258688 | 8/26/2024 |
Moss Landing Power Plant 2022 Annual Compliance Report Moss Landing Power Plant 2022 Annual Compliance Report 180 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit/Public | California Energy Commission |
242306 | 3/14/2022 |
Order Approving Settlement Order No: 22-0309-2 3 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
238058 | 6/1/2021 |
Statement of Staff Approval Of Proposed Change Moss Landing Power Plant (99-AFC-04C) Modification to Air Quality Conditions for non-operational boilers Compliance 102 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Energy Commission |
236973 | 3/4/2021 |
Moss Landing Power Plant - Title V Operating Permit TV-0000014B Moss Landing Power Plant - Title V Operating Permit TV-0000014B Air Quality 22 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | California Energy Commission |
236967 | 3/3/2021 |
Moss Landing Power Plant - Data Requests-Project Owner Responses for 2017 AQ Petition to Amend Moss Landing Power Plant - Data Requests-Project Owner Responses for 2017 AQ Petition to Amend Air Quality 11 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
235932 | 12/14/2020 |
Moss Landing Power Plant - Notification of Administrative Owner Name Change Notification Letter - Administrative Change to Project Owner Name from Dynegy Moss Landing, LLC to Moss Landing Power Company, LLC. Compliance 2 page(s)
| | CEC/Mary Dyas | Moss Landing Power Company, LLC |
231186 | 12/12/2019 |
Moss Landing Power Plant - 2018 Annual Compliance Report (Part 3)
Compliance 79 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
231185 | 12/12/2019 |
Moss Landing Power Plant - 2018 Annual Compliance Report (Part 4)
Compliance 93 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
231184 | 12/12/2019 |
Moss Landing Power Plant - 2018 Annual Compliance Report (Part 5)
Compliance 149 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
231183 | 12/12/2019 |
Moss Landing Power Plant - 2018 Annual Compliance Report (Part 6)
Compliance 76 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
231182 | 12/12/2019 |
Moss Landing Power Plant - 2018 Annual Compliance Report (Part 1)
Compliance 61 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
231181 | 12/12/2019 |
Moss Landing Power Plant - 2018 Annual Compliance Report (Part 2)
Compliance 44 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
225894 | 11/14/2018 |
California Energy Commission and Dynegy Moss Landing, LLC Settlement Agreement
5 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
225850 | 11/8/2018 |
Order Approving Settlement Order No: 18-1107-4 2 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | California Energy Commission |
225619 | 10/30/2018 |
Compliance Docketing Policy
3 page(s)
| | Plant Manager | California Energy Commission |
221457 | 10/10/2017 |
Moss Landing Power Plant Project - Combined Cycle Units 1 and 2 NOTICE OF RECEIPT 2 page(s)
| | California Energy Commission 1516 9th Street. Sacramento, CA 95814 | California Energy Commission |
221193 | 9/18/2017 |
Petition to Amend; Moss Landing Power Plant Project Petition 97 page(s)
| | CEC 1516 9th Stree, Sacramento, CA 95814 | California Energy Commission |
213710 | 9/19/2016 |
Moss Landing Power Plant - Variable Speed Drive Notice of Determination 20160919 Notice of Determination - Petition to Amend the Moss Landing Power Plant Project Compliance 8 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
212738 | 8/11/2016 |
Moss Landing Power Plant - Petition to Amend Elevation Drawings 20160811
Compliance 2 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | California Energy Commission |
212654 | 8/5/2016 |
Notice of Receipt Petition to Amend The California Energy Commission Decision for the Moss Landing Power Plant 3 page(s)
| | | California Energy Commission |
212444 | 7/25/2016 |
Moss Landing Power Plant - Petition to Install Variable Speed Drive Controls on Four of Six Units 1 & 2 Circulating Water Pumps Request for a Staff Approved Modification Compliance 111 page(s)
| | CEC/Mary Dyas | Dynegy Moss Landing, LLC |
210070 | 1/28/2016 |
Condition of Certification LAND-2 Verification Change 12-18-2007 Condition of Certification LAND-2: Disposition of $250,000 Endowment Fund and
Energy Commission Staff Approval of a Change to the Verification for LAN0-2 Compliance, Land Use 5 page(s)
| | Mr. Lee Genz, Dynegy | California Energy Commission |
201354 | 12/2/2013 |
Dynegy letter re Moss Landing & Morro Bay Power Plants letter 2 page(s)
| | Governor Brown | California Energy Commission |
58686 | 9/30/2010 |
Approval of Moss Landing Package Boiler Replacement
1 page(s)
| | Dynergy Moss Landing/ G. Hughes | CEC/ D. Rundquist |
58449 | 9/13/2010 |
Notice of Receipt - Moss Landing Power Project
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | CEC/M. Errecart |
57322 | 6/25/2010 |
Responsible Official Change.
3 page(s)
| | CEC/ Docket Unit | Dynegy/ D. Thompson |
54387 | 12/9/2009 |
Letter Regarding Pilot Carbon Sequestration Project
1 page(s)
| | Dynegy Moss Landing/ J. Dodson | CEC/ D. Stone |
52778 | 8/6/2009 |
Responsible Official Change
2 page(s)
| | CEC/ D. Stone | Dynery/ D. Thompson |
48274 | 10/1/2008 |
Certified Mail Notification of Complaint Filed Request for Info.
3 page(s)
| | CEC/ Siting Unit | State of CA. Industrial Relations Division of Labor Standards Enforcement/ P. Edwards |
47762 | 8/26/2008 |
Moss Landing Power Plant Mitigation Funds: Approval of Proposal
2 page(s)
| | Elkhorn Slough Foundation/ M. Silberstein | CEC/ Mellisa Jones |
41796 | 8/6/2007 |
Dynegy Moss Landing Power Project
3 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | CEC/J. Boyd |
41781 | 8/2/2007 |
Notice of Decision for Dynegy Moss Landing.
1 page(s)
| | CRA | CEC/ C. Meyer |
41770 | 8/1/2007 |
August 1, 2007 Business Meeting Agenda Item 4: Dynegy Moss Landing Power Plant Project
6 page(s)
| | CEC / H. Kallemeyn | California American Water / T. Miller |
41736 | 7/31/2007 |
Dynegy Moss Landing Power Project Response to Public Comments on the Petition and Staff Analysis for the Addition of Small Pilot Desalination Project
1 page(s)
| | CEC / Commissioners | CEC / Terry O'Brien |
41651 | 7/25/2007 |
Addendum to Revised Findings for E-05-005 / A-3-MCO-06-384-California American Water Company
39 page(s)
| | Coastal Commissioners & Interested Parties | California Coastal Commission/A. Dettmer |
41603 | 7/20/2007 |
Comments from Madeline Clark re: Addition of a Temporary Desalination Pilot Plant
15 page(s)
| | CEC/ J. Pfannenstiel/ J. Boyd/ J. Geesman/ J. Byron/ A. Rosenfeld | Elkhorn Slough Coalition/ M. Clark |
41602 | 7/20/2007 |
Petition to Allow the Addition of a Temporary Desalination Plant/ Entrainment and Water Sorce Results/ Technical Work Group Meeting, Thermal Report.
31 page(s)
| | CEC/ D. Stone | C. Nielson |
41291 | 6/29/2007 |
Moss Landing Power Plant Mitigation Funds: Approval of Proposal to Allocate $ 1,313,143 toward the Iniquez Property
2 page(s)
| | Elkhorn Slough Foundation/ M. Silberstein | CEC/ B. Blevins |
41137 | 6/25/2007 |
Moss Landing Power Project- Notice of Receipt of Petition to allow the Addition of a Temporary Desalination Pilot Plant, and Staff Analysis for Public Review
17 page(s)
| | Interested Parties | CEC/ D. Stone |
40133 | 4/24/2007 |
Post Certification Amendment & Changes for a CA American Water Temporary Desalination Pilot Program
94 page(s)
| | Moss Landing PP/D. Stone | Dynegy/D. Thompson |
40057 | 4/18/2007 |
Certificate of Amendment - Name Change
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Dynegy Moss Landing/D. Thompson |
40055 | 4/18/2007 |
Notice of Name Change
2 page(s)
| | CEC/D. Stone | Dynegy Moss Landing/D. Thompson |
38334 | 11/3/2006 |
Notice of Receipt - Petition to Change Ownership.
2 page(s)
| | Interested Parties | CEC/ R. Johnson |
37580 | 8/4/2006 |
Applicant's Notice of Name Change
1 page(s)
| | CEC/ D. Stone | R. Hickok- LS Power Generation, LLC/ K. Mitchell- Ellison, Schneider & Harris LLP |
37571 | 8/7/2006 |
Notice of name change.
1 page(s)
| | Donna Stone | Randall Hickok |
33884 | 3/16/2005 |
Notice of Decision: Filing of Notice of Decision in compliance with Public Resources.
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | CEC/Donna Stone |
33882 | 3/16/2005 |
Order Approving Transfer of Ownership to Duke Energy Moss Landing, LLC (Order No. 05-0216-01(e).
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | CEC/Commissioner Rosenfeld |
33514 | 2/23/2005 |
Order Approving transfer of Ownership (Order No. 05-0216-01(e).
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | CEC/A. Rosenfeld |
33219 | 1/28/2005 |
Notice of Receipt - Petition to Change Ownership for Moss Landning
3 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Johnson |
32946 | 12/17/2004 |
Petition for Amendment Regarding Ownership
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket Unit | Duke Energy Moss Landing/Hickok |
30796 | 1/29/2004 |
Order Approving a Petition to Amend Startup and Tuning Emissions
7 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket | CEC/Keese |
30657 | 12/23/2003 |
Staff Analysis of Proposed Project Modification: Request to Modify Air Emissions durin Startup and Tuning
11 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket | CEC/Stone |
29888 | 9/12/2003 |
Notice of Receipt - Petition to Amend the Energy Commission Decision for the Moss Landing Power Plant Project
3 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | O'brien/Cec |
29824 | 9/8/2003 |
In response to the staff's request, Duke Energy reformatted amendment to the Conditions of Certification for the Moss Landing Power Project. This reformatted submittal supplements the material Duke Energy submitted in May 2003, .
29 page(s)
| | Stone/Cec | Mc Crillis/Duke Energy |
28583 | 4/22/2003 |
Application for Confidential designation for Moss Landing - Cultural Resources
2 page(s)
| | Dockets | Duke Energy/Vigor |
28572 | 4/24/2003 |
Commission Order Approving Project Modification
5 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Keese |
28571 | 4/24/2003 |
Order Approving a Petition to Amend Shutdown Process Emissions
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Keese |
28556 | 4/17/2003 |
Notice of Decision by California Energy Commission
1 page(s)
| | Office Of Planning And Research/Dockets | CEC/Stone |
28181 | 3/5/2003 |
Staff Analysis of Proposed Project Modification: Request to Modity Air Emissions During Shutdown
6 page(s)
| | Interested Parties/Cec/dockets | CEC/Stone |
27800 | 1/8/2003 |
Notice of Receipt Petition to Amend the CEC Decision
3 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/O'brian |
27460 | 11/18/2002 |
Commission Order Approving Condition Amendment
8 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Keese |
27366 | 11/12/2002 |
Applicant's Petition to Amend Various Air Quality Conditions
9 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC Cec |
26279 | 7/22/2002 |
Notice of Receipt Request to Amend the Energy Commission Decision Simple Cycle Flexible Quarterly Emission Limits
2 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/O'brien |
23725 | 12/31/2001 |
Energy, Ocean Resources and Water Quality Divison Hearing Notice
4 page(s)
| | Dockets | Ca Coastal Commission |
23539 | 12/11/2001 |
Petition for Intervention-Von Jarosz POS
4 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | Jarosz |
23343 | 12/6/2001 |
Commission Adoption Order
3 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Commissioners |
21938 | 8/16/2001 |
Notice of Exemption-Addition of Condition of Certification to Ensure Coordinated Integration of New Generating Unit with California's Electricity Grid
1 page(s)
| | Office Of Planning And Research/Dockets | CEC/Bruins |
19147 | 3/13/2001 |
Notice of Exemption - Approval to Use Areas of National Refractories and Minerals, as Additional Laydown and Warehousing for Equipment
1 page(s)
| | Office Of Planning & Research/ | CEC/Therkelsen |
19099 | 3/9/2001 |
Proposed Modification for Additional Lay-Down and Warehouse Space
10 page(s)
| | CEC/Stone/dockets | Duke Energy/Vigor |
18993 | 2/27/2001 |
Duke Energy/PG&E Moss Landing Power Plant Phase II: Final Soil and Groundwater Management Plan for the Cooling Water System Inlet and Outlet Features...Dated 12/22/00 (Plan) - POS
3 page(s)
| | Dtsc/Ciriello/brown/cec/dockets | Ca. Regional Water Quality Control Board/Briggs |
18840 | 2/23/2001 |
Letter opposing power plant improvement
1 page(s)
| | Ced/Fay | B. Buttle |
18015 | 1/24/2001 |
Establishment of Post-Certification Mail List (Attachment: Request Form)
1 page(s)
| | CEC/Docket | CEC/Eller |
16802 | 11/9/2000 |
Notice of Insignificant Change - Map
5 page(s)
| | CEC/Dockets | CEC/Therkelsen |