Docket Log

Docket: 02-AFC-02
Project Title: Salton Sea Unit 6 Power Plant Project, 185mw
Generated On: 7/27/2024 5:23:02 AM

TN #Docketed DateDocument TitleExhibit #ToFrom
473457/31/2008 Amendment Petition Application (02-AFC-2) Salton Sea Unit 6 Imperial County, California

37 page(s)
 CEC D.RundquistM. Sharpless
344836/1/2005 Order Number 05-0511-2 Order Approving A Petition To Add A Binary Cycle Turbine.

18 page(s)
 Docket UnitCEC
341545/2/2005 Salton Sea Unit 6 Power Project Addendum to Staff Analysis of Proposed Modifications to Add a Binary-Cycle Turbine and Increase Generation.

2 page(s)
 Docket Unit/ C. BruinsCEC Cec
339944/14/2003 Preliminary Staff Assessment for Salton Sea

500 page(s)
 DocketsCEC Cec
309386/12/2003 Report of Conversation with J. Brooks, USFWS, Law Enforcement from San Diego re: Discuss Potential Impacts from Geothermal

1 page(s)
3063712/19/2003 Salton Sea - COMMISSION DECISION

250 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsCEC Cec
3062612/18/2003 Notice of Decision by the California Energy Commission

3 page(s)
3060912/16/2003 Salton Sea -- COMMENTS on the Presiding Member's Proposed Decision; from CURE.POS

8 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsM. Joseph/Cure
3060212/15/2003 Salton Sea - ERRATA TO PMPD. POS

253 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsCEC Cec
3059712/12/2003 Staff PMPD Response to Committee Conference Comments for Salton Sea

5 page(s)
3055912/10/2003 Letter stating her offer to support the proposed construction of a 185-megawatt geothermal power plant near the Salton Sea

1 page(s)
 CECBCecboard MembersCalifornia State Senate, Senator Denise Moreno Duc
3054712/9/2003 Energy Commission Staff PMPD Supplemental Testimony and Comments for Salton Sea Unit 6

39 page(s)
3052212/5/2003 Comments on the Final Staff Assessment Part 1 for Salton Sea

1 page(s)
 CEC/Richins/docketsDepartment Of The Army/Villalobos
3051412/3/2003 Notice of Commission Hearing to be held on December 17, 2003 Regarding whether the CEC should adopt the PMPD for Salto Sea Geothermal Project - POS

5 page(s)
3051112/4/2003 Comments on the PMPD

1 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsDepartment Of Fish & Game/Crayon
3050812/3/2003 Notice of Commission Hearing to be held on December 17, 2003 Regarding whether the CEC should adopt the PMPD for Salton Sea Geothermal Project - POS

5 page(s)
3046311/21/2003 Notice of Committee Conference on Proposed Decision - POS

6 page(s)
3040611/14/2003 Presiding Member's Proposed Decision - Publication # P800-03-016

242 page(s)
3040511/14/2003 Notice of Availability of Proposed Decision - POS

5 page(s)
3034111/7/2003 Sign in Sheet for Salton Sea Hearings

1 page(s)
 DocketsCEC Cec
3034011/7/2003 Findings of the CEC's review - POS

4 page(s)
 CEC/Hussler/docketKumeyaay Cultural Repatriation Committee/Banegas
3032511/6/2003 Commission Staff's Post-Hearing Modification to Proposed Conditions of Certification - POS

9 page(s)
3031511/4/2003 Draft Presiding Member's Proposed Decision - POS

242 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsLatham & Watkins/Carroll
3024910/28/2003 Applicant's Supplemental Written Testimony re Project Description, Facility Design, Power Plant Reliability and Efficiency

5 page(s)
 CEC/DocketLatham & Watkins/Kihm
3023310/27/2003 Evidentiary Hearing Comment Letter - POS

5 page(s)
 CEC/DocketBill Powers
3023210/27/2003 Comments on the FSA Conditions of Certification AQ1 & AQ28

1 page(s)
 CEC/GoldenImperial County Apcd/Dillon/flores
3023110/27/2003 Applicant's Supplemental Written Testimony regarding Hazardous Materials Handling, Environmental Justice, Hazardous Waste Management, and Fire Protection/Emergency Response

13 page(s)
 CEC/DocketLatham & Watkins/Kihm
3022910/24/2003 Summary of Native American Issues

10 page(s)
3022810/24/2003 Supplemental Testimony in Response to Committee Questions for Evidentiary Hearings Regarding the Salton Sea Geothermal Project

4 page(s)
 CEC/DocketCEC Cec
3022510/24/2003 Transcript of the PreHearing Conference on Tuesday, October 14, 2003

43 page(s)
 CEC/DocketCEC Cec
3022410/24/2003 Revised Proof of Service

4 page(s)
3021710/23/2003 Paul Neil's signature page regarding Applicant's Written Testimony - POS

5 page(s)
 CEC/DocketLatham & Watkins/Kihm
3018610/17/2003 FSA Addendum-POS

42 page(s)
 CEC CecCEC/Worl
3018510/17/2003 Committee Questions for Evidentiary Hearing

5 page(s)
 CEC CecCEC/Keese/pernell
3017710/17/2003 Applicant's Written Testimony-POS

103 page(s)
 CEC CecLatham & Watkins/Kihm
3016310/15/2003 Electronic Proof of Service for Oct. 17, 2003 Evidentiary Hearing

1 page(s)
3016210/15/2003 Notice of Evidentiary Hearing, Oct. 17, 2003

7 page(s)
3016110/14/2003 ROC between C. Roberts and USFWS-Salton Sea Coordinator re: Discuss Potential Impacts from BIO-14 and BIO-15

1 page(s)
3016010/14/2003 ROC between C. Pelizza with Salton Sea Refuge Biologist re: Discuss Yuma Clapper Rail surveys near Salton Sea

1 page(s)
3011310/9/2003 Proof of Service List POS

4 page(s)
 CEC/All Parties/docketsCEC/Fontanilla
3011210/10/2003 Commission Staff's Prehearing Conference Statement Oct., 14, 2003 POS

6 page(s)
3011110/10/2003 Applicant's Prehearing Conference Statement POS

30 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsLatham And Watkins/Kihm
3008010/8/2003 Declaration of William D. Walters

1 page(s)
3007910/8/2003 Declaration of Lisa A. Blewitt

1 page(s)
3007710/7/2003 Impact to jurisdictional waters re: Salton Sea Unit 6.

1 page(s)
 Baker/Army Corp Of Engineers/cec/docketsRaemy/Ce Obsidian Energy Llc
3006910/6/2003 CE Obsidian Energy LLC's Comments on the Salton Sea Unit 6 Final Staff Assessment, Part 2 (Air Quality, Public Health, and Alternatives) - POS.

15 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsKihm/Latham & Watkins Llp
3006810/7/2003 Native American Cultural Resources

1 page(s)
 Haussler/Cec/docketsMadrigal/Cahuilla Tribal Environmental Office
3004810/2/2003 CORRECTED NOTICE Workshop Continuation Notice FSA POS

4 page(s)
3004710/2/2002 Workshop Continuation Notice Continued Workshop FSA POS

4 page(s)
3004610/2/2003 Sign In Sheet Salton Sea FSA Part 2 Workshop, Wed. October 1, 2003

1 page(s)
300269/26/2003 Final Staff Assessment Part 2 POS

152 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsCEC Cec
300249/30/2003 Notice of Availability FSA Part 2

2 page(s)
300239/30/2003 Request for Agency Comment on FSA Part 2

1 page(s)
 CEC/Agency Distribution/docketsCEC/Chew/richins
300229/30/2003 Document Handling FSA Part 2

2 page(s)
299739/24/2003 Notice of Prehearing Conference for the Salton Sea Geothermal Project - POS.

8 page(s)
299409/19/2003 Salton Sea Unit 6 FSA Workshop Notice - POS.

5 page(s)
299009/15/2003 Requesting continuance of formal consultation begun by the Bureau of Land Management - POS.

5 page(s)
 Bartel/Cec/docketsDurham/Dept. Of The Army
297338/28/2003 Comments on Final Review of Salton Sea Unit 6 (02-AFC-2)

4 page(s)
 Birdsall/Imperial County Air Pollution Control DisO'brien/Cec
296808/19/2003 Letter dated August 18, 2003, CEC Siting Regulation Section 1209.5 and CEC Protocols for Electronic POS PIlot Project ("CEC Protocols") a letter from Stephen Larsen to Harry Dillon, dated August 14, 2003

12 page(s)
 Dockets/CecLatham & Watkins Llp/Kihm
296778/25/2003 CEC Siting Regulation Section 1209.5 and CEC Protocols for Electronic Proof of Service Pilot Project ("CEC Protocols") a copy of Applicant's Comments to CEC Final Staff Assessment

18 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsLatham & Watkins Llp
296588/19/2003 Salton Sea Unit 6 - - Workshop Agenda, August 19, 2003, regarding Biology, Land Use, Cultural Resources Conditions of Certification & Mitigation discussions, and discussions reading Scheduling.

2 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsCEC/B. Worl
296468/18/2003 McCarroll Response to APCD, Letter from Stephen Larsen to Harry Dillion Re: CalEngry Operating Corporation-Leathers Facility Permit #1927E

11 page(s)
 Imperial County Apcd/Dillon/cec/docketsCalenergy Operating Corp/S. Larsen
296128/5/2003 Final Staff Assessment - Part 1 -- for Salton Sea Geothermal Unit #6. POS

580 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsCEC/R. Worl
295868/12/2003 Letter Informing that an Accord was Reached Between us and California Unions for Reliable Energy

1 page(s)
 CEC/Dockets/committeeRaemy/Obsidian Energy Llc
295368/8/2003 Salton Sea Unit 6 Workshop Biology, Land Use and Cultural Resources Mitigation: Final Staff Assessment Part 1 -POS

6 page(s)
295088/7/2003 Imperial County Air Pollution Control District Final Determination of Compliance

42 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsLatham & Watkins/Kihm
295028/7/2003 Document Handling for the Salton Sea Unit 6 Geothermal Project Final Staff Assessment Part 1

2 page(s)
294928/6/2003 Salton Sea Geothermal Unit 6 Power Plant Project: Docket No. 02-AFC-02, CEC Siting Regulation Section 1209.5 and CEC Protocols Electronic Proof of Service Pilot Project ("CEC Protocols")

41 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsLatham & Watkins
294808/5/2003 Site Confidentiality for "Cultural Resources Inventory and Limited Testing Program of the Proposed Salton Sea Interconnection Route"

66 page(s)
 CEC/WorlImperial Irrigation District/Collins
294798/5/2003 Request for Agency Comments on the Final Staff Assessment (Part 1) for the Salton Sea Unit 6 Power Project

1 page(s)
294778/6/2003 Response to the Proposed Draft "Conditions fo Certification" for Cal Energy APN 020-110-08-01 for Salton Sea Geothermal Unit #6 Power Plant Project

26 page(s)
 CEC/WorlPalnning/Building Department
294758/4/2003 Imperial County Air Pollution Control District (ICAPCD) Final Determination of Compliance documentation. (original POS).

41 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsLatham &watkins/R. Dickson
294567/31/2003 Comments and concerns regarding the Salton Sea Unit 6 Project.

1 page(s)
 CEC/D. Torres/docketsQuechan Indian Tribe/M. Jackson
294467/29/2003 PSA Workshop Responses- POS

50 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsLatham & Watkins/ Dickson
294457/28/2003 Letter requesting allowance of Quechan tribe to provide evidence of the importance of protecting the site

1 page(s)
 CEC/Environmental Protection Office/torresDunzweiler
294357/30/2003 Joint Mitigation Proposal of CE Obsidian Energy LLC and California Unions for Reliable Energy

17 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsAdams Broadwell Joseph & Cardozo
292677/15/2003 Native American Consultation Record, Attachments: ROC's, Solicitation and Response Letters

68 page(s)
 Salton Sea Unit 6 Project FilesWorl
291507/3/2003 Support Salton Sea Geothermal Project, Application for Certification, Docket No. 02-AFC-2

1 page(s)
 CEC/Keese/docketsColab/Ayron M. Schoneman
291256/27/2003 CE Obsidian Energy - System Impact Study Sensitivity Cases Power Plow Analysis - Transmission Planning

736 page(s)
 CEC CecImperial Irrigation District
290996/12/2003 Report of Conversation with various people to discuss permitting of transmission line from Salton Sea

2 page(s)
290986/12/2003 Report of Conversation with M. Hangan, Bureau of Land Management re: Native American Consultation

1 page(s)
290716/18/2003 Applicant's Response to Issues Raised at the June 4th Biological Resources Workshop - POS

6 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsLatham & Watkins/Kihm
289796/12/2003 Comments to Supplement the Refuge Comments - POS

5 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsUs Department Of The Interior/Pelizza
289786/12/2003 Report of Conversation with J. Brooks, USFWS, Law Enforcement from San Diego re: Discuss Potential Impacts from Geothermal

1 page(s)
289776/12/2003 Report of Conversation with J. Brana, Department of Fish & Game re: Discuss Potential Impacts from Geothermal Brine Ponds

1 page(s)
289766/12/2003 Report of Conversation with M. Hangan, Bureau of Land Management re: Native American Consultation

1 page(s)
289756/12/2003 Report of Conversation to Discuss Premitting of Transmission Line from Salton Sea

2 page(s)
289296/6/2003 Applicant's PSA Workshop Responses - POS

34 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsLatham & Watkins/Kihm
289136/9/2003 Applicant's Letter from Bernard Raemy - POS

7 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsLatham & Wakins/Kihm
289076/9/2003 Visitor Information - Sonny Bono National Wildlife Refuge for 10/1/01 to 9/30/02

3 page(s)
288305/27/2003 Comments provided to supplement the Refuge comments provided in the May 15 document

2 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsUs Dept Of Interior/Pelizza
287415/23/2003 Workshop Notice - Transmission Line Segments L-1 to L-3: Workshop to Discuss the Location of the Salton Sea Unit #6 Project - POS

5 page(s)
287405/23/2003 Report of Conversation - Fatuma Yusuf, CH2MHill - Minor Data Revisions to SSU6 FSA and Update on MID Ripon

1 page(s)
287275/21/2003 Comments on CEC Preliminary Staff Assessment - POS

6 page(s)
 CEC/Worl/docketsPlanning Building Dept/Cabanilla
287135/22/2003 USFWS Workshop Comments Summary

3 page(s)
287105/19/2003 Request for 1981 Power Plant Conditional Use Permits for the Ten MW Demonstration Facility in the Salton Sea Anomaly and 1976 Terms, Conditions and Standards

41 page(s)
 CEC/Kramer/docketsIc Planning/Cabanilla
287095/19/2003 Preliminary Staff Assessment Workshop for Salton Sea

3 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsCEC Cec
287085/19/2003 Preliminary Staff Assessment Workshop Project Mailing List for Salton Sea

3 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsCEC Cec
287075/19/2003 Comments in support of the AFC and PSA

4 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsUs Department Of The Interior/Pelizza
286735/9/2003 Comments on the Preliminary Staff Assessment - POS

30 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsLatham & Watkins/Carroll
286605/6/2003 Comments on the Preliminary Staff Assessment for Salton Sea

3 page(s)
 CEC/Worl/docketsImperial County/Heuberger
286095/2/2003 Proposed Project Site Irrigation Water Data 1996 through 2002

1 page(s)
 CEC/Worl/docketsImperial Irrigation District/Lutz
286065/1/2003 Workshop Agenda for Salton Sea Preliminary Staff Assessment Workshop - POS

5 page(s)
285694/23/2003 Response to CURE's Data Request, Set Five (Nos 359 - 412) - POS

28 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsLatham & Wakins/Kihm
285614/23/2003 Workshop Notice - Preliminary Staff Assessment for Salton Sea - POS

6 page(s)
285594/23/2003 CURE Data Request Set 5 Final - POS (CD)

4 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsLatham & Watkins/Kihm
285583/23/2003 Response to CURE's Set 5 (# 359 - 412) - POS

28 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsLatham & Wakins/Kihm
285164/14/2003 Request for Agency Comments on the Preliminary Staff Assessment

1 page(s)
 Agency Distribution List/DocketsCEC/Richins
285154/14/2003 Notice of Availability Preliminary Staff Assessment

3 page(s)
285144/14/2003 Document Handling for Salton Sea - Preliminary Staff Assessment

1 page(s)
284414/7/2003 Gulesserian Letter on Behalf of CURE re: Water Quality Impacts - POS

87 page(s)
284244/4/2003 Agency Review - Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment

2 page(s)
 CEC/Townsen-hough/docketsDepartment Of Toxic Substances Control/Plaza
284234/4/2003 BLM Seeks Public Comments on Plan Amendment for Proposed Powerline Project

1 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsBureau Of Land Management/
284224/4/2003 Notice of Intent to Prepare an Amendment to the California Desert Conservation Area Plan for a 2.8 Mile Right-of-Way Proposed by Imperial Irrigation District for a Double Circuit 161 kV Overhead Transmission Line

2 page(s)
 Depart Of Interior/Cec/docketsDepartment Of Interior
284214/4/2003 Agency Review of Salton Sea

1 page(s)
 CEC/Townsen-hough/docketsDepartment Of Toxic Substance Control/Plaza
284083/21/2003 Follow-up Letter to the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment for Salton Sea

6 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsAdams Broadwell Joseph & Cardozo
283993/25/2003 Data Request - POS

5 page(s)
283933/25/2003 Responses to CEC Data Requests, Set 4 B (136, 137 and 139) - POS

18 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsLatham Watkins/Carroll
283873/24/2003 CURE Data Requests, Set 5 (#359-412) - POS

20 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsAdams Broadwell Joseph & Cardozo/Heeleygluesserian
283863/25/2003 Confidential Materials - Cultural and Palecontological - POS

4 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsLatham & Watkins/Kihm
283744/1/2003 Submittal of Confidential Materials

4 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsLatham & Watkins/Kihm
283733/21/2003 CURE Letter to Ellie Townsend-Hough Re: Follow-up to the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment for Salton Sea

6 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsAdams Broadwell Joseph & Cordozo/Heeley/gulesseria
282533/18/2003 Permit Review

5 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsImperial County Air Pollution Control Dist
282503/13/2003 Permit Review

3 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsImperial County Air Pollution Control District
282493/13/2003 Response to Comments in ICAPCD PDOC Document for Salton Sea

7 page(s)
282383/7/2003 Obsidian Butte Read Improvement and Pipeway Details - Enclosed is Attachment DCR-352 to Applicant's Respones to CURE's Set 4 (# 276-358)

4 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsLatham & Watkins/Kihm
282373/7/2003 Letter re: Legally Appropriate Description of Existing Water Use in the Salton Sea Project - POS

9 page(s)
 CEC/Krolak/docketsAdams Broadwell Joseph & Cordozo/Gulesserian
281793/3/2003 Responses to CURE Data Requests, Set 4 (#'s 276-358) - POS

296 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsLatham & Wakins/Carroll
281682/28/2003 Gas Analysis Reports from Cal Energy's Existing Geothermal Plants

7 page(s)
 Levine/Cec/docketsImperial County Apcd/Dillon
281672/28/2003 Responses to CEC Data Requests, Set Four (Nos. 136-147) POS

13 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsLatham And Watkins/Carroll
281662/28/2003 SSU6 Dilution Water Heater Plumes For Simulation POS

4 page(s)
281572/28/2003 Report of Conversation between R. Cabanilla and Imperial Co Planning Dept. re: Salton Sea Master EIR

4 page(s)
281562/28/2003 Report of Telephone Conversation between C. Artman and US Fish and Wildlife regarding Rock Hill Trail

4 page(s)
281472/24/2003 CURE Comments on the Preliminary Determination of Compliance POS

283 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsAdams, Broadwell, Joseph And Cardozo/Heeley
280442/14/2003 Applicant's Responses to CEC/CURE January 2003 Workshop Data Request (# 3, 4, 8, 9, 31-44, 80, 94, 154 and 178) - POS

17 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsLatham & Watkins/Carroll
280312/14/2003 Workshop Notice - Data Response Workshop - 2/27/03 - Sacramento - POS

6 page(s)
279972/5/2003 Responses to CEC Data Request Set 3 # 107-139 - POS

34 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsLatham & Watkins/Carroll
279531/31/2003 CURE Data Requests Set # 4 - POS

70 page(s)
279492/4/2003 Preliminary Notice of Determination of Compliance with Applicable Rules

31 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsCe Obsidian Energy
279452/7/2003 Gulesserian Letter to Nelson - Attachments - POS

41 page(s)
279422/3/2003 Response to CURE Data Request Set 3 (#237-275) - POS

99 page(s)
 CEC/DocketLatham & Watkins/Carroll
279392/5/2003 CD ROM of Attachment CDR-265 to Applicant's Responses to CURE's Data Request, Set 3 (#237-275)

3 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsLatham & Watkins/Carroll
279341/29/2003 Data Requests POS

9 page(s)
 Ce Obisidian/Hansen/docketsCEC/Worl
279181/31/2003 CURE Data Request Set # 4

2 page(s)
 Ce Obsidian Energy/Hansen/cec/docketsCure/Gulesserian
279111/30/2003 Report of Conversation re: Calipatria Union School District with Betty Raceles

2 page(s)
279071/30/2003 Applicant's Notice of Additional Counsel - POS

4 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsLatham & Watkins/Kihm
2788112/16/2002 Financial Hardship Petition - POS

2 page(s)
278791/24/2003 Additional clarification needed on the location(s) of documented pupfish occurrences.

2 page(s)
 Dept. Of The Army/Durham/cec/docketsUs Dept Of Interior/Sorenson
278691/23/2003 Gulesserian Letter to Harvey (1/21/03) - POS

4 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsAdams Broadwell Joseph & Cardozo/Heeley
278661/23/2003 Particulate Emission Measurements from Controlled Construction Activities (G. E. Muleski & C. Cowherd 2001) - POS

69 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsLatham & Watkins/Harvey
278651/23/2003 Request for Additional Time to Respond for CEC Data Request, Set 3 137 and 139 - POS

4 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsLatham & Watkins/Harvey
278421/22/2003 Order Granting Petition to Intervene and Financial Hardship Petition - Bill Powers P.E. - POS

5 page(s)
278401/16/2003 Response from Applicant re: Project Capital Costs

3 page(s)
278341/17/2003 Order on Geothermal Resources Availability - POS

4 page(s)
278321/17/2003 Comments on OB-3 and Associated Pipelines

4 page(s)
 Department Of The Army/Durham/cec/docketsUs Department Of The Interior/Sorensen
278311/16/2003 Supplemental Responses to CEC Data Request 31 through 38 (Set One, # 1 - 98)

115 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsLatham & Watkin/Harvey
278031/8/2003 Letter to Inform that a Geothermal Electric Power Plant Proposed in the District

2 page(s)
 Honorable Dave Kelley/Cec/docketsCEC/Keese
278021/8/2003 Letter to Inform that a Geothermal Electric Power Plant Proposed for the District

2 page(s)
 Board Of Supervisor/KuiperCEC/Keese
278011/8/2003 Letter to Inform that a Geothermal Electric Power Plant Proposed for the District

2 page(s)
 Honorable Jim Battin/Cec/docketsCEC/Keese
277961/8/2003 Applicant's Supplemental Response to CEC Data Request 105 and 106 (Set 2, # 99 - 106) - POS

689 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsLatham & Watkins/Harvey
277951/8/2003 Letter from Bernard Raemy to Robert Worl dated 1/7/03 - POS

5 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsLatham & Watkins/Harvey
277911/8/2003 Data Request - POS

14 page(s)
 Ce Obsidian Energy, Llc/Hansen/cec/docketsCEC/Worl
277751/3/2003 Responses to California Unions for Reliable Energy Data Requests, Set Two (Nos. 99-236) POS

95 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsLatham And Watkins/Kihm
277731/3/2003 CURE Data Requests, Set Three (#237-275) POS

24 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsAdams Broadwell Joseph And Cardoza/Heeley
2775312/30/2002 Cultural & Paleontological Resources Application for Confidentiality - POS

5 page(s)
 Ce Obsidian Energy/Hansen/cec/docketsCEC/Larson
2772212/26/2002 Workshop Notice - Data Response & Issues Workshop - POS

6 page(s)
2771312/23/2002 Responses to California Unions for Reliable Energy Data Requests Set One (Nos. 1 - 98) - POS

114 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsLatham & Watkins/Harvey
2766312/16/2002 Petition for Intervention - POS

3 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsB. Powers
2765712/16/2002 Responses to CEC Data Requests, Set Two (99-106) POS

17 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsLatham And Watkins/Harvey
2759412/11/2002 Data Requests and Responses Set #1-CD, and Data Response #97, with Raw Meteorological Surface Data-CD

2 page(s)
 CEC/Worl/docketsCe Obsidian/Raemy
2756812/2/2002 Salton Sea Unit 6, Data Requests and Responses Set #1 (Responses to Data Requests: 1-98) POS

623 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsLatham And Watkins/Harvey
2756612/6/2002 Revised Attachment to PH-54C POS

4 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsLatham And Watkins/Harvey
2756112/5/2002 CURE Data Requests, Set Two (#99-236) POS

51 page(s)
 CEC/DocktsAdams Broadwell Joseph And Cardoza/Heeley
2750111/22/2002 CURE Data Requests, Set One (1-98) POS

32 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsAdams Broadwell Joseph And Cardoza/Heeley
2749311/21/2002 Status Report

2 page(s)
2748911/21/2002 Information Hearing and Site Visit Sign in Sheet

3 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsSalton Sea
2748211/21/2002 Order Granting Petition to Intervene - CURE - POS

4 page(s)
2747611/15/2002 Declarations of Michael Woods

1 page(s)
 DocketsM. Woods
2747511/15/2002 Geothermal Resource Evaluation

3 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsM. Woods
2747411/15/2002 Professional Qualifications

1 page(s)
 DocketsM. Woods
2745611/15/2002 Amended Declaration and Exhibits for Geothermal Resource Availability Hearing on November 19, 2002 POS

15 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsLatham And Watkins/Harvey
2744011/15/2002 Data Requests

7 page(s)
 Ce Obsidian Energy/Hansen/docketsCEC/Worl
2743711/14/2002 Declaration and Exhibits for Geothermal Resource Availability Hearing on November 19, 2002 POS

15 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsLatham And Watkins/Harvey
2741911/14/2002 Geothermal Resource Evaluation Testimony of Steve Baker

3 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsCEC Cec
2738811/13/2002 Deed to Property and Aerial Photograph

12 page(s)
 CEC/Worl/docketsCeobsidian Energy/Hansen
2738011/8/2002 Applicant's Request for Additional Time to Respond to CEC's Data Request Set 1, Nos. 4, 31(a) - 31(a), and 70 and 71 - POS

4 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsLatham Watkins/Harvey
2722610/31/2002 IID Transmission

7 page(s)
2722310/31/2002 Notice of Hearing on Geothermal Resource Availability - POS

5 page(s)
2722210/31/2002 Notice of Public Information Hearing & Site Visit - POS

7 page(s)
2719810/30/2002 Letter re: Comments Public Works Case # 2002-043

2 page(s)
 Depart. Of Industrial Relations/Holton/docketsMcguire Woods/Courson
2719710/30/2002 Response to 9/23/02 request for additional comments re: Public Works Case # 2002-043

2 page(s)
 Depart Of Industrial Relations/Holton/docketsCEC/Larson
2719610/30/2002 Letter re: Effect of Public Utilities Code Section 339.14 Subdivision (h)

2 page(s)
 Depart. Of Industrial Relations/Holton/cec/docketsAdams Broadwell Joseph & Cardozo/Poole
2719410/30/2002 Data Requests

31 page(s)
 Ce Obsidian Energy/Hansen/cec/docketsCEC/Worl
2715710/25/2002 Issue Identification Report

10 page(s)
2711310/21/2002 Geothermal Resources for Salton Sea

5 page(s)
 DocketsCe Obsidian Energy
2699510/9/2002 Certificate of Service of Petition to Intervene by California Unions for Reliable Energy POS

3 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsAdams Broadwell Joseph And Cardoza/Heeley
2696810/9/2002 Letter from the Army Crops of Engineers to the US Fish and Wildlife Services Dated October 3, 2002 - -POS

5 page(s)
 CEC/DocketsLatham & Watkins/Kihm
2694210/7/2002 Petition to Intervene by CURE - POS

5 page(s)
2692910/8/2002 Effect project may have on endangered species, Yuma Clapper Rail

3 page(s)
 Us Fish & Wildlife Ser./Bartel/cec/docketsDepartment Of The Army/Durham
2686310/2/2002 Airport Land Use Commission Finding of Project Consistency

1 page(s)
 Imperial Irrigation Dist/Kelley/cec/docketsPlanning Building Department/Cabanilla
2686210/2/2002 Dispersion Modeling Input and Output Files

1 page(s)
 CEC/Worl/docketsRpt Environmental Assoc/Skipka
267699/16/2002 Application for Confidential Designation-Archaeological Inventory

1 page(s)
 CEC/Larson/docketsCeobisidian Energy Llc/Raemy
267379/20/2002 Data Adequacy Recommendation for Salton Sea

46 page(s)
267349/19/2002 Responses to Data Adequacy Recommendation dated August 21, 2002

208 page(s)
265528/29/2002 Letter to correct misunderstanding regarding Variance

2 page(s)
 CEC/Worl/docketsImperial County Planning/Building Department/heube
265118/22/2002 Data Adequacy Recommendation

97 page(s)
264918/20/2002 Volume I of the Salton Sea Unit 6 AFC Replacement Pages that Reflect edits to the Original Filing

19 page(s)
264898/20/2002 Additional Comments on the Proposed CEC AFC by the CE Obsidian Energy

2 page(s)
 CEC/Worl/docketsPlanning / Building Department/cabanilla
264808/19/2002 Air Quality Section 5.1 of the AFC to be deemed as complete

1 page(s)
 CEC/Larson/docketsImperial County Ai Pollution Control District/Poir
264548/14/2002 Letter that the CEC has determined to wait to consider the geothermal resource sufficiency issue

1 page(s)
 Ca Dept. Of Conservation/ThomasCEC/Kennedy
264268/12/2002 Comments on the Proposed Application for Certification by the Salton Sea Geothermal

2 page(s)
 CEC/Worl/docketsImperial County Planning/Building Department/caban
264048/8/2002 Request Cal Division of Oil and Gas, and Geothermal Resources review of an application

2 page(s)
 California Dept. Of Conservation/Thomas/docketCEC/Kennedy
263798/1/2002 Document Handling

3 page(s)
263788/1/2002 Request for Agency Review

3 page(s)
 Agency Distribution List/DocketsCEC/Johnson
263778/1/2002 Notice of Receipt of AFC

2 page(s)
263758/1/2002 System Impact Study Vol. I, Vol. II part 1 of 2 and Volume II part 2 of 2

1635 page(s)
 CEC/LarsonCe Obsidian Energy/Hansen
263747/30/2002 Application for Confidential Designation Cultural and Paleontological Resources

1 page(s)
 CEC/Larson/docketsCe Obsidian Energy Llc/Hansen
263737/29/2002 Application for Certification Volumes I and II

2500 page(s)
 CEC/Larson/docketsCe Obsidian Energy Llc/Heinrich
2034-010/24/2003 Prehearing Conference

43 page(s)

52 page(s)
1780-011/8/2003 Evidentiary Hearing

168 page(s)
1695-012/23/2002 Informational Hearing

84 page(s)