 page(s)
251283/29/2002 Applicant's Opening Brief - POS

39 page(s)
 CEC/Keese/boyd/docketsDowney Brand Seymour & Rohwer/Luckhardt
251253/26/2002 Project Mailing List - Issues Resolution and Data Response Workshop

1 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsCEC Cec
251184/5/2002 Staff Reply Brief - POS

12 page(s)
251174/5/2002 Applicant's Reply Brief - POS

33 page(s)
 CEC/Keese/boyd/docketsDowney Brand Seymour & Rohwer/Mcfarlin
251164/5/2002 Reply Brief of City of Milpitas on the Issue of Visible Impacts - POS

14 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsCity Of Milpitas/Brecher
250993/21/2002 Committee Briefing Schedule - POS

5 page(s)
250904/2/2002 Brief of City of Milpitas on the Issue of Visible

24 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsJoseph J. Brecher
250883/29/2002 Staff Opening Brief - POS

17 page(s)
250723/22/2002 Errata - Condition of Certification - Air Quality, Soil and Water

4 page(s)
250153/22/2002 Committee Ruling on Applicant's Petition for Reconsideration - POS

4 page(s)
249733/14/2002 Changes to Staff Assessment Addendum Condition of Certification AQ-SC4

8 page(s)
249723/14/2002 Los Esteros Staff Assessment Addendum ERRATA - POS

7 page(s)
249713/15/2002 Corrections to Testimony of Dr. Alvin Greenberg - POS

7 page(s)
249473/20/2002 Report of Conversation with Jenifer Morris, Project Manager for the Applicant re: Clarification of Responses to Water Data Request

1 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsCEC Cec
249133/18/2002 Group 1A and 1B Written Testimony - POS

207 page(s)
248983/8/2002 Group 1C Testimony - POS

10 page(s)
248953/8/2002 Motion for Official Notice - POS

4 page(s)
248943/8/2002 Committee's Response to Applicant's Request for Reconsideration of the Committee's 3/6/02 Ruling - POS

4 page(s)
248653/7/2002 Applicant's updated Exhibit List

7 page(s)
248633/7/2002 Testimony of Dr. Gary R. Clay concerning Visual Impacts on behalf of the City of Milpitas

19 page(s)
 Jbs Energy/Schilberg/cec/docketsBrecher
248623/7/2002 Change of Witness

3 page(s)
248573/8/2002 Memo concerning the differences in the numerical values of the projected heat rates

1 page(s)
248563/8/2002 Calpine Los Esteros Critical Energy Facility Facilities Cost Report POS

12 page(s)
 Calpine/Gaglia/docketsCal Iso/Miller
248553/7/2002 Calpine's request for committee reconsideration POS

15 page(s)
 CEC/Keese/docketsDowney, Brand, Seymour And Rohwer/Luckhardt
248493/7/2002 Testimony of Dr. Gary R. Clay Concerning Visual Impacts on Behalf of the City of Milpitas - POS

18 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsJ. Brecher
248483/7/2002 Proof of Service List for Los Esteros - POS

4 page(s)
 All Parties/DocketsCEC/Read
248463/7/2002 Substitution of Counsel

1 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsJoseph Brecher/Brecher
248303/6/2002 Storm Water Outfall Constrution and Permitting in Coyote Creek

1 page(s)
 CEC/Worl/docketSanta Clara Valley Water District/Tippets
248283/6/2002 Testimony of Dr. Gary R. Clay on Behalf of the City of Milpitas

20 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsJoseph Brecher/Brecher
248143/6/2002 Direct Testimony Of William B. Marcus - POS

24 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsJbs Energy, Inc
248103/6/2002 Group 1B Testimony - POS

49 page(s)
248043/6/2002 Committee Ruling Applicant's Petition for Expedited Review - POS

13 page(s)
247813/6/2002 Transmission System Reliability Testimony POS

25 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsCal Iso/Green
247453/4/2002 Group 1A Testimony - POS

30 page(s)
247333/1/2002 Applicant's Request for Committee Scheduling Conference POS

5 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsGrattan And Galati/Galati
247102/28/2002 Petition for Schedule to Complete to Commission Review of the Case Under the Terms of California Public Resources - POS

10 page(s)
 CEC/Keese/boydDowney Brand Seymour & Rohwer/Luckhardt
246412/19/2002 Prehearing conference statement of the City of Milpitas POS

17 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsMeyers,nave Riback, Silver And Wilson/Brown
246402/25/2002 Notice of Evidentiary Hearings and Hearing Order POS

13 page(s)
246392/22/2002 Supplemental Prehearing Conference Statement POS

2 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsJbs Energy/Schilberg
246382/22/2002 BAAQMD Application 3213 CEC Comments on PDOC

2 page(s)
245902/19/2002 Data Request Response Set 1G - POS

6 page(s)
245672/15/2002 Calpine's Prehearing Conference Statement POS

84 page(s)
 CEC/Keese/docketsDowney, Brand, Seymour And Rohwer/Luckhardt
245662/15/2002 Staff Pre-hearing Conference Statement POS

5 page(s)
245652/15/2002 Prehearing Conference Statement of the City of Milpitas

15 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsCity Of Milpitas/Bakker
245352/15/2002 Delay of Pre-conference Brief for the Intervenor, THE PUBLIC POS

4 page(s)
 CEC/Keese/docketsThe Public/Garbett
245342/15/2002 Prehearing Conference Statement of the Utility Reform Network, Environmental Defense and Sierra Club (The Coalition of Ratepayer and Environmental Groups) POS

6 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsJbs Energy/Schilberg
245332/14/2002 Report of Conversation with A. Crabtree, City of San Jose and Aspen re: questions regarding City of San Jose's General Plan Trails and Pathways Policy No. 1

1 page(s)
245322/14/2002 Report of Conversation with A. Crabtree, City of San Jose and Aspen re: City of San Jose general plan use and zoning designation for project site

2 page(s)
245312/14/2002 Report of Conversation with A. Crabtree, City of San Jose and Aspen re:information gathering

1 page(s)
245302/14/2002 Report of Conversation with J. Davidson, City of San Jose and Aspen re: obtaining copies of City Ordinances and Resolutions

1 page(s)
245292/14/2002 Report of Conversation with A. Crabtree, City of San Jose and Aspen re: land use questions regarding cumulative projects in the area of the site

1 page(s)
245282/14/2002 Report of Conversation with S. Burkey, City of Milipitas and Aspen re: land use questions regarding cumulative projects surrounding LECEF site.

1 page(s)
245272/14/2002 Report of Conversation with L. Xavier, City of San Jose and Aspen re: land use questions regarding the location of surrounding trail corridors

1 page(s)
245252/14/2002 Report of Conversation with R. Rowland, City of San Jose and M. Campopiano regarding Land use questions regarding City of San Jose's proposed San Francisco Bay Trail alignment.

1 page(s)
245242/14/2002 Report of Conversation with G. Sedgewick, US Dataport and Marc Campopiano re: questions regarding US Dataport project

2 page(s)
245142/14/2002 Report of conversation with P. Hennessy re: Dept. of Conservation, Land Mgmt Div.

1 page(s)
245132/14/2002 Report of conversation with A. Crabtree, City of San Jose re: Questions regarding city of San Jose's General Plan and Zoning Ordinance

1 page(s)
245122/14/2002 Report of Conversation B.Tripousis, City of San Jose re: Land use

1 page(s)
244662/11/2002 AQ-SC2, PM10 Mitigation Plan POS

87 page(s)
244652/7/2002 Notice of Availability-Supplement to the Staff Assessment

2 page(s)
244642/7/2002 Document Handling

2 page(s)
244632/7/2002 Request for Agency Review of the Supplemental to the Staff Assessment POS

1 page(s)
 Agency Distribution List/DocketsCEC/Kennedy
244622/12/2002 Condition of Certification, TRANS-1, Traffic Control and Transportation Demand Implementation Program

10 page(s)
244232/6/2002 Supplement to Staff Assessment

186 page(s)
 DocketsCEC Cec
244002/5/2002 Final Determination of Compliance BAAQMD Application 3213

44 page(s)
243632/4/2002 Condition of Certification SOCIO-1

3 page(s)
242731/29/2002 PM 10 Mitigation Plan POS

9 page(s)
 CEC/Worl/docketsSierra Research/Matthews
242621/29/2002 Outfall Within the Riparian Corridor Setback

1 page(s)
242481/29/2002 Final Staff Study

2 page(s)
 CEC/Worl/docketsSan Jose Fire Deparment
242461/24/2002 U.S. Dataport Tree Inventory Dated 5/11/00

2 page(s)
 Aspen Environmental Group/Colyer/cec/docketsBiota Tech Services Inc./Nelson
242211/16/2002 Staff Assessment for Los Esteros - POS

2 page(s)
241461/17/2002 Jan 14, 2002 Workshop Sing In Sheet

2 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsLos Esteros Energy Facility
241451/15/2002 Data Request Response Set No. 1F Submitted to Docket January 10, 2002

1 page(s)
241441/22/2002 Certification of LECEF

2 page(s)
240901/15/2002 Letter to Robert Worl from Robert Bonderud of PG&E dated 1/11/2002 re: Staff Assessment POS

27 page(s)
240241/11/2002 Data Request Response Set # 1F - POS

26 page(s)
239081/9/2002 E-mail regarding telephone call from Mr. Garbett, the PUBLIC POS

4 page(s)
237921/4/2002 PM 10-Mitigation

1 page(s)
237911/2/2002 Request for Agency Comments on the Staff Assessment

1 page(s)
 Agency DistributionCEC/Richins
237901/2/2002 Document Handling

1 page(s)
237891/2/2002 Calpine Power Proposal's for Los Esteros Critical Energy Facility

2 page(s)
 Us Fish And Wildlife Service/Brown/docketsCEC/Brownell
237881/2/2002 Notice of Availability

3 page(s)
237671/3/2002 Workshop Notice - Staff Assessment Workshop for Los Esteros - 1/14/01 - San Jose - POS

2 page(s)
2369612/27/2001 Technical Specifications EEH-101 Heat Recovery Steam Generators and Accessories

9 page(s)
2367212/21/2001 PM10 Mitigation-Supplemental Information

15 page(s)
 CEC/Behymer/docketsSierra Research/Rubenstein
2365412/26/2001 SCR Design - Supplemental Information

3 page(s)
 CEC/Behymer/docketsSierra Research/Rubenstein
2363912/24/2001 Data Request Response Set 1E

19 page(s)
2362812/21/2001 Reply to Calpine's Opposition to and Staff's Response to Milpitas' Petition to Remove Project from the Four-Month Process - POS

23 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsCity Of Milpitas
2356912/21/2001 Request for Agency Participation

3 page(s)
 Agency Distribution ListCEC/Richins
2351312/14/2001 Letter to provide continuing confirmation of the City of San Jose's intent and ability to process the necessary remaining city approvals PD zoning and PD permit

1 page(s)
 CEC/Worl/docketsCity Of San Jose/Gonzales
2347712/17/2001 Reply to Calpine's Opposition to and Staff's Response to Milpitas' Petition to Remove Project From the Four-Month Process

13 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsCity Of Milpitas/Bakker
2341512/11/2001 Data Request Response Set #1D

32 page(s)
2339912/10/2001 Staff Response to Petition to Remove Application from Four Month Expedited Process POS

5 page(s)
2339812/10/2001 Calpine's Opposition to City of Milipitas Petition to Remove Project from 4-month Licensing Process POS

16 page(s)
 CEC/Keese/moore/docketsDowney Brand Seymour Rohwer/Luckhardt
2338912/5/2001 Preliminary Determinatin of Compliance by BAAQMD

30 page(s)
2337412/6/2001 Endangered Species Act Concerns Relative to the Calpine Power

4 page(s)
 CEC/Brownell/docketsUs Dept Of The Interior/Knight
2336912/7/2001 PM10 Mitigation

4 page(s)
 CEC/Behymer/docketsSierra Research/Rubenstein
2335312/6/2001 PM 10 Mitigation

5 page(s)
 CEC/Behymer/docketsSierra Research/Gary Rubenstein
2334712/5/2001 Notice of Correction-erroneous mailing

1 page(s)
2329511/30/2001 Data Request Response Set #1C-responds to Visual Resource Data Request #124 POS

7 page(s)
2323011/28/2001 Committee Ruling Establishing Briefing Schedule on the City of Milpitas petition to Remove the Project from the 4-Month Plan - POS

4 page(s)
2318611/26/2001 Petition for Removal of the Los Esteros Critical Energy Facilitys From the 4-Month Expedited Process

66 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsCity Of Milpitas/John Bakker
2316311/20/2001 Los Esteros Critical Energy Facility Application for Certification Data Request Response Set # 1B - POS

31 page(s)
2312911/20/2001 BAAQMD Application 3213

30 page(s)
 CEC/Worl/docketsBay Area Air Quality Management District/Garvey
2306611/15/2001 Committee Ruling on Expedited Review and Scheduling Order - POS

7 page(s)
2306211/15/2001 Data Request Response Set 1A - POS

100 page(s)
2305111/13/2001 Historical, and Architectural Evaluation of the U.S. Dataport Planned Development Rezoning EIR Project Area on Alviso-Milpitas Road Between Coyote Creek and Zanker Road

67 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsDavid J. Power & Associates, Inc
2303111/9/2001 Pacific Gas and Electric's Draft Facilities Cost Report POS

24 page(s)
2298811/7/2001 Informational Hearing and Site Visit Project Mailing List

5 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsLos Esteros Criticl Energy Facility
2298111/7/2001 Status Report #2 POS

4 page(s)
 CEC/Keese, Moore/docketsCEC/Mendonca
2297911/7/2001 Potential Air Emission Offsets, Confidentiality Application

3 page(s)
 Grattan And Galati/Galati/docketsCEC/Larson
2295511/5/2001 Additional Statement of the Utility Reform Network, Environmental Defense and Sierra Club in Opposition to the 4-month AFC for Los Esteros POS

24 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsJbs Energy Inc./Schilberg
2295011/5/2001 Data Request Set #1

213 page(s)
2292010/31/2001 Data Requests POS

5 page(s)
2288010/30/2001 Recommendation on Eligibility for 4-Month Process

2 page(s)
 CEC/Keese, Moore/docketsCEC/Worl
2282810/24/2001 Los Esteros Critical Energy Facility Project Data Response/Issue Resolution Workshop POS

4 page(s)
2280810/23/2001 Calpine's Recommendation That The Los Esteros Critical Energy Facility Be Determined Eliigble For Four Month Review POS

7 page(s)
 CEC/Keese, Moore/docketsDowney Brand Seymour Rohwer/Luckhardt
2280710/23/2001 Calpine's Opposition to Intervene by a Coalition of Ratepayer and Environmental Groups POS

12 page(s)
 CEC/Keese, Moore/docketsDowney Brand Seymour Rohwer/Luckhardt
2280610/25/2001 Order Granting Petition to Intervene-THE PUBLIC POS

5 page(s)
 DocketsCEC/Keese, Moore
2280510/25/2001 Order Granting Petition to Intervene-City of Milpitas POS

5 page(s)
 DocketsCEC/Keese, Moore
2280410/25/2001 Order Granting Petition to Intervene POS

5 page(s)
 DocketsCEC/Keese, Moore
2280310/24/2001 Timeline for the rezoning process

2 page(s)
 CEC/Worl/docketCity Of San Jose/Horwedel
2280210/17/2001 Calpine Power North San Jose Energy Center Interconnection System Impact Studies

6 page(s)
 Calpine Power/Gaglia/cec/docketsCal-iso/Perez
2277910/19/2001 Petition for Intervention as Agency POS

6 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsMeyers,nave,riback,silver And Wilson/Alexander
2273010/18/2001 Opposition to 4-Month ACF POS

6 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsJbs Energy Inc./Schilberg
2272910/19/2001 Committee Ruling: Eligibility for Expedited Review

4 page(s)
 DocketsCEC/Keese, Moore
2272810/19/2001 Letter to update previous written correspondence regarding the City of San Jose's timeline for the rezoning process

3 page(s)
 CEC/Worl/docketsCity Of San Jose/Horwedel
2272710/19/2001 Order Granting Petition to Intervene POS

5 page(s)
 DocketsCEC/Keese, Moore
2272610/18/2001 Issue Identification Report POS

16 page(s)
2272510/15/2001 Notification of Need for Additional Time to Prepare Responses and Objections to CEC Staff Data Requests 19, 20, 25, 81, 82, 128 , 129 and 134 POS

13 page(s)
 CEC/Keese, Moore, Worl/docketsDowney Brand Seymour And Rohwer/Luckhardt
2272410/18/2001 Petition for Intervention as Agency POS

5 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsCity Of Milpitas/Whitnell
2272310/17/2001 Interconnection System Impact Studies

6 page(s)
 Calpine Power/Gaglia/cec/docketsCal Iso/Perez
2269910/15/2001 Application for DOC/ATC for Cosumnes Power Plant Request for Extension to the Application "Completeness" Determination

2 page(s)
 Sacramento Metro Air Quality Mgmt Dist/Krebs/cec/dSmud/Taylor
2269810/16/2001 Endangered Species Conservation Requirements

3 page(s)
 Gwf Power Systems/Wheeler/cec/docketsUnited States Department Of The Interior/Campbell
2269710/16/2001 Change of Date for Informational Hearing and Site Visit POS

5 page(s)
 DocketsCEC/Keese, Moore
2269610/15/2001 Calpine's Notification of Need for Additional Time to Prepare Responses and Objections to CEC Staff Data Requests, 19, 29, 25, 81, 82, 128, 129 and 134 POS

10 page(s)
 CEC/Keese, Moore, Worl/docketsDowney Brand Seymour Rohwer/Luckhardt
2269510/16/2001 Comments

2 page(s)
 Foster Wheeler Environmental Corp/Burnell/cec/dockSanta Clara Valley Water District/Nam
2267410/12/2001 Data Requests # 147 through 173, Biological Resources - POS

12 page(s)
2266810/10/2001 Data Requests # 119-146, Visual and Visual Plume Impacts - POS

10 page(s)
2264710/12/2001 Comments on the Review of the Application for Certification

2 page(s)
 CEC/Worl/docketsSanta Clara Valley Water District/Jaimes
2263810/9/2001 Petition to Intervene by a Coalition of Ratepayer and Environmental Groups

10 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsUtility Reform Network/Finkelstein
2263710/9/2001 Petition for Intervention

2 page(s)
 DocketsThe Public/Garbett
2261810/9/2001 Notice of Public Informational Hearing and Site Visit - 10/23/01 - Alviso Yacht Club - POS

7 page(s)
2260910/5/2001 Petition to Intervene by a Coalition of Ratepayer and Environmental Groups POS

11 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsThe Utility Reform Network/Finkelstein
2260810/5/2001 Data Requests POS

38 page(s)
 Los Esteros Critical Energy Facility/Stewart/dockeCEC/Worl
2260710/5/2001 Request for comments from CEC

2 page(s)
 Calpine Power/Crabtree/cec/docketsDepartment Of The Army/Fong
2260610/5/2001 Inspection of site 1515 Alviso Milpitas Road

1 page(s)
 City Of San Jose/Sinha/cec/docketsCity Of San Jose/Yousefl
224938/22/2001 Clearing and Demolition Plan

1 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsCalpine Power
224899/27/2001 Petition to Intervene by CURE

5 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsAdams Broadwell Joseph And Cardoza/Heeley
224889/27/2001 Agency Participation in the Review POS

5 page(s)
 Agency Distribution ListCEC/Richins
224669/27/2001 Preliminary Committee Schedule POS

4 page(s)
224459/25/2001 Hearing Officer Assignment

1 page(s)
224449/24/2001 Copy of the final annexation paperwork for LECEF/USDataport

3 page(s)
224209/24/2001 Data Adequacy Recommendation

75 page(s)
223919/21/2001 Comments regarding confirmation of the City of San Jose intent to process the remaining city approvals (PD Zoning and PD Permit)

2 page(s)
 CEC/Worl/docketsPlanning, Building & Code Enforcement/Horwedel
223619/19/2001 Provide confirmation of the City of San Jose's intent and ability to process the necessary remaining City approvals (PD Zoning and PD Permit)

2 page(s)
 CEC/Worl/docketsCity Of San Jose/Horwedel
223169/13/2001 Calpine Property

5 page(s)
223159/13/2001 Preliminary Report Cilker Property

12 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsAlliance Title
223149/13/2001 Application for rezoning of property comprising the US Dataport Planned Development and urgent request for a confirming letter to CEC

5 page(s)
 City Of San Jose/Horwedel/docketsCh2mhill/Young
223139/13/2001 Planned Development Zoning Application

8 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsCity Of San Jose
222739/14/2001 Data Adequacy Response

220 page(s)
222369/13/2001 Planned Development Zoning for uS DataPort/Los Esteros Critical Energy Facility - Location Map

12 page(s)
221609/5/2001 Letter pertaining to the approximately 50-acre site containing greenhouses north of Highway 237 in North San Jose

1 page(s)
 CEC/Allen/docketsCalifornia Conservation/Penberth
221418/31/2001 Draft EIR - Cultural Resources

3 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsUs Dataport
219688/23/2001 Additional Copies of the AFC

1 page(s)
219598/23/2001 Letter to document the zoning status of the subject property to facilitate the Calpine Corp. application for CEC approval of the Los Esteros Critical Energy Facility.

2 page(s)
 CEC/RichinsCity Of San Jose/Horwedel
219058/20/2001 Hearing Officer Assignment

1 page(s)
218988/14/2001 Cultural Resources Site Map and Records, Application for Confidentiality

2 page(s)
218818/17/2001 Los Esteros Critical Energy Facility - Data Adequacy Recommendation

104 page(s)
 CEC DocketsCEC/Larson
217928/7/2001 Application for Determination of Compliance and Authority to Construct filed by the Bay Area Quality Management

323 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsSierra Research/Matthews
217918/8/2001 CDs of the Ambient Air Quality Modeling and five sets of topographic maps

1 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsSierra Research/Matthews
217908/8/2001 Notice of Receipt Application for Certification

3 page(s)
217898/8/2001 Document Handling

2 page(s)
217888/8/2001 Request for Agency Participation in the Expedited Review

3 page(s)
 Agency Distribution ListCEC/Richins
217878/6/2001 Application for Certification Vols. I and II
AFC is too large to docket. Docket Unit has Volume I only.
2069 page(s)
 CEC/Larson/docketsCalpine Corporation/Crabtree
1653-06/26/2002 Public Conference

78 page(s)
1641-05/23/2002 Evidentiary Hearing

198 page(s)
1614-02/27/2002 Prehearing Conference

123 page(s)
1570-011/9/2001 Committee Informational Hearing and Site Visit

91 page(s)