Docket Log

Docket: 84-AFC-04C
Project Title: Compliance - Application for Certification for the Gilroy Foods Cogeneration Project
Generated On: 2/17/2025 11:17:59 PM

TN #Docketed DateDocument TitleExhibit #ToFrom
23111212/11/2019 Gilroy Cogeneration Project - 2018 Annual Compliance Report
2018 Annual Compliance Report for the Gilroy Cogeneration Project.
26 page(s)
 CEC/Mary DyasCalpine Gilroy Cogen, LP
2262861/9/2019 Gilroy Cogeneration Project - Notice of Decision
Gilroy Cogeneration Project - Notice of Decision for PTA approved at 12/10/2018 Business Meeting.
1 page(s)
 CEC/Docket UnitCalifornia Energy Commission
2262081/4/2019 Gilroy Cogeneration Project Order Approving Removal of Integrated Assessment of Need Condition 3
Order approving removal of Integrated Assessment of Need Condition of Certification 3 for the Gilroy Cogeneration Project
3 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsCalifornia Energy Commission
22573511/1/2018 Gilroy_Cogeneration_Project_Petition_to_Amend_Staff_Analysis
Staff Analysis for Gilroy Cogen Petition to Amend Need Condition 3
6 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsCalifornia Energy Commission
22558610/30/2018 Compliance Docketing Policy

3 page(s)
 Plant ManagerCalifornia Energy Commission
22493010/9/2018 NOTICE OF RECEIPT Petition to Amend
2 page(s)
 1516 9th Street, Sacramento CA 95814California Energy Commission
22487910/4/2018 Gilroy Cogen Project - Petition to Amend - NEED-3
Gilroy Cogeneration Project - Petition to Amend Condition of Certification NEED-3
5 page(s)
 CEC/Mary DyasCalpine Gilroy Cogen, L.P.
702814/12/2013 Order 13-0410-4 Approving Petiton to Install Two New Selective Catalytic Reduction Units on the Two Auxilary Boilers and Proposed Confitiond of Cert AQ-SC-1 thru AQ-SC-7, and Modifications to Condition 1.3

4 page(s)
 CEC/Docket UnitCEC/ C. Hoffman
702594/10/2013 Notice of Decision

1 page(s)
 California Natural Resources AgencyCEC/R.Johnson
700503/25/2013 Staff Analysis of Proposed Installation of Two New Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) Units on the Project’s Two Auxiliary Boilers

16 page(s)
 Interested PartiesCEC/ C. Hoffman
696332/22/2013 Revised Notice of Receipt

3 page(s)
 CEC/Docket UnitCEC/ Chris Marxen
695812/19/2013 Petition to Amend Commission Decision - Conditions of Certification

11 page(s)
 CEC/C.HoffmanCalpine Gilroy Cogen L.P/B.McBride
6886612/13/2012 Notice of Receipt

3 page(s)
 CEC/Docket UnitCEC/C.Marxen
6885612/12/2012 Petition to Amend Commission Decision Conditions

11 page(s)
 CEC/C.StoraCalpine Gilroy Cogen LP/F.Parra
603814/26/2011 Letter to Calpine Corp. regarding Approval of Petition to Amend

1 page(s)
 CEC/ Docket UnitCEC. C. Snow
602884/19/2011 Order Approving a Petition to Install Dry Low Nitrogen Oxide Combustor Unit

5 page(s)
 CEC/Dockets UnitCEC/R.Weisenmiller
602824/19/2011 Notice of Decision

1 page(s)
 CEC/ Docket UnitCEC/ C. Snow
601373/28/2011 Memoranum of Understanding between CEC and WCCC

6 page(s)
 West Coast Code Consultants Inc.CEC/ C. Marxen
598092/25/2011 Letter to Interested Parties and Staff Analysis

9 page(s)
 Interested PartiesCEC/ C. Snow
5876610/13/2010 Notice of Receipt Petition to Amend Commission Decision

3 page(s)
 CEC/Docket UnitCEC/M. Errecart
585229/16/2010 Calpine Gilroy Cogen Amendment

28 page(s)
 CEC/C. StoraCalpine Gilroy Cogen LP/B. McBride
584999/16/2010 Calpine Gilroy Cogen, LP Amendment

28 page(s)
 CEC/ Docket UnitCapline Gilroy L.P/ B. Bride
3608012/14/2005 Order Approving Modifications to Change the Source of Power Plant Cooling Water to Recycled Wastewater

3 page(s)
 CEC/Docket UnitCEC/Desmond
348987/13/2005 Notice of Decision on: Calpine Gilroy Cogen Project.

1 page(s)
 CEC/Docket UnitCEC/M. Pryor
346346/20/2005 Staff Analysis of Proposed Modifications to change the source of Cooling water From Well Water to Recycle Water

11 page(s)
 Interested Parties/DocketsCEC/Pryor
341134/26/2005 Notice of Receipt Petition to Amend

3 page(s)
339694/20/2005 Neighboring Property Owner Information

1 page(s)
338793/17/2005 Amendment No 1, Calpine Gilroy Cogen Project.

19 page(s)
 Chuck Najarian/Cec/docket UnitEllison, Schneider & Harris, Llp/J. Harris
31779/6/1996 Petition for License Transfer Under 20 CCR 1769(b). Notification of Effective Date of License Transfer to Calpine Gilroy Cogen, L.P.

2 page(s)
 CEC/Docket FileMiller, Karp & Grattan/Sandra Carey
31148/16/1996 Commission Order Transferring License to Calpine Gilroy Cogen, L.P. Resolution # 96-0807-01(b)

2 page(s)
 CEC/Docket FileCalifornia Energy Commission/Sally Rakow
28946/25/1996 Petition for License Transfer under 20 CCR Section 1769(b) (Docket No. 84-AFC-4C)

8 page(s)
 Jesse Saenz/Docket OfficerSandra A. Carey/Miller, Karp And Grattan
26504/19/1996 Letter submitting the change in the parcels of land used for wastewater disposal

2 page(s)
 CEC/Docket FileCEC/Scott
25253/13/1996 Notice of Post-Certification Change, a proposed change in the parcels of land used for wasterwater disposal

1 page(s)
 CEC/Docket FileCEC/Therkelsen