242540 | 4/4/2022 |
14 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
241369 | 2/2/2022 |
OMEC Data Request Response Set 1
Biological Resources, Cultural Resources 95 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Jacobs |
240876 | 12/8/2021 |
Petition for Project Modification - OMEC Natural Gas Pipeline Relocation Data Requests Set 1
3 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
240093 | 10/18/2021 |
Notice of Receipt - Petition for Post Certification Change
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
240034 | 10/11/2021 |
OMEC Natural Gas Pipeline Relocation Petition for Post Certification Change Petition for Post Certification Change for the Otay Mesa Energy Center. 27 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Jacobs |
235990 | 12/17/2020 |
Order Authorizing Release of Funds from the Otay Mesa Project Quino Checkerspot Butterfly Endowment Order No: 12-1209-1a 2 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | California Energy Commission |
231263 | 12/17/2019 |
Order Authorizing Release of Funds from the Otay Mesa Project Quino Checkerspot Butterfly Endowment
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | California Energy Commission |
231029 | 12/10/2019 |
Otay Mesa Energy Center 2018 Report
92 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | California Energy Commission |
230925 | 12/2/2019 |
Request for Approval of Disbursement of Funds from the Quino Checkerspot Butterfly Endowment Request for Approval of Disbursement of Funds from the Quino Checkerspot Butterfly
Endowment, Otay Mesa Energy Center (99-AFC-05C) Biological Resources 2 page(s)
| | CEC/David Hochschild, Janea Scott, Karen Douglas, Andrew McAllister and Patty Monahan | California Energy Commission |
230503 | 11/4/2019 |
Order Authorizing Release of Funds from the Otay Mesa Project Quino Checkerspot Butterfly Endowment
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
225984 | 11/29/2018 |
Request for Approval of Disbursement of Funds from the Quino Checkerspot Butterfly Research Endowment, per Cond. of Cert. BIO-11
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
225625 | 10/30/2018 |
Compliance Docketing Policy
3 page(s)
| | Plant Manager | California Energy Commission |
210356 | 2/17/2016 |
Notice of Decision by California Energy Commission A Combined Cycle Natural Gas Fired Electricity Generating Facility 1 page(s)
| | California Resources Agency | California Energy Commission |
210348 | 2/17/2016 |
Order Approving a Petition to Amend Hot Gas Path Components
5 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets Unit | California Energy Commission |
210204 | 2/5/2016 |
Staff Response to Comments on the Advanced Gas Path Petition to Amend Staff Analysis
3 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets Unit | California Energy Commission |
207072 | 12/17/2015 |
Otay Mesa Energy Center Response to Staff Analysis
5 page(s)
| | CEC/Dale Rundquist | Ellison, Schneider & Harris L.L.P. |
206657 | 11/17/2015 |
Staff Analysis Petition to Amend Hot Gas Path Components Otay Mesa Executive Summary and Analysis 21 page(s)
| | Interested Parties | California Energy Commission |
204894 | 6/4/2015 |
Notice of Receipt for Hot Gas Path Petition to Amend
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
204726 | 5/26/2015 |
Petition for Hot Gas Path Component Replacemenrt Petition to Amend 4 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
203888 | 3/16/2015 |
Otay Mesa Energy Center Notice of Decision for Air Quality Petition to Amend
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
203887 | 3/16/2015 |
Otay Mesa Energy Center Signed Order Approving a Petition to Amend Air Quality Conditions of Certification
41 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
203529 | 1/16/2015 |
Otay Mesa Petition to Amend Air Quality Conditions of Certification Executive Summary and Analysis Staff Analysis of Air Quality Amendment Proposals 85 page(s)
| | Interested Parties | California Energy Commission |
202431 | 6/6/2014 |
Notice of Receipt Petition to Amend Air Quality 2 page(s)
| | Public | California Energy Commission |
202395 | 5/29/2014 |
Otay Mesa Energy Center Amendment #11 Petition for Modification Air Quality 82 page(s)
| | CEC / Dale Runquist | Otay Mesa Energy Center / Calpine Corporation |
202394 | 5/29/2014 |
Petition to Amend to Update AQ Conditions Air Quality 82 page(s)
| | | California Energy Commission |
202389 | 5/28/2014 |
Petition to Modify Docket - Amendment #11 Air Quality 77 page(s)
| | CEC/Dale Rundquist | Calpine Corporation |
55925 | 2/18/2010 |
Application for Confidential Paleontological Resources Appendices E & F
7 page(s)
| | CEC/ R. Yasny | URS/ B. Hatoff |
55116 | 2/1/2010 |
Paleontological Resources Application for Confidential Designation - Appendices E & F
13 page(s)
| | CEC/ T. Golston | URS/ B. Hatoff |
55108 | 2/1/2010 |
Application for Confidentiality Deficiency Letter
1 page(s)
| | URS Corp./B. Hatoff | CEc/Docket Unit |
55074 | 1/19/2010 |
Cultural Resources Report Application for Confidential
4 page(s)
| | CEC/ R. Yasny | URS/ B. Hatoff |
53601 | 10/8/2009 |
New Verification for Condition of Certificate AQ-45
1 page(s)
| | Barbara McBride | CEC/ D. Stone |
53132 | 9/3/2009 |
Otay Mesa Energy Center's Emissions Limitations
2 page(s)
| | Edward Merihew | CEC/ D. Stone |
51912 | 6/10/2009 |
Order Approving Petition to Modify Various Air Quality Conditions
34 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | CEC/ K. Douglas |
51226 | 4/22/2009 |
Petition to Modify Condition of Certification HAZ-1
15 page(s)
| | CEC/ D. Stone | Applicant/ E. Merrihew |
50947 | 4/9/2009 |
CEC Staff Analysis of Proposed Air Quality Amendment
37 page(s)
| | CEC/ All Parties | CEC/ Donna Stone |
50871 | 4/6/2009 |
Deletion of Condition 60 from the Final Determination of Compliance
1 page(s)
| | CEC/ D. Stone | Air Polllution Control District County of San Diego/ A. Carbonell |
47150 | 7/21/2008 |
Notice of Receipt - Petition to Amend the Energy Commission Decision
3 page(s)
| | CEC / Docket Unit | CEC / E. Allen |
47113 | 7/18/2008 |
Supplemental Information to Petition dated April 15, 2008
2 page(s)
| | CEC/ D. Stone | Calpine/ E. Merrihew |
46279 | 5/12/2008 |
Petition to Amend the Commission Decision on OMEC LLC - AQ-Conditions of Certification; Docket No. 99-AFC-5C Amendment 1B
17 page(s)
| | CEC/D. Stone | Calpine/E. Merrihew |
41843 | 8/8/2007 |
August 2007 Updated Traffic Impact Analysis Report
189 page(s)
| | CEC | Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. for Calpine Corporation |
40218 | 5/2/2007 |
Approval of Petition to Modify the Verification Language in Condition of Certification BIO-10 to Allow Alternate Strategy for Habitat Purchase
1 page(s)
| | Calpine Corp/E. Merrihew | CEC/C. Meyer |
40045 | 4/18/2007 |
CEC Notice of Insignificant Project Change
3 page(s)
| | Docket Unit | CEC/T. O'Brien |
38401 | 11/16/2006 |
Letter noting transfer of ownership on 07-09-01
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets Unit | CEC/ C. Meyer |
38400 | 11/16/2006 |
Commission order approving ownership transfer.
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets Unit | CEC/ C. Meyer |
38393 | 3/7/2005 |
Notice of Availability Draft
84 page(s)
| | Readers of the Draft Environment Impact Report | PUC |
36626 | 3/22/2006 |
ORDER APPROVING a Petition to transfer ownership to CalPine Corporation (Order No. 03-0806-1(g))
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | CEC/Chairman Keese |
35641 | 10/6/2005 |
Monthly Compliance Reports for Otay Mesa Energy Center
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Pryor/Docket Unit | Calpine/Miller |
35574 | 9/30/2005 |
Order Approving transfer of ownership to Otay Mesa Energy Center (Order No. 05-0921-03)
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | CEC/Chairman Desmond |
35440 | 9/2/2005 |
Notice of Receipt - Petition to Change Ownership of the Otay Mesa Generating Project
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | CEC/Johnson |
35386 | 8/26/2005 |
Petition for Ownership Change.
3 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Otay Mesa/R. Thomas/Vice President |
35040 | 7/21/2005 |
Notice of Insignificant Project Change..
2 page(s)
| | Docket Unit | CEC |
34462 | 5/27/2005 |
Petition to CEC License As Amended For The Otay Mesa Energy Center. Minor Modifications to Gas Pipeline Route.
52 page(s)
| | Docket Unit | Calpine Corp/Otay Mesa |
32422 | 10/4/2004 |
Notice of Exemption - Approval to Revise Air Quality Mitigation Payment
1 page(s)
| | Office Of Planning & Research | CEC/Lewis |
32226 | 8/30/2004 |
Commission Order Approving Project Modification
2 page(s)
| | Dockets | CEC/Keese |
31822 | 6/29/2004 |
Notice of Receipt of Petition to Amend & Public Review of Staff Analysis. (to revise condition AQ-75 of the Energy Commission Decision for the Otay Mesa Generating Project.
5 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/T. O'brien |
31821 | 6/29/2004 |
Amendment AQ-75 to CEC License for the Otay Mesa.
18 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | Otay Mesa Energy Center Llc |
30985 | 2/25/2004 |
Otay Mesa -- Approval of Verification Change AQ-75.
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Ed Merrihew/dockets | CEC/I. Lewis |
30797 | 1/29/2004 |
Order Approving a Petition to Modify the Project Description
25 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket | CEC/Keese |
30776 | 1/26/2004 |
Notice of Decision by the CEC for Otay Mesa Generating Project
1 page(s)
| | Opr/Cra | CEC/Lewis |
30694 | 1/6/2004 |
Approval of Petition to Modify the Facility Design of the Aqueous Ammonia Storage Area
1 page(s)
| | Calpine Corporation/Merrihew/cec/dockets | CEC/Lewis |
30625 | 12/18/2003 |
Otay Mesa - Public Review of Staff Analysis of Proposed Project Modifications.
41 page(s)
| | Interested Parties | CEC/I. Lewis |
30614 | 12/17/2003 |
Otay Mesa - - Notice of Insignificant Project Change.
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC Cec |
30419 | 10/1/2002 |
Transmittal of Amendment 1B to the CEC License
119 page(s)
| | CEC/Lewis/dockets | Calpine/Miller |
30250 | 10/23/2003 |
Repeated Application for Confidential Designation Pursuant to Section 2505(a)(4) of Title 20 for Otay Mesa Generating Project - Cultural Resource Materials
4 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket | Urs/Ray |
30165 | 10/16/2003 |
Repeated Application for Confidential Designation-Cultural Resources
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Larson | Calpine/Miller |
30052 | 10/2/2003 |
Public Review of Staff Analysis of Proposed Project Modifications (Separate and Increase Stack Height of HRSG/Turbine, Add Duct Firing and Small Auxiliary, Boiler)
40 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Lewis |
29457 | 7/31/2003 |
NOTICE OF RECEIPT regarding Petition to Amend the Energy Commission Decision for the Otay Mesa Generating Project.
5 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/T. O'brien |
29275 | 7/17/2003 |
Notice of Receipt-Otay Mesa Request for Ownership Change.
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/T. O'brien |
29274 | 7/17/2003 |
Request to Change to the Noise Limit in Noise-6.
26 page(s)
| | CEC/I. Lewis/ Dockets | Calpine/T. Miller |
29188 | 7/11/2003 |
Petition for Ownership Change
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | Calpine Corporation/Thomas |
27825 | 1/22/2003 |
Notice of Exemption - Approval to Modify Off-Site Habitat Mitigation for Otay Mesa
1 page(s)
| | Office Of Planning & Research/Dockets | CEC/Lewis |
27754 | 12/30/2002 |
Cultural Resources Application for Confidentiality - POS
6 page(s)
| | Calpine Corp/Miller/cec/dockets | CEC/Larson |
27685 | 12/18/2002 |
Application for Confidential Designation Cultural Resources
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | Calpine/Miller List |
27461 | 11/18/2002 |
Commission Order Approving Project Modification
7 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Keese |
27090 | 10/18/2002 |
Notice of Receipt Petition to Amend the Energy Commission decision for the Otay Mesa Gen. Project
4 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/O'brien |
26998 | 10/10/2002 |
Public Review of Staff Analysis for Proposed Modifications to the Otay Mesa Project; Off-Site Habitat Mitigation
5 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Lewis |
26930 | 10/8/2002 |
Notice of Receipt - Petition to Amend the CEC Decision for Otay Mesa
3 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/O'brien |
26830 | 10/1/2002 |
Amendment 1B to CEC License for Otay Mesa
119 page(s)
| | Dockets | Otay Mesa Gen Co. |
26780 | 9/26/2002 |
Amendment 2 to CEC License
84 page(s)
| | Dockets | Otay Mesa Gen. Company, Llc |
26778 | 9/25/2002 |
Notice of Receipt Petition to Amend the Energy Commission Decision
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/O'brien |
26507 | 8/20/2002 |
Construction Schedule Third
1 page(s)
| | Calpine Corp/Weinberg/dockets | CEC/O'brien |
26408 | 8/8/2002 |
Repeated Application for Confidential Designation Cultural Resources
4 page(s)
| | CEC/Larson/dockets | Urs/Ray |
25994 | 6/24/2002 |
Notice of Insignificant Project Change
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/O'brien |
23898 | 1/8/2002 |
Notice of Exemption-Approval to Combine Tables 1 and 2 for Facility Design
1 page(s)
| | Office Of Planning And Research/Dockets | CEC/Lewis |
23684 | 12/27/2001 |
Approval to Add a New Table 1 for Facility Design GEN 2
8 page(s)
| | Calpine/Merrihew/dockets | CEC/Therkelsen |
22665 | 10/11/2001 |
Commission Order Approving Ownership Transfer
1 page(s)
| | Dockets | CEC/Moore |
22373 | 9/20/2001 |
Notice of Receipt Request for Ownership Change
2 page(s)
| | Dockets | CEC/Therkelsen |
21997 | 8/10/2001 |
Notice of Exemption - Approval to Change Endowment Fund to the San Diego Foundation
1 page(s)
| | Office Of Planning & Research/Dockets | CEC/I. Lewis |
21936 | 8/16/2001 |
Notice of Exemption-Approval to Combine and Replace the Language for AQ 73 and 74
1 page(s)
| | Office Of Planning And Research/Dockets | CEC/Bruins |
21935 | 8/16/2001 |
Notice of Exemption-Addition of Condition of Certification to Ensure Coordinated Integration of New Generating Unit with California's Electricity Grid
1 page(s)
| | Office And Planning And Research/Dockets | CEC/Bruins |
21895 | 8/16/2001 |
Approval to Combine and Replace the Language for AQ73 and 74 f
6 page(s)
| | Capline/Merrihew/cec/dockets | CEC/Therkelsen |
21800 | 8/10/2001 |
Approval to Change Endowment Fund to the San Diego Foundation
2 page(s)
| | Calpine/Merrihew/dockets | CEC/Therkselsen |
21478 | 7/13/2001 |
Memorandum of Understanding Between the CEC and Willdan for Design Review, Plan Check, and Construction Inspection of the Otay Mesa Gen Project
5 page(s)
| | Dockets | Willdan/House/cec/dockets |
21399 | 7/12/2001 |
Pre-Construction and Construction Milestones
3 page(s)
| | Otay Mesa Gen. Co/Merrihew/dockets | CEC/Therkelsen |
21344 | 7/9/2001 |
Acceptance of the Land Management Plan for the O'Neal Canyon/Otay Mesa Gen Project Environmental Preserve
2 page(s)
| | The Environmental Trust/Hunsaker/dockets | Us Fish And Wildlife Service/Gilbert/lawhead |
21343 | 7/9/2001 |
Comments regarding the Draft Land Management Plan for the O'Neal Canyon/Otay Mesa Gen. Project Environmental Preserve
4 page(s)
| | The Environmental Trust/Hunsaker | Us Fish & Wildlife Service/Gilbert/lawhead |
21335 | 7/9/2001 |
Agreement and Grant of Easement Sewer Pipeline; Purpose Acknowledgment; Terms and Conditions; Right of Entry Permit
10 page(s)
| | Janmac, Inc./Macfarlane/cec/dockets | Dgs/Anderson |
21282 | 6/22/2001 |
Environmental Findings - map
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Allen | County Of San Diego/Pryor |
20588 | 5/31/2001 |
Letter supporting the efforts of Mr. Claycomb and Save Our Bay, Inc.
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | City Of Chula Vista/Meacham |
20151 | 5/14/2001 |
Petition for Reconsideration of Energy Commission Decision - POS
7 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | Claycomb |